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Late Imperial China: Effects of Intellectual and Historical Traditions
6 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, while Cixi made an effort toward welcoming reforms, his support for certain aspects of the classical system are quite evident.... He, for example, notes that, “Our own august ancestors set up new systems to meet the requirement of the day… Laws and methods become obsolete and, once obsolete, require revision in order to serve their intended purpose”2.... For example, Cixi notes in her edict that, “Western wealth and power are based on… precepts, handed down by our ancestors: “to hold high office and show generosity to others”3....
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Identifying and Analyzing Genres
4 pages (1331 words) , Download 0 , Report
Dirk writes that to understand a joke about country music, one must have a little knowledge about country music By giving an example of country music, Dirk aims to explain how specific genres have certain distinctive features, in terms of rhetoric and composition, which are aimed towards their audiences.... By giving an example of country music, Dirk aims to explain how specific genres have certain distinctive features, in terms of rhetoric and composition, which are aimed towards their audiences....
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Cloud Storage Deployment
7 pages (1970 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Cloud Storage Deployment" states that Cloud computing is an innovative technology that models a utilization platform allowing the business enterprise to access data storage and computing power of remote technologies on the example of Realtech Company.... ... ... ... The advancement of technology has resulted in voluminous data in business enterprises, requiring the establishment of data centers to handle it....
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Songs by Rage Against the Machine
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 3 , Report
Dick Cheney is just one example of people who made a lot of young men go to wear, and get proverbial (and sometimes real) ‘bullets' in their heads in order so that he could become a very rich man, living on a heart pump which helps keep him alive (it's expensive).... People who hold offices in the military, for example, take precedence because it is difficult to replace these people with liberals who favor demilitarization—and that would be hard to do because it is the military we are talking about....
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Two Major Aspects of Freudian Theory
5 pages (1556 words) , Download 0 , Report
A man who is angry at his boss ventilating his frustration at home by shouting on his wife and children is an example of ‘displacement', in which an object is replaced with another.... Blaming the circumstances for one's failure is a common example of projection.... Alcoholics refuse to accept they have a problem and that is an example of ‘denial', a defence process in which, people pretend that a thing, that is unpleasant, did not happen at all....
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International Engineering Management
12 pages (3495 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "International Engineering Management" highlights that With increased competition in Australia and benefits presented with the Malaysian and Vietnamese economy, TNA needs to consider expanding its market segment in these Asian countries.... ... ... ... Considered as the leading supplier of turnkey, TNA integrated its food packaging and processing solutions globally....
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Sprinklers R.LAlpert And Cfast Zone Modeling
14 pages (3945 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Sprinklers R.... Alpert And Cfast Zone Modeling" discusses the importance of heat release rate predictions and the proficient decision when selecting the input data and the assessment outcomes from the CFAST model.... ... ... ... Comparisons made between the experimental results and the simulations from the models indicate that sprinklers are effective and they give reliable data that is consistent with the simulation models....
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Anti-Westernism and the Middle East
15 pages (3820 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "Anti-Westernism and The Middle East" presents the student's analysis of the flow of their dissertation writing.... They believed that this was a good way to conduct their research as they had access to excellent library and archive facilities in the University in addition to being under the able guidance of supervisors....
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Fire Investigation on Scarborough Civic Hall Incident
12 pages (3106 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Fire Investigation on Scarborough Civic Hall Incident" presents an analysis of the incident in Scarborough Civic Hall that shows that the fire was caused by deliberate ignition.... The hall had been connected to gas that was not being used at the time of the incident.... ... ... ... The electric heaters in the building were also confirmed to have been switched off when the fire started....
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Global Paper and Paper Products Industry Porter's Six Forces
10 pages (2681 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper ''Global Paper and Paper Products Industry Porter's Six Forces'' is a great example of Technology report.... The paper ''Global Paper and Paper Products Industry Porter's Six Forces'' is a great example of Technology report.... In recent times, with the advanced technology and continuous modifications of various electronic tools, people have comparatively reduced the usage of paper but still could not ignore it....
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Strategies and Competitive Advantages of Sainsbury
11 pages (3573 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Strategies and Competitive Advantages of Sainsbury' is a detailed example of a management report.... The paper 'Strategies and Competitive Advantages of Sainsbury' is a detailed example of a management report.... Competitive advantage for business houses is no longer only related to the market activities but is being embedded in the functional aspects of businesses....
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Young Children's Symbolic Behavior: Theories of Representation
11 pages (2886 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Young Children's Symbolic Behavior: Theories of Representation" presents mental representation that has centered on the existence of attitudes such as desires, beliefs, determination of content, and the existence of phenomenal properties and relation to the content of thought.... ... ...
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Effectiveness of G20
8 pages (2122 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Effectiveness of G20' will seek to analyze the global economic impact of controversial groups such as the G20 and their effectiveness in the stabilization of economies across the continents.... The G20 is one of the groups that arose from the consequences of financial upheaval by the biggest player in the global financial systems....
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US-Iran Relations since 1900
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "US-Iran Relations since 1900" presents developments in international relations, particularly when it comes to the US.... The victory of Barrack Obama has been seen as a positive step towards a better world.... He has shown signs of releasing tensions around the globe.... ... ... ... He has already announced his intention to move out of both Iraq and Afghanistan....
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4D Technologies Application in Aircraft Engine Maintenance
10 pages (2830 words) , Download 0 , Report
Monte Carlo simulation is used in testing of repeated random samples of aviation jobs with the aid of numeric and probalistic results.... This paper ''4D Technologies Application in Aircraft Engine Maintenance'' tells that This is liquid crystal goggles, which use virtual reality to create a three-dimensional illusion of the user perceptions....
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The Selection and Justification of Various Procedural Processes in Production
11 pages (2914 words) , Download 0 , Report
The testing is able to accommodate material samples efficiently and without compromising the quality.... From the paper "The Selection and Justification of Various Procedural Processes in Production" it is clear that the team performance was largely successful considering that the project was performed to completion and within the specified frame of time....
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Marketing Plan of Telehealth and Electronic Health Records
14 pages (3538 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Marketing Plan of Telehealth and Electronic Health Records" focuses on the project that proposes the strategies which can help to improve patient and healthcare providers' coordination.... Electronic health records and telehealth are the new products.... ... ... ... Telehealth intends to increase patient engagement as well as focusing on the ways to prevent and manage chronic diseases among them....
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Safety of GMO Foods
4 pages (1324 words) , Download 0 , Report
review: Institute of Public Affairs, pp.... This report "Safety of GMO Foods" discusses whether genetically modified foods are safe for human consumption.... The goal of this paper is to extend to the target audience a holistic perspective regarding the augmenting controversy associated with the multibillion-dollar GMO food industry....
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The Role of the Asthma Trap
3 pages (1188 words) , Download 4 , Report
This report "The Role of the Asthma Trap" analyses the impact on society towards asthma patients tend to follow mostly on the functionalist perspective.... The disease places certain restrictions on the physical activities of these patients and as a result, they tend to shun activities.... ... ... ...
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The H&M Business Model
4 pages (1133 words) , Download 0 , Report
(1979) "How competitive forces shape strategy", Harvard business review, March/April 1979 ... This paper ''The H&M Business Model'' tells that The five forces model of environmental threats is also known as Porter's five forces model.... The model states that in any industry five factors can influence an industry....
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Global Warming, Space Exploration, and Human Extinction
5 pages (1700 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Global Warming, Space Exploration, and Human Extinction" discusses the economic and political benefits of space exploration; the importance of space exploration to the human race.... The primary role of science should be to increase the chances of survivability for human beings.... ... ...
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IAS19 Standard Characteristics
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 2 , Report
The report "IAS19 Standard Characteristics" discusses the details of the standard, such as measurement, presentation, and disclosure; it includes a comparison with the US GAAP and provides a complete discussion on the history, objective, and underlying rationales of the introduction of the standard....
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International Relations
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 2 , Report
The paper "International Relations" presents that multinational or transnational corporations have been successful at diversifying their business portfolios across a distinct base of locations.... This has happened in the new business regimes of the present times.... ... ... ... In the end, the multinational organizations need to understand that to exist in the relevant business industry as well as make a mark within the global partnerships; they need to devise the ways and means which have been mentioned above....
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A Marketing Plan for The Lowry
5 pages (1646 words) , Download 0 , Report
This work called "A Marketing Plan for The Lowry" focuses on the center where artists display their art and cultural functions.... The author outlines the marketing audit of The Lowry, along with a SWOT analysis, which would give a comprehensive view of the micro and macro environment.... ... ... ...
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Cyber Safety Issues
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Cyber Safety Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in cyber safety.... The given health and personal development paper will give a scope on the principal factors that embody a personal and health development program.... ... ... ... The particular topic for the sequence personal and health development program is cyber security....
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Marketing Management Performance
6 pages (1600 words) , Download 2 , Report
The report "Marketing Management Performance" analyzes how Tesco PLC in the United Kingdom carry out marketing management functions in their operations.... According to the world recognized marketing guru Philip Kotler (2001), 'marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit'.... ... ...
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Support of Stem Cells
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report " Support of Stem Cells" analyses the use of stem cells in medical science.... The report discusses that stem cell research is of many benefits to humans and that its benefits far outweigh the disadvantages attributed to it by its opponents.... ... ... ... Stem cell research affords mankind invaluable benefits, which outweighs ethical and moral objections....
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The Effect of Cognitively Guided Instruction for Math in Enhancing Math Performance in USA Schools
5 pages (1396 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The Effect of Cognitively Guided Instruction for Math in Enhancing Math Performance in USA Schools'' tells that the research will focus on establishing whether the techniques applied under Cognitively Guided Instruction for Math are effective in assisting students in improving their performance in math....
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Car Number Plate Recognition
6 pages (1552 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Car Number Plate Recognition" sheds some light on the car number plate photo that was filtered and new images produced had the same numbers but color and characters, it can be stated that they are almost similar to the original image.... ... ... ... Looking at the contrast between the original image and the filtered image, one will note a difference in the color of the image....
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Traditional vs. Online Education
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Traditional vs.... Online Education" presents education in modern society that has been fundamental to every individual.... There are dynamics in education and the traditional way of learning has been transformed.... Students nowadays can learn online without attending physical classes....
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Annual and Cumulative Cash Benefits and Outflows at Nordstrom Company
6 pages (1639 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Annual and Cumulative Cash Benefits and Outflows at Nordstrom Company" states that the court found the firm guilty and it had to pay the damages.... Accessing the record of accomplishment of the organization in settling claims is largely clean and viable.... ... ... ... Financial statements of Nordstrom Inc....
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History of Smoking
6 pages (1573 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "History of Smoking" presents the tobacco industry that has helped create the American economy and continues to employ hundreds of thousands of people every year.... However, the economic advantages of growing and selling the product do not outweigh the negative effects of smoking.... ...
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Own Group Business Idea
6 pages (1621 words) , Download 0 , Report
From the paper "Own Group Business Idea" it is clear that prediction was under the assumption that adequate resources were invested in marketing and operations.... I believe the prediction was optimistic and very achievable with sound management of the business, especially in its start-up period....
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DB Schenker Supply Chain Management
6 pages (1659 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "DB Schenker Supply Chain Management" is aimed at evaluating the existing supply chain and logistics processes of DB Schenker, a transport and logistics division of the company named Deutsche Bahn AG.... It is headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany.... ... ... ... It is a multinational company with operations spread across the globe....
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The Impact of World War II on Japanese Americans
5 pages (1552 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "The Impact of World War II on Japanese Americans" attempts to look into the racial bigotry against the Japanese Americans before World War II, with a closer inspection on how they were treated during and after the said War.... The 'land of opportunity' also attracted the Japanese.... ...
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Effective of International Environmental Governance
5 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Effective of International Environmental Governance " seeks to discuss the underlying reasons behind international environmental governance being regarded as ineffective.... Science, therefore, plays important role in so far as environmental policies are concerned.... ... ... ... The institutions that are largely engaged in global environmental control were designed with the main aim of being state-centered....
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Selection and Recruitment Plan
5 pages (1534 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Selection and Recruitment Plan" is a perfect example of a report on human resources.... The paper "Selection and Recruitment Plan" is a perfect example of a report on human resources.... Thomson's Business is a world-class business school, with outstanding operational performance....
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Business Strategy Implementation
5 pages (1551 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Business Strategy Implementation" focuses on presenting the recommendation for the strategic direction for British Airways, comparing and contrasting the roles for strategy implementation, identifying the resources required for its implementation, and assessing measures and timescales....
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The English-Only Debate
4 pages (1146 words) , Download 0 , Report
Therefore, it is highly important for the officials to review their policies in order to give equal rights to the immigrants and their families to learn and develop themselves socially without damaging the diversity in languages in American society.... This paper ''The English-Only Debate'' tells that English-only debate or English-only movement is a political movement that revolves around the fact that English should be granted as a status of 'Official language' that can be used in government documentation and other operations in the United States....
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Public Relations Interview
5 pages (1425 words) , Download 2 , Report
The report "Public Relations Interview" will givea facility manager a clear idea about the whole picture of the nursing home and whether the candidate can be a right person to know about what things that this organization provides to the customers.... ... ... ... Thomas Russell is the Facility Manager of Mother Mary Nursing Home in Boston....
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Importance of Key Success Factors in Business
5 pages (1511 words) , Download 2 , Report
The report "Importance of Key Success Factors in Business" analyzes the role of the critical success factors by studying the case study of the South African Brewery (SAB).... The beer industry in many places around the world is very influential in the gross domestic product of nations.... ... ... ...
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Application of Computer Software SimaPro5.1
5 pages (1496 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Application of Computer Software SimaPro5.... " presents the powerful and versatile Simo Pro 5.... Software that is, basically designed for the study of the processes dealing with the collection, analysis, and monitoring of the impact of manufacturing processes on the environment.... ...
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The Aauthority Hierarchy of Iran
5 pages (1371 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "The Authority Hierarchy of Iran" analyses Iran's program on nuclear technology has been a topic of concern for over a decade with most countries around the globe being against it.... The role of ensuring that everyone upholds constitutional laws is under the president.... ... ... ... Currently, the Iranian government operates under the constitution of 1979 and has a number of significant positions in the legislature i....
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Female Genital Mutilation
5 pages (1376 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Female Genital Mutilation" analyses the effects of female circumcision depend on such factors as types of the performed procedure, skills of the operator.... It violates a number of human rights standards, norms, and principles, such as the principle of non-discrimination based on sex....
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Heritage and Regeneration in the UK
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 1 , Report
This work called "Heritage and Regeneration in the UK" focuses on the Adams Building which is one of the biggest Victorian lace warehouses.... From this work, it is clear about the history of this building, the security requirement of the authorities which were meant to protect the people living around the building....
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Utilization of Electrical Energy
5 pages (1563 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Utilization of Electrical Energy'' tells that Artificial lighting is currently used all over the world, and its use is predominantly non-homogenous.... The most common source of power used in powering artificial lighting is electric power though in some – developed countries.... ...
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Was the Settlement at BNR Fair
5 pages (1425 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Was the Settlement at BNR Fair" presents genetic factors that are not important in the development of a number of diseases.... Obviously, there are conditions such as sickle cell anemia where genetic factors are the primary consideration.... ... ... ... The idea that the problems that we face are genetically linked may provide some individuals with a feeling of helplessness and further contribute to the idea that they are victims of circumstances....
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Thomson Airways
5 pages (1355 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Thomson Airways" puts into perspective one of the major airlines in the world, Thomson Airways, with a keen look at its contribution towards the tourism industry.... Their development has been facilitated by the increased demand for traveling across the world.... ... ... ... Thomson Airways Limited was formed in 2007 as a merger between First Choice Holidays plc's First Choice Airways and TUI AG's Thomsonfly....
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A South Australian Tools History Museum
5 pages (1380 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "A South Australian Tools History Museum " is a perfect example of a report on history.... The paper "A South Australian Tools History Museum " is a perfect example of a report on history.... South Australian historical tools association is not just a tool club....
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Pro-Model Simulation Issues
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Pro-Model Simulation Issues" focuses on building a model of a specific manufacturing system and using the Pro-model software to explain different aspects of the manufacturing system and recommending the most effective and cost-effective production system.... ... ... ... There are six if not eight major areas of operations which include milling, drilling, turning, and machine grinding....
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