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The Issue of Unemployment
9 pages (2577 words) , Download 4 , Report
So in this segment will center on the unemployment patterns of developed nations and developing nations by taking the example of Australia and India and the government policies by the countries taken to curb down the problem.... This paper "The Issue of Unemployment" seeks to analyze the historical evolution of the issue of unemployment along with the current status of it with various problems faced by the people from time to time and the unemployment rates in different countries....
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Toyota - Strengths and Weakness, Improving Leadership Performance
15 pages (4190 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Toyota - Strengths and Weakness, Improving Leadership Performance ' is a detailed example of a management report.... The paper 'Toyota - Strengths and Weakness, Improving Leadership Performance ' is a detailed example of a management report.... Academy of Management review, 4(4), 497–505. ... Personality and leadership: a qualitative and quantitative review.... ?MIR: Management International review, 315-329. ...
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Fire Investigation in Lancashire Fire and Rescue Services
12 pages (3128 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Fire Investigation in Lancashire Fire and Rescue Services" discusses fire ignition due to smoking materials that could also be considered as one of the possible causes of the fire since the location of the risk factors of smoking materials are very adjacent to the location of the fire....
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Multiculturalism Health Disparities In Australian Healthcare
10 pages (2922 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Multiculturalism Health Disparities In Australian Healthcare'' tells that Grief and loss have been an integral part of thousands of indigenous people across Australia.... The majority of indigenous children have been forcibly separated from their families and communities since European colonization....
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The Need for Human Resources Development
9 pages (2823 words) , Download 1 , Report
From the paper "The Need for Human Resources Development" it is clear that the report has clearly summarized the requirement for an employee development program in Hyundai Motor Company and has outlined clearly the benefits of such a program for the company.... ... ... ... The main goal of the company is to develop technologically advanced cars so that the company emerges as the world's leading car manufacturer....
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Marketing of a Luxury Brand Bottega Veneta
11 pages (3486 words) , Download 2 , Report
The paper "Marketing of a Luxury Brand Bottega Veneta" reflects on the current strategies used by the company to market its products and brand name to the target customer force and also analyses its strengths and weakness based on emerging opportunities and threats.... ... ... ... The evaluation of the potential of the current strategies used by the brand would be made based on an understanding of consumer preferences and also through conducting a SWOT Analysis....
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Solar Powered LED Street Light
23 pages (6057 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper "Solar Powered LED Street Light" presents a design project of solar-powered LED street lights with intelligent control.... In this project, photovoltaic cells will be used to charge a battery by converting solar energy (sunlight) into electrical energy.... .... ... ... The solar-powered LED street lighting system utilizes solar radiation energy to charge a battery with the photovoltaic panel throughout the day and provide electrical energy to the LED light system during the night....
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The Graphic Design
16 pages (4156 words) , Download 0 , Report
A good example of technological influence in graphics design is the creation of motion graphics nowadays.... A good example is the video games where designers are able to involve a viewer and make his work interesting.... A good example is the concept art where drawings are mostly created loose and also freely using hands.... Further, one can easily review the content, size, font rotation as well as spacing of the text in notes and dimension Balsamo, A....
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Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete
9 pages (2958 words) , Download 2 , Report
dson, C, Fanelli, G, and Beck, J 2011, Rehabilitation after Multiple-Ligament Reconstruction of the Knee, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy review, 19, 2, pp.... 2009, Multiple-Ligament Knee Injuries: A Systematic review of the Timing of Operative Intervention and Postoperative Rehabilitation, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, 91-A, 12, pp.... erritt, A, and Wahi, C 2011, Initial Assessment of the Acute and Chronic Multiple-Ligament Injured (Dislocated) Knee, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy review, 19, 2, pp....
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Marketing Principles
10 pages (2979 words) , Download 1 , Report
This work "Marketing Principles" focuses on various factors undermining individual elements of the extended marketing mix that can be utilized by the marketers to gain a substantial market share and establish itself as a market leader.... The author outlines the concept and process of marketing, marketing mix that is being utilized by Ford to enhance market share....
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The Rehabilitation Efforts Undertaken at Woods Reef Asbestos Mines
10 pages (2813 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The Rehabilitation Efforts Undertaken at Woods Reef Asbestos Mines'' is an analysis of rehabilitation efforts undertaken at Woods reef Asbestos Mines.... In the beginning, I propose to give an introduction to the history of the mines.... In the next section, I will explain the situation on the ground about the mines....
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Analysis Risk of Using Roaccutane
11 pages (3205 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Analysis Risk of Using Roaccutane" discusses images created to the public about the usage of Roaccutane.... The report analyses suicides resulting from the proper use of Roaccutane and explains claiming for damage on Roaccutane injuries.... ... ... ... The media did convince the general public that the suicide was because of using Roaccutane....
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Specialist Rescue Strategy for Open Water
10 pages (2630 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Specialist Rescue Strategy for Open Water" is an excellent example of a report on management.... The paper "Specialist Rescue Strategy for Open Water" is an excellent example of a report on management.... For example when so many casualties are being transported, many police resources will be involved, brigades and fire services, organizers of the support and emergency services and other groups will also be present. ... A whistle for example can be used in all circumstances to attract the attention of the public and other team members....
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BCA Compliance in a Residential Building
9 pages (2303 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "BCA Compliance in a Residential Building" describes that the access provider is not appropriate as a result of the nature of the tasks to be carried out on the section of the area (Chun, 2015).... It is thus not conditional for access to be provided to health risk areas.... ... ... ... The building under question will give a solution that is compliant with the BCA requirements....
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Supply Chain Management in Defence Industry
9 pages (2844 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report 'Supply Chain Management in Defence Industry' argues that for Australia to put up a secure, resilient, reliant, and flexible supply chain, it requires a supply chain that can provide appropriate equipment and capabilities that ensures the Australian armed forces meets its aspirations.... ...
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Financial Statements of IBM: An Evaluation
7 pages (3260 words) , Download 0 , Report
The purpose of this brief report "Financial Statements of IBM: An Evaluation" is to critically assess the business performance of IBM organization with reference to its financial statements.... Moreover, the report provides a comprehensive trend analysis of earnings at IBM.... ... ... ... IBM is one of the leading IT companies in the world as well as system integrators....
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Network for International Travel Agency
10 pages (2637 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Network for International Travel Agency" presents the difference between the dynamic routing and static routing also a brief comparison of links-state routing protocol and distance vector routing protocol.... Also, it will explain the design and implementation of a routable network scenario....
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Efficient Single Phase Grid Tie Inverter of PV System
9 pages (2722 words) , Download 0 , Report
The main aim of the report "Efficient Single Phase Grid Tie Inverter of PV System" is to provide details of a designed single-phase grid Tie inverter of the PV system.... Simulations have been done on efficiency, durability, and sustainability using MATLAB/Simulink.... .... ... ... Electrical efficiency variation has been done and changes in electricity were noted in this paper....
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Mermaid Beach Prospective Development
7 pages (3211 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Mermaid Beach Prospective Development" deals with the issues created due to the proliferation of high-rise buildings, which pose life risks, in the event of land erosion and ocean storms, due to its proximity to the seafront.... ... ... ... It poses grave environmental threats, besides reducing the quality of human life....
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A Small Network Design
12 pages (3235 words) , Download 4 , Report
This report "A Small Network Design" discusses network administrator installs, configures, and maintains network devices.... The network administrator also attends to any network problem that the users report.... ... ... ... These happen when an employee fails to adhere or to be keen on IT stipulated policies and procedures or when an employee accidentally deletes important business data....
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Planning and Auditing Risk
10 pages (2720 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Planning and Auditing Risk" discusses the acceptable level of audit risk that depends upon the aggregation level and misstatements in the financial statements acceptable to the auditor.... One should observe the difference between the audit risk achievable and the audit risk acceptable....
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Tourism Enterprise
12 pages (3175 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Tourism Enterprise" is a wonderful example of a report on tourism.... The paper "Tourism Enterprise" is a wonderful example of a report on tourism.... Virgin Australia is based in Brisbane, Australia.... It is used by many tourists getting into and out of Australia and is also popular for local travel....
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Carbon Management
12 pages (3501 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Carbon Management'' tells that Millions of people across the world are affected by the effects of climate change.... The effects of climatic change range from floods, loss of life, rise in the level of the sea and consequent submerging of parts of the world below the sea level, and escalating of temperatures....
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Global Outsourcing and Offshoring
11 pages (2685 words) , Download 0 , Report
Generally, the paper "Global Outsourcing and Offshoring" is a perfect example of a management report.... Generally, the paper "Global Outsourcing and Offshoring" is a perfect example of a management report.... Business in the modern world has been characterized by increased competition that has forced many firms to come up with new techniques to ensure they obtain a competitive edge in their respective markets....
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Human Needs and Human Wants
6 pages (1560 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Human Needs and Human Wants" is a great example of a report on social science.... The paper "Human Needs and Human Wants" is a great example of a report on social science.... For example, infinity in mathematics holds a colossal size.... uman needs designate the basic fundamental possessions that are required for survival for example oxygen, shelter, water, food, and clothes while human wants represent the desires that subsequently lead to better, comfortable and even luxurious living standards[Roy08]....
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Professional Development Program
7 pages (2132 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example is the perceptions of people on the safety standards of a construction site. ... This report "Professional Development Program" presents unemployed youth that is mainly prone to scores of stress since they usually have income-related problems and therefore it is always important to develop a friendly plan that will accommodate the mental state of the unemployed youth....
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A Strategic Environmental Assessment
8 pages (2199 words) , Download 1 , Report
An example of such checks is a strategic assessment, and its successful implementation ensures that implementation of projects results into desirable environmental outcomes. ... This paper ''A Strategic Environmental Assessment'' tells that it refers to a process for decision support in regard to environmental protection....
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Strategic Choices for California Pizza Kitchen
6 pages (1853 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Strategic Choices for California Pizza Kitchen" discusses that the management of CPK strongly embraces the Blue Ocean strategic option; which is a combination of low cost and Differentiation strategies, as the only viable way of dominating their peculiar competitive business environment....
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Case Analysis on Designing an Online Graduate Seminar
5 pages (1369 words) , Download 1 , Report
This involves the analysis of major considerations to be put in place together with preliminary review of the impacts of the situations.... The successful graduate student: a review of the factors for success.... This report "Case Analysis on Designing an Online Graduate Seminar" demonstrates how the application of online learning and teaching by an institution requires an expansive preparation of infrastructural resources and what benefits we will get from it....
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E-Learning Applications and Processes
6 pages (1695 words) , Download 1 , Report
After conducting a literature review on electronic pedagogy, Virginia, Deringer & Nancy concluded that educational materials must be developed, structured and distributed using pedagogy that best supports online courses.... International review of Research in Open & Distance Learning, 12(17), 1-26. ...
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Husbandry Manual for Common Wombat
8 pages (2218 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Husbandry Manual for Common Wombat" will begin with the statement that the wombat husbandry manual was designed to highlight the focused wants of this species and the dedication applicable to sufficiently house and accommodate for a challenging animal like this one.... ... ... ... The purpose of this zoo is for education services and conservation....
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Racial Issues in San Antonio, Texas
5 pages (1493 words) , Download 0 , Report
War Crisis of 1916: A Reexamination," Hispanic American Historical review 58 (August 1978) ... The Irvine review.... This report "Racial Issues in San Antonio, Texas" presents racism that has been an ugly scar on society and continues to be a festering wound contributing to an uncivilized world....
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Media, Culture and Everyday Life
5 pages (1611 words) , Download 0 , Report
A review of the Research on Internet Addiction.... ducational Psychology review, 17 (4), 363-388. ... This paper ''Media, Culture and Everyday Life'' tells that Televisions have for a long time been considered as occupying the central place in the set-up of modern society....
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Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio
4 pages (1127 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio'' tells that The A.... .... Moller - Maersk Group (2009) is a worldwide organization with about 120,000 employees and offices in around 130 countries – with global headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.... In addition to owning one of the world's largest shipping companies....
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The Importance of Budgeting Within the Engineering Sector
7 pages (1904 words) , Download 0 , Report
A good example is the situation where by the engineers concerned with the aerospace of the United Kingdom have the knowledge of projecting future revenues thus being in a position to finance current projects from the existing revenues through the use of a restraint in incurring a long term debt according to the words of Jonathan and Ian (1998)....
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Challenges Faced by Parties in Setting Political Agendas
8 pages (2140 words) , Download 1 , Report
A good example of this is the issue of the Obama healthcare in USA. ... This report "Challenges Faced by Parties in Setting Political Agendas" discusses politics that have become a career in the modern world, most politicians are not necessarily trained in political science.... Anyone can be a politician and one does not been to be qualified in this area....
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Adult Learning Theories
9 pages (2341 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, some schools insist that learning can only be done when two parties are present.... This report "Adult Learning Theories" presents adult learning as one of the areas of modern educational psychology the aim of which is to increase adult's interest in learning to the maximum level so as to provide the most effective outcomes for the learner....
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Chinese Cultural Knowledge
7 pages (1900 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, numbers play a big role in their custom and culture and it is commonly perceptive that numbers estimate a person's fate hence certain numbers are considered lucky, and others unlucky.... This report "Chinese Cultural Knowledge" discusses the customs and traditions that the people of China follow, religion, the festivals celebrated, the kind of clothing worn, food eaten, and the most important, the cultural values adhered to, that bind them together as a community....
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Near Asteroid Earth Rendezvous
7 pages (1919 words) , Download 0 , Report
The camera is a best example of imaging innovation with a telescope beaming a pointed light on a charge coupled device, an electronic film with a small casing about 5 inches.... This report "Near Asteroid Earth Rendezvous" discusses Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous that was renamed after the scientist Gene Shoemaker as NEAR Shoemaker....
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A Critical Analysis of Comfort Theory
6 pages (1710 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, the impact of social support, financial condition, and prognosis.... This report "A Critical Analysis of Comfort Theory" discusses the core concepts of the theory include comfort, intervening variables, health care needs, enhanced comfort, best policies and best practices....
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Non-Coplanar Neutralize of a Spindle
8 pages (1983 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Non-Coplanar Neutralize of a Spindle" presents that the outcomes of a study carried out in the laboratory to determine the balancing of non-coplanar rotating masses.... The study involved the use of tecquipment TM-1002 in order to apply the analysis of experimental data to create a balance....
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Changing Demographics in the UK and Europe and Its Impact on Business
6 pages (2102 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Changing Demographics in the UK and Europe and Its Impact on Business" shows that there is an increasing trend in the number of the population throughout the United Kingdom and in Europe.... An increase in the population significantly affects the unemployment rate.... ... ... ... Considering the on-going financial crisis around the world, large-scale companies are left with no choice but to implement massive lay-offs and maximize the use of its existing human resources....
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Ethical Fading, White Collar Criminal
8 pages (2150 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Ethical Fading, White Collar Criminal " is a good example of a social science report.... The paper 'Ethical Fading, White Collar Criminal " is a good example of a social science report.... This report looks to present a discussion for the different weekly activities which has been carried out....
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The Analysis of the Strategies of Going Global for Children Wear from China to the UK
10 pages (2555 words) , Download 1 , Report
"The Analysis of the Strategies of Going Global for Children Wear from China to the UK" paper analyzes the risks and benefits of going international and how it could be achieved.... This report analyzes the economy of China and the potential benefits of going international in the UK.... ... ... ... Every new company aspiring to succeed in any particular industry and economy needs to first address various important elements before making a formal entry into that sector or economy....
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Risk Management - Tesco Supermarket
8 pages (2201 words) , Download 2 , Report
The paper "Risk Management - Tesco Supermarket" highlights that Nový Smíchov is a shopping mall located west of Prague in the Czech Republic.... It started its operation in 2001.... It has a retail area of around 60,000 sq.... ft.... and has floor areas of around 6,50,000 sq.... ft....
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Immigration Law Case Analysis
10 pages (2528 words) , Download 1 , Report
The report "Immigration Law Case Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the case of immigration law.... Sheila was arrested in Dover for disorderly conduct.... She was in a drunken state.... Additionally, it was discovered that she had an illegal immigrant status.... ... ...
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Advocacy Activity
9 pages (2779 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper ''Advocacy Activity'' tells that individuals and communities today face a growing need to assess the outcomes of their endeavors to bring about a significant change in the society.... In order to succeed in this task, documenting the changes taking place in terms of legislations and policies, as a tool of social change is hence inevitable....
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Emirates Stadium London: Management and Regional Urban Regeneration
9 pages (2640 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "Emirates Stadium – London: Management and Regional Urban Regeneration" highlights the micro- and macro-economic impact of the Emirates Stadium in north London, focusing specifically on areas of social impact, employment opportunities, urban regeneration, and partnerships.... ... ...
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Current Health Management Issue
7 pages (1986 words) , Download 2 , Report
The paper "Current Health Management Issue" discusses that transition of clinicians to managerial and a leadership position is a complex process that requires appropriate strategies and mechanisms in order to attain success.... The process has faced substantive hindrance.... ... ... ... The negative perception of the national health care system has necessitated the significance of the change in the management and operative mechanics in the system....
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Evaluation of Toyota Company
7 pages (1901 words) , Download 1 , Report
This work called "Evaluation of Toyota Company" focuses on sustainable business activities as practiced by Toyota Company.... The author takes into account the respect for the culture and honoring diverse languages.... From this work, it is clear about highlighting ethical issues performed by the company....
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