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Corporate Sustainability Reporting
10 pages (2820 words) , Download 1 , Report
The paper ''Corporate Sustainability Reporting'' is a great example of Management report.... The paper ''Corporate Sustainability Reporting'' is a great example of Management report.... Corporate sustainability or corporate social responsibility refers to the approach businesses and organizations take to ensure that there is a long term value for the employees as well as for the customers by developing and implementing strategies....
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Youth Violence Program
6 pages (1767 words) , Download 0 , Report
In case the child accidentally seen some violent acts being shown on the television, the parents should immediately discuss with the child that the acts being shown on the screen is not a very good example since it could cause harm to other people.... This report "Youth Violence Program" discusses a youth violence program that is effective in decreasing the number of violent crimes among the youth due to carrying of deadly weapons and drugs....
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The Gap between the Academic Performances of the Students Involved in School Bullying
6 pages (2135 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, factors that have strong influence on low academic performance like poor social skills, poor coping abilities, and low self esteem can also be evaluated and assessed whether these affect the behavioral tendencies of the students to become school bullies or victims.... This report "The Gap between the Academic Performances of the Students Involved in School Bullying" discusses the academic performance of school bullies and the students who were bullied....
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Comparing and Contrasting Two Specific Characteristics in Two Modern Religious Faiths
10 pages (2604 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, Chinese worshippers, particularly, offer their religious services towards gods of sands and grain.... Ganges River holds the most prominent example in Hindu cleansing.... Avesta is the religious book that contains a collection of religious texts....
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Film Industry Market Analysis
7 pages (1779 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Film Industry Market Analysis' is a fascinating example of a marketing report.... The paper 'Film Industry Market Analysis' is a fascinating example of a marketing report.... Thus, for example, in 2014 Amazon introduced HD streaming and offered its subscribers to stream via Wi-Fi (McGrath, 2015).... Good example is media room in Moshi Monsters, which enables kids to watch shared content.... Thus, for example, the traditional disk rental and video tape company Blockbuster has become a bankrupt....
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Schools Policies to Behaviour Management
9 pages (2253 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Schools Policies to Behaviour Management" presents the Australian government, through the department of education, that develops The National Safe Schools Framework (Department of Education, 2014) for education authorities, parents, carers, and the students.... ... ... ... .... It is for that reason that Parramatta High School and Parramatta Marist High School have put in place policies for behaviour management....
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Analysis of The National Program for IT in the NHS
14 pages (3675 words) , Download 1 , Report
The example of critical system thinking can be operationalised into methodological tutorial.... The review of the organizational and project documents has been done.... This report "Analysis of The National Program for IT in the NHS" discusses local service providers who are responsible for organizing the work, the majority of the work is needed to be done by local NHS organizations coordinating with strategic health authorities, NHS trusts, and others providers....
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Analysis of the IT Industry
5 pages (1491 words) , Download 1 , Report
s a different strategy, the organisations try their level best to make their products different from that of competitors The Apple Inc for example accounts for a different identity in the manufacturing industry with the different and unique look each of its products has as well as the ease to handle and use them ... d=UWCuIXNTEqgC&dq=vulnerability+assessment&hl=en&ei=QnGYToirKMbOrQf3yZGtCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=book-thumbnail&resnum=2&ved=0CD0Q6wEwAQ ...
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Hidden Curriculum
5 pages (1605 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report called "Hidden Curriculum" describes the concept and the various factors that affect and influence the hidden curriculum.... From this work, it is obvious that hidden curriculum will help the students realize the importance of aspects of life.... .... ... ... These are generally taught through textbooks, workbooks and lessons, thereby helping students improve and progress through the difficult skills for the subject curriculum (Wren, 1999)....
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Visual Culture
8 pages (2150 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of an icon is a portrait or a diagram.... An example of reagent index involves smoke coming out of a building.... A book is also considered as a sign since it plays an essential role in terms of highlighting different forms of information....
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Marketing Communications
13 pages (3480 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, how much one has to buy for the New Year kitchen stock depends on the amount of money he have, and the time and knowledge, which he gives to work; depends on how much salary he is withdrawing form that company.... For example, how much one has to buy for the New Year kitchen stock depends on the amount of money he have, and the time and knowledge, which he gives to work; depends on how much salary he is withdrawing form that company.... For example, majority of the population, in the east are under sever complexion of west, so nowadays what companies are doing, is putting the untraditional content in their ads to visualize what is in the minds of common consumers, that is to become like them....
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Construction Material Project
7 pages (3689 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Construction Material Project" focuses on the critical analysis of the design concept that incorporates concrete mix design, the selection of steel to be used, and the specifications for both concrete and steel preferred for the intended project.... ... ... ... This project requires that the material engineer comes up with a design of a 100m span steel arch bridge which should incorporate a 6-lane carriageway, and measuring 24m in width....
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Igneous Intrusions in the Continental Crust
16 pages (4346 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, in the south-eastern Iceland, the succession of the Cenozoic lava is cut across by thousands of aligned dikes in a near-vertical position averaging less than 1 meter thick.... As an example, the Mull and Arram dikes are very abundant occurring in over a distance of 22km and 24 km respectively.... n example of a laccolith is the Barber Hill in Charlotte, Vermont.... As an example, the circulation of the hydrothermal fluids may decrease the permeability along with porosity of the host reservoir rocks, and associated deformation of the host rock can lead to the formation of ‘forced fold traps....
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English Speakers of Other Languages
6 pages (1733 words) , Download 1 , Report
These managers also review the grades, division assessments, SOL test scores, and benchmarks.... This report "English Speakers of Other Languages" discusses a structured language learning program intended to teach English to students whose local language is not English.... The program equips students with the language skills that they require in order to become academically and socially prepared....
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The Confucian Ethos in the Asian Mass Media
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, this is reflected in the ordering of educational system in Taiwan wherein the schools are assumed to develop not just technical skills but also proper values and that the state has the mandate to make sure that this is realized. ... he possible influence and attraction offered by Western free media is dampened by the wide perception that adopting such system would threaten national and Confucian values as it perverts tradition, turns respect for education into an examination of hell, for example, and the equality of the sexes into the economic exploitation of women....
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Difference in Prices in Different Supermarkets
12 pages (1920 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Difference in Prices in Different Supermarkets" focuses on the purpose of this study is to gauge the level of competitiveness in the Australian Supermarket prices for Basic Staple Basket.... Hypothesis testing methodology was employed to carryout analysis.... ... ... ... There is no sufficient evidence to support the claim that there is a significant difference in average prices across the three states of New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria....
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Microphone Technology
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 3 , Report
The paper "Microphone Technology" discusses what microphone technology actually is, helps to understand the basics of this technology that is, what a microphone is and how it works.... Microphones are widely in use today on stage, in studios and for many other purposes.... .... ... ... The technology that utilized devices called microphones to achieve the electroacoustic live transmission of sound the way the speaker or vocalist wants it to be heard just like he hears it himself, is commonly called the microphone technology....
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Pre-World War I British Intelligence
12 pages (2999 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Pre-World War I British Intelligence" discusses the establishment of British intelligence before the First World War that was influenced by numerous interlocking factors.... The British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) was established in 1909 to collect confidential information.... ...
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Extreme Extent to Which Sports is Important
3 pages (877 words) , Download 4 , Report
It has for example attracted many fields like journalism which has sort of interest and recognized the sports as a major sector in this field.... It has for example attracted many fields like journalism which has sort of interest and recognized the sports as a major sector in this field....
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Enterprise Risk Management in E-commerce
10 pages (2601 words) , Download 1 , Report
orporeal risks - risks bewildered to the IT infrastructure by, for example, fire or flood ... onsider the example, if a specific occasion is not likely to happen and, even if it does, would have modest force on the business; it is not important using excessive resourcefulness to endeavor and put off its occurrence.... roviding decision makers with data on Risk Management to review satisfactory threats; and ... arry out usual risk investigation critical review....
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The Marketing Analysis of Samsung Motion Sync Pet Vacuum Cleaners
13 pages (3881 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, if image of an organisation is poor, then buyers will refuse to buy its product.... Harvard Business review, 86(1), pp.... ?Academy of management review, 26(1), pp.... This report "The Marketing Analysis of Samsung Motion Sync Pet Vacuum Cleaners" highlights the marketing analysis of vacuum cleaners....
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Difference between Management and Leadership
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Report
The paper "Difference between Management and Leadership" focuses on the definitions of management and leadership, and then differentiates a manager from a leader.... It goes on to compare and contrast the leadership styles of two different business leaders, who come from different cultural backgrounds....
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Images of Women in Early Buddhism and Christian Gnosticism
18 pages (4704 words) , Download 0 , Report
Their use of womens bodies as metaphors for desire derives from the example set by the legendary accounts of the Buddhas life.... Early Buddhist scriptures recommended celibacy and the renunciation of family life for both sexes, based on the example set by the Buddha himself when he left behind his wife and son Rahula ("Impediment") to take up the homeless life.... The example of Gopika illustrates the early Buddhist belief that a woman must cultivate a "male" mind prior to entering heaven....
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Monopoly and Perfect Competition
7 pages (2001 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, a firm facing a serious competition will have to offer its products or services to customers at lower price.... For example, market of fresh vegetables mostly operates under perfect competition.... For example, some common firms operating under monopoly market structure are public utilities like water or electricity firms.... For example, a rail industry can be a monopoly in between two cities; it is because it is the only firm offering rail services....
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Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination
4 pages (1248 words) , Download 0 , Report
Poor training programs are often the result of a poor reflection of the business as an ethical macrocosm of, and example for, the community, in terms of the impact of training on the employee.... The paper "Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination" highlights that recommendations of the current investigation include an international shift towards corporate ethics and responsibility so that government intervention in company matters does not remain common....
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Applied Channels System
11 pages (2973 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, within the first six months to April 2011, 62 percent of adults that used the internet purchased items online.... For example, between April 2009 and 2010, it rose from 12 per cent to 19 per cent.... For example, by October 2011, retail sales had dropped by 1.... For example, it has listed the available stocks and in the first page, the consumer can browse the available aisles, specials and recipes.... The diagram below is an example of products that are exclusive and essential to consumers during the upcoming winter season as displayed on Woolworth's online shopping site. ...
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Marketing Strategies
6 pages (1666 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Marketing Strategies" articulates the personal experiences while carrying out the project on yacht shipping company.... It presents the effort that has been put forward to prepare the business plan.... ... ... ... In a group assignment, market analysis is done using secondary analysis....
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Statistics Project Survey
8 pages (2243 words) , Download 1 , Report
The report "Statistics Project Survey" focuses on the critical statistical analysis of the project survey data on macroeconomics.... The global recession that was witnessed in 2008 to 2009 in the US had adverse implications for the management operations.... ... ... ... There were increased allegations of unethical business behavior among the management officials and the executives; an observation was made by the Wall Street Executives, Corporate Officers, and the Financial Managers....
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Environmental Management of Floods in Sheffield
8 pages (2119 words) , Download 0 , Report
Although mostly people assume that floods are caused by heavy rainfall, there are some environmental conditions which are likely to result to floods, for example the lands which are prone to floods are usually broad and flat and near to banks of water bodies like rivers, dams or lakes.... Several human activities can result to floods, for example, deforestation or clearing of forests.... There are many diseases associated with floods, for example the military fevers or pneumonia and other water-borne diseases as a result of the stagnant water in the surrounding....
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How the Use of Nostalgia, Utopia and Therapeutic in Advertising Affect Mass Audience
17 pages (4960 words) , Download 0 , Report
any of these advertisements usually have a target audience, for example, cartoon or any animation-based advertisements often target children and the youth.... This report "How the Use of Nostalgia, Utopia, and Therapeutic in Advertising Affect Mass Audience" seeks to explore the avenues of advertisement as it looks deeper at how the advertising methods are used and how they can be best maximized for effective marketing....
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The Use of Mandatory Sentencing in Western Australia
7 pages (2231 words) , Download 0 , Report
From the paper "The Use of Mandatory Sentencing in Western Australia" it is clear that mandatory sentencing has been in operation in many jurisdictions for a very long time.... In Western Australia, however, the law was introduced in 1996, especially to deal with cases of repeat offenders.... ... ...
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How the Mongol Empire Conquered Topography
7 pages (2340 words) , Download 2 , Report
"Inner Eurasia from Prehistory to the Mongol Empire (book review).... Other factors pertaining to how the Mongols dealt with their geography come into play, for example, the methods they used for centuries to move across terrain, climate patterns, and population density. ...
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Cognitive Learning Style
13 pages (3435 words) , Download 0 , Report
Models and samples of the adult students work can be collected and made visible in a specific website that all students can be able to access.... As an example, it would be worth asking whether a reward should be awarded to an individual who demonstrates the right behaviour or punishment to the individual who demonstrates wrong behaviour.... For example, the student centered strategy is to be employed.... Comprehension refers to how the student connects the previous topic with what has been learned in class for example the prior knowledge....
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The Impact of Violence on Womens Health
10 pages (3153 words) , Download 2 , Report
Official data on very early marriage (with children under 15 years) are limited, but studies show that in East and West Africa, for example, marriages with seven-year girls can be often observed.... Violence can directly lead to low birth weight, for example, if the blows to the stomach trigger premature birth.... For example, a qualitative study of 38 nurses from the emergency department in rural South Africa found that nurses were subjected to the same or even higher level of violence, as well as their patients (Waalen et al, 2000)....
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An Outline Marketing Plan for Atlantic Quench Cranberries
14 pages (4707 words) , Download 0 , Report
Product review 7 ... Competitive review 8 ... Distribution review 8 ... Product review ... Competitive review ... Distribution review ... Bioactive compounds and health-promoting properties of berry fruits: a review.... ?Harvard Business review, 86(1), pp.... The Marketing book....
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The Design of the Firth Building in Uclan University
6 pages (1879 words) , Download 0 , Report
or example, the analytical lab will accommodate ... This report "The Design of the Firth Building in Uclan University" is a thorough review to assess the routes, number of occupants, type of dwelling and the present safety exit routes from the building.... Essentially, this project is a thorough review to assess the routes, number of occupants, type of dwelling and the present safety exit routes from the building.... (2012), Architect's Legal Pocket book, New Jersey: Routledge....
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Causes and Prevention of Building Cracks
10 pages (2750 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report 'Causes and Prevention of Building Cracks' therefore looks into the causes and preventive measures of non-structural cracks in concrete structures.... External forces include wind, foundation settlement, and seismic loads.... Cracks in buildings can be either structural or non-structural....
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Earth and Space Science
9 pages (2651 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, band-1 of the Landsat-TM sensor records energy between 0.... For example, the instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of the Landsat-TM sensor “sees” 30mx30m area on the ground (ibid).... For example, a 6-bit the digital file value of resolution as per the imagery of IRS Pan ranges from 0 to 63 and an 8-bit resolution of a Landsat image ranges up to 255 from zero (ibid).... For example, SPOT takes 26 days of time to reappear to face the same image, Landsat (TM) takes 16 days while NOAA and Terra/Aqua obtains the same picture every day (Hazarika, n....
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Analysis of Environmental Factors that Impact Hospitals in the UK
9 pages (2682 words) , Download 0 , Report
Determine that clinic structures are sited to exploit microclimate impact, for example, sun and wind, and are manufactured or retrofitted to be overall protected and vitality proficient, and behavior customary vitality reviews.... Computerized recording additionally implies that review of sections is a considerable measure less demanding and more secure, unwavering quality guaranteed, and duplication might be maintained a strategic distance from. ... With the revised NHS budget from the 2010 spending review and improved projections of electricity from renewable the forecast for 2015 has also reduced....
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Samsung's Strategic Management
14 pages (4026 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Samsung's Strategic Management' is a fascinating example of a management report.... The paper 'Samsung's Strategic Management' is a fascinating example of a management report.... As the definition implies, it focuses on incorporating managerial capabilities and techniques for example marketing, accounting/financial, production management, management of human resources, research & development in order to achieve the success of the organization (Karami, 2012)....
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Oral History: The Second World War
8 pages (2166 words) , Download 0 , Report
Sur Oral History: The Second World War Literature review The Second World War began at a time when many countries least expected.... The report "Oral History: The Second World War" outlines the brief history of WWII.... ... ... ... The world war was started at an era in which the German, under the leadership of Hitler, was being more aggressive against its neighbors and other countries....
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What Problems and Benefits Does Creative Commons Licensing Create for Artists
9 pages (2558 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "What Problems and Benefits Does Creative Commons Licensing Create for Artists" discusses the importance of creative rights as well as the resources they guard as a significant aspect of modern culture.... It behooves us to understand the various avenues through which content can be managed....
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Marketing Communication
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 2 , Report
In this way, Tesco is promoting their product which emits less carbon foot print which is an example of tangible advertisement.... om/business-review/kpi.... The paper "Marketing Communication" discusses the main objectives of marketing communication and how the companies use different mix of tools for achieving them....
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Poverty and Inequality in America
7 pages (1885 words) , Download 0 , Report
As an example, once a lack of basic products becomes established, such as soap, toothpaste, and clean water, the physical effects will produce health issues.... This report "Poverty and Inequality in America" discusses poverty in terms of individual moral decay and relating it to behaviors of the individual that does not address the problem of poverty....
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Leonardo's Mona Lisa
8 pages (2267 words) , Download 2 , Report
The soft environmental effects Leonardo used in painting the background have served as a superior example of his mastery of the art of sfumato, or atmospheric painting.... There are several other possible hidden meanings behind the Mona Lisa that have been tracked throughout the centuries as well, some of which were discussed in the highly popular book The DaVinci Code written by Dan Brown in 2003.... In the book, Mona Lisa's secrets are divulged as a means of finding yet another clue to the secret the characters are trying to decipher....
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The Critical Thinking Skills
5 pages (1525 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, when reading a book, one needs to first analyze who is he?... This is the critical self; analyzing the contents of the book in order to understand the points according to who he is.... This paper ''The Critical Thinking Skills'' highlights the importance and impact of critical thinking skills on the outcome of student learning....
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Text Analysis and Interpretation
9 pages (2386 words) , Download 0 , Report
Another example is listed as follows: ... This report "Text Analysis and Interpretation" presents a grammatical analysis of paragraphs for this purpose even the lexical analysis is used.... The paper provides a complete grammatical analysis of the five selected paragraphs.... This paper is based demonstrates your ability to analyze texts....
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Training and Mentoring Program
6 pages (1610 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Training and Mentoring Program" presents the Merger between 'Interclean' and 'EnviroTech' that has given the new entity a strategic look.... The combined force of this new entity sells products and services related to Environmental Management, Assessment, and Remediation Services.... ...
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Problem Solving and Decisions of the Qatar Financial Center Authority Academy
5 pages (1306 words) , Download 0 , Report
If the separation seems not to have improved course coverage, then it will be necessary to review and establish another intervention.... This report "Problem Solving and Decisions of the Qatar Financial Center Authority Academy" discusses where among the students of English in one of the courses, BCE Higher, and the problem presents in three forms....
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Modern British and Saudi Arabia Societies
5 pages (1638 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, British females work in top level management positions just like the British males.... The writer of this report "Modern British and Saudi Arabia Societies" compares the British and Saudi Arabia societies and attitudes towards gender roles.... It becomes clear that Saudi youths and British youths are different in their clothing, lifestyles, way of thinking etc....
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