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Preparing for the After Life - Christian Belief - Essay Example

The paper "Preparing for the After Life - Christian Belief " states that one is right to say that heaven is where the soul experiences its greatest possible pleasure, which in this case is the feeling of closeness to God though not all souls experience the same degree…
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Preparing for the After Life

The Christian belief is inclined to the ideas that the life people live here on earth are a precursor to an upcoming life afterward in a heavenly home. They firm assertion claims that inject hope and inspiration towards a better life. The Cosmos was created with a sole reason to implement destiny and teach human beings great lesson about who they are in place for human beings. A spirit realm is one exercised by human beings is the pathway and guide to understanding the maker better.

Also, people are profound creatures which have the endless life as it experiences endless rebirths while his spirit was made by expanding from God subsequently a celestial nature abides in each spirit, therefore, making the conclusion that every single person is offspring of God. Nevertheless, people are otherworldly creatures as the psyche is our quintessence. Everybody experience profound is preparing to clean the brain as we come back to the Spirit World having a higher perspective and level of mindfulness (AVERY 72-73). Everything in this world is liable to the premise of law and impact to rolling out us to improvement our contemplations and our perspective with human connections and the wellbeing and budgetary circumstances. Furthermore, the fundamental driver of agony and the anguish in our lives do not lie with others, and the outside world yet as a general rule are really made without anyone else. Subsequently, this calls us to ponder what we think and what we do and later right them through our own particular exertion. Even more along these lines, everybody gets inconveniences and hardships in one way or alternate as a piece of living in this world. However, every one of us wishes to stay away from them if conceivable, during the time spent tackling such issues in life, our souls gets different encounters as they likewise learn such a variety of various lessons. Such encounters and lessons turn into the sustenance for the spirit's development.

There was once a time a very religious slave called Mr. Hart who used to pray to his god to set him free from his master. He came from a very humble background whereby he could not even afford the basic needs. His area was also surrounded by those who came from a well to do families thus making those who were poor like Hart to be slaves to the rich ones in the society. They used to serve their masters in order to get something to eat. Hart was the only surviving son in the family of Mr. Dude. His entire family members had all perished from the hunger that struck their village some years ago. He survived because, at the time when the hunger struck the village, he had been taken at a tender age with other boys in the village for slavery to work on the farms of the rich people. Hart worked diligently and hard on the farms until he became a grown up, man. Moreover, he used to serve his gods in his life and depended upon him for everything because he used to say that he would not survive without support from his gods (Best 7-9). He later married a beautiful woman that was also a slave there and was blessed with four children. The woman and children became his only family on earth. Hence, he was loved by his wife and children as they gave him moral support in everything he did and really loved him in every situation he went through. During such days, he used to serve god wholeheartedly, and there was no day that could pass without him praying and fasting for his freedom. His family also was not left behind in the prayer towards his freedom. For sure, they served his gods accordingly thus becoming so holy before the eyes of the gods (AVERY 72-73).

His master, on the other hand, used to torment him with many duties that never gave this man freedom at all. The master had everything that one can desire in this world. One day, he woke up to the news that he was free to live his life as he wished, he went to his family, and they all could not hide their happiness and delight from his freedom. His friends and neighbors also were so delighted to see him free again. It did not take him too long to stray away from his religion after gaining his freedom; he started to follow his soul’s desires, as his main objective was to gain lots of wealth and have many slaves for himself. He committed many sins like cheating, slaughtering and committing adultery, which goes against the wish of his creator. These came after he had adopted with the environment of freedom, he worked very hard on the farm and the business world. Whatever he touched seemed so blessed because it nourished and became very profitable. Within a very short time, he had already become famous in the village. He worked day in day out until he became so wealthy and decided to have so many slaves to himself because he could afford them (Best 7-9). Mr. Hart decided that it was a payback to these slaves for what he went through, he became so cruel to them and used to torment them mercilessly. Never the less his wife and children loved him dearly as he was well regarded in his society. He became so extravagant with his life, despite have a loving wife, and he practiced adultery and became so drunk in the village. Mr. Hart used to say that “let me eat my sweat.” He was actually in his own world as nobody could tell him anything, in addition, he could not even hear his wife at all. However, he went to an extent that even the authorities could not do anything to him as he was so powerful and could buy anyone in the authority to cover up his bad deeds like sleeping with other people's daughters and wives without mercy.

Therefore, no one at all dared to confront him for his despicable behaviors. He also took as many as possible slaves that worked in his farms as he mistreated them day in day out. The slaves worked long hours without eating anything and kept away from their family members. There was nothing they could do to save themselves from such treatment because Mr. Hart had many supervisors that used to oversee the work done by slaves, and the farms were guarded tightly with an electric wire to protect them from escaping. Hart lost his friends because he changed drastically as he made his mind not to associate with them anymore because they were of the lower class compared to his. He drank alcohol and used hard drugs to an extent that he became addicted and never minded on his own health any longer. More so, he was very arrogant to everyone thus leaving him to do whatever pleases him. One day his personal doctor told him to reduce drinking because he had noticed that his health was deteriorating as the days goes by and yet it was his mandate to advise his client appropriately. He never listened to the advice from his doctor either (Chandler 284-285).

  • One day, Mr. Hart felt very weak and decided to call his doctor to attend to him. When the doctor came, he checked him and diagnosed him with lung cancer. The doctor gave a report that his client had suffered from such a disease, which was caused by taking much alcohol and hard drugs. Such a disease had no cure by then, and the only remedy was for Mr. Hart to just wait until his dying day to come. After such long sinful years, the diagnosis of the disease made him regret every bit of what he had done while healthy and healthy. He had a lot of wealth, but the disease he was diagnosed with had no medicine thus his wealth could not do anything for his health. While on his deathbed he had many regrets and wished to be in his religious slave state he was earlier because he felt the day meet his god who gave him wealth was close. He knew very well and understood what the religion taught on the issue of the afterlife that after death, the creator and the righteous judge the soul and those who are free from sin enter heaven while those that die with sins without repenting go to hell.
  • Mr. Hart recollected in the book of scriptures when Jesus was addressed by the Sadducees on the restoration of the dead that the individuals who will be revived will resemble holy messengers in paradise. As Jesus kept up that there would come a period when the dead will hear the voice of the child of God, as every one of the individuals who will be in tombs. They will turn out to be the restoration of life while the individuals who might have done insidiousness things to the revival of judgment. This is clear in the Gospel of Mathew amid the demise of Jesus; tombs opened and when he revived numerous holy people that had kicked the bucket originated from their tombs and went into their heavenly city (Chandler 284-285). Besides, Jesus likewise had looked at the kingdom of God over the one that he runs, with a net that is tossed into the ocean to accumulate fish of each kind. As the net turns out to be full, men will draw it aground and take a seat as they sort the great into vessels, and the terrible ones are discarded. This is a case of what will happen on the Last Day. The heavenly attendants of God will isolate the scoundrels from the upright ones and toss them to the ravenous flame as the exemplary sparkle like the sun when they achieve the kingdom of their dad. He also remembered a story told by Jesus in the book of Luke 16:19-31King James Version teaches us a lot on the afterlife. He narrated that there was a certain rich man, who had purple clothes with affine linen, and fared extravagantly every day of his life, whereas on the other hand there was a “certain beggar named Lazarus, who laid at the gate” (Hardwig 22) of this rich man. He was full of sores and desired to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table, in addition, the dogs used to come and lick his sores. One day, “the beggar died, and the angels carried him” (Hardwig 28) into Abraham's bosom while the rich man also died, and buried as a king (Hardwig 28). It happened that the rich man went directly to hell because he did not use his opportunity in this world properly like helping the needy like Lazarus. Moreover, in hell, he tried to lift up his eyes as he was in total torments and saw Abraham afar off, with Lazarus in his bosom. He cried and told Father Abraham to have mercy on him, that he should send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue because he was being tormented in the flame. Abraham on the other side told him to remember that in his lifetime he received good things as Lazarus got evil things but now he is being comforted, and thou art tormented. More so, he said that besides that, there is a great gulf fixed between them, so the passage to the other side is not possible. The rich man the later requested Abraham to Lazarus to his father’s house to go and warn his five brothers to change their ways lest they also go to the place of torment where their brother is present. Abraham informed them about the other brothers and that they should listen to Moses and other prophets that were still on the earth and be able to be persuaded to repent their sins before the end time (Smith and Louw).
  • Such scripture clearly shows that there is always good life after death here on earth. In addition, when Samuel had died in the book of Samuel 29: 3-19, Saul told his servants to look for him a woman that is medium so that Samuel could be brought to him, but later own Samuel told Saul that the Lord has departed from them and has become their enemy. Meaning when one does evil, he makes the Lord depart from him and automatically becomes the enemy of the Lord. Hart knew very well that due to his evil deeds he is the enemy of god (Smith and Louw).
  • Ecclesiastes says that for that thing that happens to the sons of men does likewise happens to animals . Hence, they have one thing in common which is as one dies, so dies the other. For sure they all have one breath . Thus, man has no advantage over animals as for all is vanity. They eventually all go to one place, which is from the dust to dust. In addition, the question is, who knows the spirit of the sons of men that goes upward and that spirit of the animal that goes down to the earth? Therefore, for the one who is joined to all the living have hope and is compared to a living dog, which is better than a dead lion. Thus, the living knows that one day they will die while the dead know nothing because they have no more reward, and their memory is forgotten. More so, their love, hatred, and envy that they had have now perished and will never have a share of anything that is done under the sun.

Therefore, this world gives our souls experiences that we would not get from the Spirit World because it trains our souls in one way or the other, actually, live in the spirit world is governed by laws called Laws of Vibration hence those souls that share the same length of wave has a chance to reside in the same territory. Even though the heavenly world where we get restoration is a wonderful world, whereby there is an overflow of love, harmony, and happiness, despite that, the soul is not provided with many opportunities for the progress. However, the soul can only discipline itself as it corrects its misguided inclinations and makes progress when it is put in adverse circumstances (Smith and Louw). This eventually becomes the main reason to why human beings occasionally revive to the earthly world whereby people that have wavelengths that do not match may come together as they refine their souls. In addition, the earthly world can also be a place where we can come across great souls that one would never meet in the Real World.

Live after death is actually the concept of a kingdom, where the most important part of the person’s identity continues to be into existence even after the death of the body in his lifetime. Ideologies on the afterlife, the importance of the specific person who lives on after death, can be some partial element or in some situation be the entire soul of a person that moves with it and confers personal identity. Therefore, Belief in an afterlife that can be natural or rather supernatural has the contrast with the belief in oblivion after death. Other popular suggestions are that the continued existence frequently takes place in a more spiritual territory, and the individual can be born again into this world as he begins the life cycle over again. This claims that one is reborn without any memory of whatsoever they have done in the past. Such views claim that the rebirths, as well as deaths, can take place continuously until the individual gets entry to the spiritual kingdom.

When a person dies, he goes to heaven and the judgment becomes arbitral and is externally imposed. The soul is said to be shown two videotapes as the first one is called “This is Your Life!” which entails every decision, thoughts , all the good deeds, and the embarrassing things which the person did in private is all replayed vividly without any embellishments for everyone to see. While the next world is called “the World of Truth,” this is because it is here we clearly recognize our personal strengths, shortcomings, as well as the real reason for life (Smith and Louw). The second video actually shows how one’s life could have been in a case the right choices could have been made and if the opportunities were seized. This video is more painful and is much tougher to bear. Despite that, it purifies the soul as well as the pain creates the regret that takes away the barriers and allows the soul to entirely connect to God.

So one is right to say that heaven is where the soul experiences its greatest possible pleasure, which in this case is the feeling of closeness to God though not all souls experience the same degree. The degree bases on things like giving to the charity, prayer and caring for others. The other factor in heaven is one’s understanding of the environment he is. Whenever a person spends their lifetime uplifting the soul and becomes sensitive to spiritual certainties then, that will interpret into incredible pleasure in heaven. While on the other hand, if one’s life was just about merry then that can get boring for eternity. Thus, human beings should have to focus on the task in this world, and the awareness of an eternal reward should be a good motivator because the soul is actually connected to God.

All these things ran through the mind of Mr. Hart as he pondered on what would happen to him because he had neglected his maker as mistreated his workers, engaged in ungodly things like adultery, and cheated other people since the day he became so influential in the society. This story sends a message to those who gain wealth and misuse it instead of using it to glorify the name of his creator.

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