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Credo of My Faith and My Journey Religion and Theology Thesis
57 pages (11993 words) , Download 3 , Thesis
The important issue during the last several years of my learning experiences in the seminary has been not to lose my faith in the process but to hold fast to my hope in God.  Learning about the historical context of the church as well as learning about how traditions began and how the texts are read was very challenging for me. 
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Pachomius: His Communities' Life and Requirements Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2582 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The saint established some monastic rules that governed the activities and needs of the monks, including common tables, common prayer, common use of labor products, and common work (Chidester 310). According to tradition and legend, an angel dictated these rules. Obedience was a great virtue to the monastic communities.
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The Person of Christ Religion and Theology Essay
13 pages (3387 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Even though scripture clearly states the deity of Christ, these scriptures are often challenged. For instance, there are those that believe that Jesus never called himself God, and any verse that suggests so was written by His disciples in order to deify the man that significantly impacted their lives.
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Symbols of Great Religions and Eliade's Concepts Religion and Theology Term Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
According to the report hierophany was a representation of a sacred manifestation of the various forms of different cultures. This Eliade's concept enabled other religion historians to study both the local and historical manifestation of this puzzling phenomenon. Eliade did not stop at that he came up with several claims.
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What is the Buddhist Critique of the Christian understanding of God Religion and Theology Term Paper
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
What is the Buddhist Critique of the Christian understanding of God? Religionists contend that they work towards a course of enlightenment and human emancipation. Truth is what gears religious people towards enlightenment and emancipation. Unfortunately, religious practices observed in the world conform to some believes which call for disputes among other religions.
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Incarnation and the Cross Religion and Theology Term Paper
20 pages (4688 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The Incarnation and the Cross-are truths permeating human life and the human condition. These truths are greater than humanity itself. However, this does not imply that it cannot be articulated upon or touched as humanity continues to the challenges posed by the enigma of the Incarnation and the Cross.
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The Reason, Faith, and Logos Religion and Theology Essay
12 pages (3340 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The research argues that while much of the rationality and conclusions reached in these historical investigations have since been discarded by contemporary thinkers one recognizes that in many instances faith-based investigation into god and reasoning have been aligned with each, as well as with traditional academic concerns.
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Pope Rebuking Priest Using Several Modern Day Christian Thinkers Religion and Theology Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Currently, despite of priest claiming their concerns for the church, they have been driven by their own ideas and preferences. For instance, a group of dissenting Austrian priests has started questioning the important teaching of Catholic Church. We see them asking the church to permit ordination of women, to allow priests to offer Holy Communion to the divorced Catholics remarrying without an annulment and to do away with the responsibility of religious celibacy, but Pope Benedict rebukes them and takes actions of ending celibacy.
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Mountain Top Removal and Christianity Religion and Theology Research Paper
9 pages (2476 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the book of Numbers 35:34, God gave humans the instructions that they should not destroy the land they have been given to live in and where the Lord dwells. If the US government had adhered to these instructions, most of the people who are living in the Appalachian region would not have been suffering.
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The Rise of Islam Religion and Theology Term Paper
15 pages (3879 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Islam and Christianity are two of the largest and most independent religions in the world. They both use technology and modern means of communication in order to preach and propagate. Members of these religious groups are surrounded by all the temptations of material things: technology, gadgets, the internet, fast-paced communication, transportation faster than the speed of sound, and above all money.
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Role of Women in Ministry Religion and Theology Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
Today, there is a political or sexist power struggle in the church on the place of women in the ministry. The Bible provides contradicting teachings on the place of women in the church. This paper will seek to explore the different teachings in the bible on the place of women in church.
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The Rise of Jews in Hollywood Religion and Theology Essay
11 pages (2883 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jews are not essentially a race community. Much of history in America depicts that the Jews have significantly interacted with the entertainment sector. This paper will talk about the rise of the Jewish people in Hollywood and how they have formed such a significant part of the entertainment industry.
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Buddha and the Buddhism based on the Journey to the West by Wu Chengen Religion and Theology Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The Journey to the West depict different religions including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and to some extent Christianity. Buddhism takes a center stage as the whole journey is about collecting Buddhist sutras. Among the four deities who embark on a journey to India, three were once from heaven.
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Is Religion Bad for Women's Development and the Pursuit of Gender Equality Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Is Religion Bad for Women's Development and the Pursuit of Gender Equality? Historically, religion was seen as counterproductive to development primarily because religious leaders tended to defend traditional moral standards, romanticize poverty and condemn materialism and wealth.
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Why Are HIV-AIDs So Prominent in South Africa Religion and Theology Essay
14 pages (4285 words) , Download 2 , Essay
South Africa’s transition from apartheid to democracy was largely obscured by an HIV/AIDS crisis. A large number of the population have adopted traditionalist policies aimed at managing sexuality and thus controlling the spread of AIDS. These are embedded in religious and ritualistic practices and beliefs that involve circumcising boys and testing girls for virginity prior to marriage.
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Athanasius and Arius in Light of Nicaea Council Religion and Theology Research Paper
13 pages (3538 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The proper terminology could be said to have been the primary ecumenical council’s issue of the 4th and 5th centuries, together with the thought precision as well as the philosophical categories that had been used to mark the Christological and Trinitarian doctrines. Nicaea council may be said to have the Jesus deity question.
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Lessons in a Journey of Paul with Christ Religion and Theology Research Paper
17 pages (3960 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
He was among the Jews living in the Diaspora during the reign of the Roman kingdom. The accounts of Paul describe the life that he led in more than one country. Although he led his early life in Tarsus, Paul came to Jerusalem where he learned the law. The education of Paul predisposed him to the great knowledge that he portrays during his mission.
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Paganism and New Ageism Religion and Theology Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the report God appears not to work in the real world, but to other individuals, dissatisfaction with God has led to further efforts to embrace a more satisfying spirituality. An all-powerful monotheistic God can end the suffering and the conflict apparent in the real world, but by not doing so, a contradiction is apparent. 
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The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism Religion and Theology Research Paper
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
262). In Buddhist vocabulary, the term encompasses both contexts because it refers to circular diagrams that often incorporate illustrations of deities and their environs. Mandalas are a type of tantrik symbol, conveying a domain of sacredness, frequently portraying the celestial palace of a Buddha.
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Abstract The hub of this paper is to know about the ethical codes of business and the importance of ethical practices in the real life. It also gives a brief idea on how to implement required ethical practices in business organizations? It has been rationally proved that practice of ethics within business organizations helps a lot creating constructive interaction with other organizations customers.
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Saint Augustines Election Vs Free Will Religion and Theology Essay
12 pages (3270 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the biblical teaching, the vital thought is that humans are saved by the elegance of God and God alone is the principle of election. The policy of election denotes God’s choice of a particular number of people out of tumbled humankind who obtain every virtue of Christ’s liberating work and thus be truthfully, essentially, and perpetually saved.
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Prophecy in the Abrahamic faiths Religion and Theology Essay
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The prophets of the Abrahamic Faiths have many similarities as well as differences. Most often the narration given of a particular prophet in the Bible may be slightly different from the one given by the Quran or the Torah, and vice versa. However, the salient features are often the same.
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Understanding of Muslim Cultural Traditions Religion and Theology Essay
16 pages (4445 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The mode of dressing by the Muslim women has been indicated as a sign of respect and devotion to Islamic law. This ‘decent’ mode of dressing has arguably been indicated to trace its roots back in the holy book of the Quran clearly indicating that women must maintain their modesty. These women devised a way of covering their heads with headscarves, which was later to be described as a bit exposing.
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The Catholic Church and Sexuality Religion and Theology Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The Church has on many occasions taken sides on the most issues relating to sexuality so as to advice its flock accordingly. The issues that the Catholic Church has been vocal about include; maintenance of celibacy rule for the clergy, using of condoms as a preventive measure of contacting AIDs, gay marriages, lesbianism, homosexuality, bisexuality, women serving as deacons or bishops, prostitution, mode of dressing for different sexes, use of contraceptives as a way of exercising family planning, pornography, sex education in schools and lastly same gender sexual activity are strongly opposed by the Catholic Church.
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam by Robert Spencer Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A very famous example is where Jesus was faced with a situation of adulterous woman. He saved the woman from the angry crowd that was about to stone her and told the woman to go and never sin again. Muhammad was faced with a similar situation; where he was approached by a pregnant adulterous woman who needed prayers.
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The Importance of the Theologian Tertullian Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2680 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the period of documenting Christian scriptures and teachings, Tertullian works and theologies have a visible impact. He entered into Christianity before 197 and rendered his services for illustrating and defending the orthodox principles of the Christian faith. His works can be classified into the categories of apologetic, ethical, and polemical.
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Exegetical paper on Exodus Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 13 , Essay
The good of communities requires that rules and promises be made and enforced or that ethical and moral behavior are specified and adhered to. Over history, different cultures undertook this endeavor using different modes. In the Ancient Near East this mode was called a covenant.
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