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The Organization of Experimental Reports - Essay Example

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The current essay "The Organization of Experimental Reports" is primarily purposed to provide an idea that in respect to the traditional view of experimental report organization, it is clear that the report is significantly composed of scientific methods…
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The Organization of Experimental Reports
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The Organization of Experimental Reports In respect to traditional view of experimental report organization, it is clear that the report is composed of scientific methods. The scientific method which applies in the experimental report arrives to availability and existence a physical object and event at the end. In writing or coming up with the report, a lot of scientific measures have to take place in order to identify the whereabouts and existence of the event or object being reported. For example, in witting down about the existence of Homo erectus species, scientific experiments have to be carried out to prove the existence and the evolution process (Gross 45).

Scientific methods are used in providing the certainty of existence of objects and events but questions have risen about the accuracy of the method in proofing existence of events and objects. Thomas is arguing against the use of scientific method in preparing experimental report because the method does not give accurate proof of the argument. For example, the phenomenon beyond white blood cell protecting the body and blocking the blood flow is not well elaborated by use of scientific method.

Another claim by scholars like Bacon indicates that it is good to use inductive method while organizing an experimental report rather than scientific method. In respect to Bacon’s argument, the principles of inductive methods are more appropriate and this makes it a good method of preparing an experimental report. Inductive method allows super structuring of theories and ideas, and it is more applicable to write an experimental report as ideas can be concluded using deductive measures (Gross 51).

Work Cited Gross Alan G. Does Rhetoric of Science Matter? The Case of the Floppy-Eared Rabbits. National Council of Teachers of English, Vol. 53, 8 (Dec, 1991), pp. 40-57.

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