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Transport Techniques & Management
13 pages (3930 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of is a group purchasing organization.... An inventory resupply managed by a vendor can be given as a well – analyzed example of a vertical collaboration.... The report "Transport Techniques & Management" focuses on the critical analysis of various methods used in transport techniques and management....
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Solar Energy in China
7 pages (2155 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Solar Energy in China" tells us about sunlight.... The solar cell uses sunlight to make electrons travel.... Each cell is made up of two layers which are stuck closely together.... When the light hits an electron within the first layer, the electron jumps and travels to the second layer....
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A Benchmarking Exercise of Local Authority a Library Services
11 pages (3179 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "A Benchmarking Exercise of Local Authority a Library Services" presents a general overview and background of the factors that necessitated the commencement of a benchmarking process for an imaginary Local Authority (A).... It then follows up with the purpose of the report.... ... ... ...
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The Telephone Consultancy Service Provided by Social Support Centre United Arab Emirates
4 pages (1676 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, persons from aristocratic family backgrounds may not reveal their problems publicly because of privacy concerns whereas they may reveal it probably in a telephonic survey or a questionnaire.... For example, persons from aristocratic family backgrounds may not reveal their problems publicly because of privacy concerns whereas they may reveal it probably in a telephonic survey or a questionnaire....
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Child Labour in Third World Countries for Fashion Industry
14 pages (3796 words) , Download 6 , Report
A striking example involves Bangladesh, where great numbers of children worked in garment factories as lately as 1994.... This report "Child Labour in Third World Countries for Fashion Industry" analyses codes of conduct can be a constructive factor which can solve the global child labour problem....
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Pluto Should be a Planet
8 pages (2183 words) , Download 1 , Report
The writer of the paper 'Pluto Should be a Planet' states that degradation Pluto from its status as a planet is unreasonable because it is difficult for the public to change their ideas on planets, will alter the general understanding on the planetary motion within our universe.... ... ... ... The general notion on planets is that there are nine planets and several satellites within the solar system....
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ESL Lesson Planning
9 pages (2576 words) , Download 0 , Report
The questions are like; do you understand every word when you read a novel or any book, do they read all the words whenever the TV programmes are listed, the amount of time spent by students in reading a journal or a newspaper, the kind of assumptions they do come upon with whenever they read the first lines and later on ask them to explain he type of skill they could be applying to read in different situations....
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The Process of Collecting Data to Improve Fire and Rescue Practices
10 pages (2802 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "The Process of Collecting Data to Improve Fire and Rescue Practices" sheds some light on a reflective account of a work-based learning experience.... The chief aim of this reflection is to reflect on the research project I undertook.... ... ... ... The paper aims to present the whole experience of the research project, relate theory into practice, and recommend some interventions to improve fire and rescue practices....
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Lexicon System on the Aspect of Vocabulary
9 pages (2522 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, it was established that if one stayed 2 years in a L2 environment, the timespan was adequate for passive knowledge to be transmitted.... This paper 'Lexicon System on the Aspect of Vocabulary' aims at analyzing the L2 lexicon system.... How different components interact with others within this complex system....
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Basic Concepts of the Computer Virus
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 3 , Report
For example, you can use Avira-Antivir-Personal anti-virus software that is freely available from the web.... This report "Basic Concepts of the Computer Virus" gives an overview of the basic concepts of the computer virus and its working, guides through computer virus dangers and hazards and demonstrates overall analysis of the problem and solution in a more simple and comprehensive way....
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Accident Investigation for Aircraft Reciprocating Engines Conducted by ATSB
8 pages (2117 words) , Download 1 , Report
There are different factors that are associated with the surface breakup, for example fatigue cracking of the surface of the bearing, change from hydrodynamic to boundary lubrication during high power operation of the engine is some attributed to this fault.... This report "Accident Investigation for Aircraft Reciprocating Engines Conducted by ATSB" states that many problems are associated with reciprocating engines in aircraft, it is still recommended by aeronautical experts worldwide....
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Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behavior
8 pages (2478 words) , Download 1 , Report
For each, six samples with nominal dimensions ¾” x ¾” x 3” are to be tested. ... This report "Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behavior" discusses the properties of wood that are both unique and independent in their axes that are mutually perpendicular.... While the tangential axis is perpendicular to the grain, the longitudinal axis is parallel to the grain....
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Effect of Salinity on Cell Diameter
9 pages (2347 words) , Download 0 , Report
This test is used in identifying the glass type to which the two samples of glass belong to.... ndependent samples Test ... This paper "Effect of Salinity on Cell Diameter" gives the result of the investigation of the effect of salinity on cell diameter when two cultures are used....
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Aspirin Reformulation Process
13 pages (4364 words) , Download 0 , Report
A Systematic review of the Evidence From Randomized Trials.... Pharmacology Success: A Course review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking.... The "Aspirin Reformulation Process" paper describes the selection of various formulations as well as pharmaceutical manufacturing attributes....
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Migration is Breaking Down Cultural Barriers Between People
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of this has been seen among the industrialized nations in South and East Asia.... eter, S 2003, World Migration in the Age of Globalization: Policy Implications and Challenges, New Zealand Population review, 33/34: 1-22. ... This report "Migration is Breaking Down Cultural Barriers Between People" discusses migration that is used to happen mostly for the wrong reasons....
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Social Role of an Artist
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Social Role of an Artist" discusses two works, Modern Times and Life in the Iron Mills, which have clearly reflected on the aspect that how materialism and economic aspects are viciously wrapped around the social existence of modern men.... ... ... ... Artistic and philosophical discourses from different times of human civilization have provided evidence in support of the observation that there is a strong connection between art and society....
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Malaysia and Vietnam Market Potential for TNA
11 pages (3100 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Malaysia and Vietnam Market Potential for TNA" concludes that Both Malaysia and Vietnamese markets are among Asia's most growing markets, with their advantage of the strategic location that can access the Indian and Pacific Oceans, it's a vital opportunity for the TNA market expansion....
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Sexuality in the Servant
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 1 , Report
Traditionally, explicit sexuality has been regarded by film-makers as a means of indicating danger: sexually active women, for example, tend to be seen by audiences to be devious or dangerous, while chaste women are seen as innocent.... Barrett's three o'clock appointment with Tony in Chelsea is an important example.... A very appropriate example to this point was the confrontation between them in the staircase wherein Barrett finally was standing over Tony....
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Thomas Aquinas on the Proof of the Existence of God
7 pages (2039 words) , Download 1 , Report
A good example is an arrow; an arrow picks and reaches its target because of some influence.... In nature also, there are beings that come into being as well as go out of being for example, contingent beings.... In justifying his point about the variation of beings, Aquinas gave the example of God and humans.... A good example is an arrow; an arrow picks and reaches its target because of some influence....
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Biomass and Biofuels Energy Processes
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 0 , Report
Sulfur burning, for example, results in sulfur dioxide, a gas whose presence in the atmosphere is mainly responsible for the formation of acid rain.... In addition, soil degradation due to fossil fuel exploration is another existent problem because the toxic organic compounds such as hydrocarbons (petroleum), for example, also contribute to soil contamination.... For example, remote communities that are isolated from electricity grids could use biofuel and biogas instead of diesel generators to produce energy. ...
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The Womans Role in the Visual Adverts and Media with its Impacts
10 pages (2970 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example when females and males are shown together, males are typicallydepicted taller than females, on the contrary of which it shows that the tall woman has power over a short man in display hence become an indicative code. ... Understanding the Role of Entertainment Media in the Sexual Socialization of American Youth: A review of Empirical Research.... evelopmental review....
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Turkish Wine Industry Competitive Advantages
14 pages (3484 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Turkish Wine Industry Competitive Advantages" focuses on the critical analysis of the major competitive advantages of the Turkish wine industry.... Corporate strategies are increasingly globalizing, effectively increasing the need to be perceived in a global context (Buckley, 2011).... ...
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Online Marketing Tools
6 pages (1992 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example is the Facebook P&G picture gallery which includes its sponsorship program pictures alongside its products, in order to appeal to the online users (Neff, 2014). ... An example is the P&G ‘like a girl' ad which scored the leading in the social networks at the 2015 Super Bowl (Brunsman, 2015). ... For example Lionel Messi a football ace has been used by P&G to promote the head and shoulder shampoo (Mahoney, 2014). ... Other Marketers Likely to Follow P&Gs example....
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Entertainment and the Arts Marketing
11 pages (3080 words) , Download 0 , Report
The primary aim of this report 'Entertainment and the Arts Marketing' is to bring a clear understanding of the activities underlying the marketing strategies of Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.... (WBs) in the global arts and entertainment business industry.... ... ... ... The paper also recommends appropriate strategies for the company to sustain its strong and sustainable position in this respective business industry....
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Social Network And What It Did To The World
5 pages (1615 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example: students meet each at over the Facebook and discuss and solve problems that have been assigned to them as homework or coursework.... This report "Social Network And What It Did To The World" discusses social networking that has proved to be both beneficial and disadvantageous for society....
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Warehouse And Inventory Management
13 pages (2055 words) , Download 1 , Report
Use this as a basis for a review of how technology can help the warehouse manager achieve his objectives. ... The business report "Warehouse And Inventory Management" is created because the company is in the process of growing up, and growing up means expansion, more facilities, more people, responsible people to handle new facilities and warehouses....
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Child Abuse: A Curse That Needs To be Wiped Off
7 pages (1878 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Child Abuse: A Curse That Needs To be Wiped Off" presents free education that is the right of every child.... Issues like peer pressure, sexual abuse, and other societal norms often make it difficult to focus on their education and move towards the solution of such problems.... ... ... ...
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National Immunization Technical Advisory Group: Meningococcal B immunization Program
10 pages (2720 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "National Immunization Technical Advisory Group: Meningococcal B immunization Program" offers recommendations regarding routine vaccination for people who are at increased risk for meningococcal disease.... The report analyses evaluation of suspected meningococcal disease outbreaks.... ...
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Work for the Dole Policy Analysis
5 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Report
Work for the dole has little effect on finding work: review.... u/federal-politics/political-news/work-for-the-dole-has-little-effect-on-finding-work-review-20160211-gmrpvw.... u/federal-politics/political-news/work-for-the-dole-has-little-effect-on-finding-work-review-20160211-gmrpvw.... om/article/Economic-Labour-Relations-review/240488260.... om/article/Economic-Labour-Relations-review/240488260....
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Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
8 pages (2231 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Security Analysis and Portfolio Management " is a good example of a management report.... The paper 'Security Analysis and Portfolio Management " is a good example of a management report.... Every stock buyer in the market would need to find a better way of managing his portfolio, through efficient diversification on the stocks he or she buys in the market....
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Mental Health Nursing
8 pages (2417 words) , Download 0 , Report
Ongoing evaluation (for example, with chart audits and focus groups) should be part of the implementation process.... Areán, Hegel and Reynolds (2001) for example argue that it would be a feasible option if one was to make an attempt at implementing psychotherapy in primary care settings, patient preference for psychotherapy, and the utility of primary care versions of therapy in treating depression in older adults. ...
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Supply Chain Management in Defense Project
8 pages (2296 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report 'Supply Chain Management in Defense Project' presents an analysis on how defense management can educate their military officers to attain skills that will be helpful to them while they apply distribution and supply chain management processes in various military and defense programs as well as in military industries for manufacturing different military products....
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Higher Education in Massachusetts
18 pages (4775 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Higher Education in Massachusetts" presents the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University that are located in the suburbs of Boston.... Massachusetts is the most populated state in New England and has historically been a major center of higher education....
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How to Care for Pets at Homes
6 pages (1801 words) , Download 0 , Report
The organisation interacts with the clients through the social media like face book and focusing on word of mouth advertisement. ... The report "How to Care for Pets at Homes" focuses on that the major reason for people not being concerned about keeping pets is the time and expenses required....
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Supply Chain Management and E-commerce
7 pages (2018 words) , Download 0 , Report
Many other companies have followed Dell's example and achieved considerable business success. ... The paper "Supply Chain Management and E-commerce" is a great example of a report on management.... The paper "Supply Chain Management and E-commerce" is a great example of a report on management.... Dell is a typical example of a company where e-commerce coupled with a robust SCM helped it to survive in the PC market.... Another example of how business improvement can be achieved using electronic data processing and analytical tools is the case of Blue Cross And Blue Shield, discussed as part of week3 study....
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Modern Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Housing
8 pages (2172 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, bricks are selected for walls because they are locally available and thus the cost of transportation and carbon emissions are reduced.... For example, combustion engines produce carbon dioxide also known as green house gases as it cause global warming, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide which cases acid rain and can cause damage to plants and wild life (Chiras, 2004).... For example, landfills are built so as to reduce the green house gases generated from waste disposal (Bradshaw, 2006)....
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Questionnaire for Teachers and School Administrators
8 pages (2219 words) , Download 0 , Report
riangulation: For example, when we interview people a general weakness here is that we have to take it on trust that the respondent is telling us the truth.... By observing them in their everyday life, for example, we might be able to check they actually do what they tell us they do.... For example, if a dropout you interviewed said that she's failing anyway so she dropped out, but her grades say otherwise, then we can't use the data because it's invalid....
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Mine Site Drainage and Environmental Impacts
10 pages (3705 words) , Download 0 , Report
Ion exchange of ammonium in zeolites: a literature review.... Acid mine drainage and effects on fish health and ecology: A review.... This report "Mine Site Drainage and Environmental Impacts" discusses some of the issues underlying mine waste.... The report discusses some of the environmental impacts of these solutes and precipitates while the last will address ways from moving off the mining sites....
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Marketing Plan for Vodafone UK
8 pages (2413 words) , Download 1 , Report
Harvard Business review, 79(2).... A review of leadership theory and competency frameworks.... This work called "Marketing Plan for Vodafone UK" describes the appropriate target market and marketing mix decisions for Vodafone in the U.... .... based on a marketing audit of the company....
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Motor Development Theories
9 pages (2355 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Motor Development Theories" demonstrates motor skills that infants should learn as they grow.... The development of motor skills in children is considered a very crucial thing as it determines the way various aspects develop in them as they grow.... ... ... ... The way motor skills develop in children is well explained by the various motor development theories....
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The Caspian Sea Dispute
7 pages (2150 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "The Caspian Sea Dispute" exhibits an insight into the international contravention encompassing the pre-eminent region adjoining the Caspian Sea.... It also explores the arousing international level conflicts concerning the geographic expedition and utilization of the Caspian Sea's abounding oil resources....
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Effect of Increase in Mobile Phones Usage on Young People
5 pages (1705 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Effect of Increase in Mobile Phones Usage on Young People" focuses on examining the effects that mobile phone usage has on young people in terms of technology, applications, popularity, legislation, culture, competition, as well as marketing.... ... ... ... Mobile phones among young people have increased significantly in recent years....
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Reputation Management
14 pages (3703 words) , Download 1 , Report
This reputation should be upheld to convey a good review of the company in the minds of people.... ) review current product launch practices ... ur review will identify system requirements, core values, goals, organizational responsibilities and interfaces.... Framework of this review will be based on our our model Product Development and assessment criterion. ... ased on the findings of the above review we will work with BT's marketing department to create a better channel of product release....
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Buildings Disjunctive Sorts of Core Construction for Skyscrapers
11 pages (2878 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of the considered buildings is the Eureka Tower Melbourne.... An example of the considered buildings is the Eureka Tower Melbourne, Empire State Building, Aston Apartments and the World tower.... ureka tower Melbourne is an example of a structure constructed by slip form technique.... A good example of such design is the Aston Apartments, Sydney Offset Outriggers.... good example of this design is observed in Henry Cobb Electicite de France Paris, France....
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Education without Discrimination
12 pages (3134 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Education without Discrimination" outlines that inclusive education has become a very imperative aspect in the educational sector in the twenty-first century.... Inclusive education focuses on the modification of curriculum to enhance the understanding of students.... (King-Sears, 2001)....
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Compulsory Voting as a Solution to Low Voter Turnout
10 pages (2802 words) , Download 1 , Report
The 2012 presidential election is a good example.... Following Romney's defeat Republican leaders' spoke of reaching out to traditionally Democratic voters and expanding their appeal by, for example, not only passing but championing immigration reform.... This report "Compulsory Voting as a Solution to Low Voter Turnout" presents voter turnout as important in moving the political and social direction of the country....
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Software Configuration Management Improvement and Security
8 pages (2237 words) , Download 3 , Report
A recent attack on Iran's Nuclear power plant is an example of such attacks.... This report "Software Configuration Management Improvement and Security" discusses software engineers that are not aware of the vulnerability of software because they rarely deal with security and do not consider it to be an important factor during the development of software....
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Integrated Software and Hardware Trading
8 pages (2439 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example is the internet. ... This paper "Integrated Software and Hardware Trading" sets out a networking master plan for ISHT having taken into consideration the enormous expansions through additional branches and mobile workers which will be directly depending on the network resources designed and proposed....
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Culture Shock in the Military
4 pages (1342 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, America could have avoided many attacks on civilian areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan if the people in those localities were able to handover the terrorists hiding in those places.... This paper ''Culture Shock in the Military'' tells thay America is currently conducting a war on terror in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq....
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Requirement of B1 of the Building Regulations
12 pages (3287 words) , Download 0 , Report
Therefore as part of analysis, this report uses BS7974 modelling example calculation in order to stage some of the facts that are usually applied in conforming to guidance B1. ... Smoke alarms for example should be installed in areas deemed risky to the people who shall be residing in a given building at the time of emergency.... Galleries for example are expected to contain emergency egress windows as per the standard mentioned above for escape to be viable....
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