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Theological Reflection on the Gospel - Coursework Example

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The basic motive of this paper "Theological Reflection on the Gospel" is to reflect three experiences that have shaped the author's Christian life and led him into maturity and being aware of the importance and relevance of God based on the results of the reflection…
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Theological Reflection on the Gospel
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Lesson Discipleship through the eyes of Mark: Mark views this concept of discipleship throughthree major components that is calling, sending, and a way of life. In illustrating the concept of calling, Mark Chapter 1 versus 16 to 20, gives an illustration on how Jesus Christ was able to call his two disciples, Simon and Andrew. Verse 16 denotes that while Jesus Christ was passing through the Sea of Galilee, he was able to see Simon and Andrew. The two were fishermen, Jesus Christ found while they were plying their trade. Jesus called them, and asking them to follow him (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 11). Immediately, the two men left their work and followed Jesus. This aspect of calling is further illustrated in verse 19, where Jesus Christ found James and John tending on their fishing net. He called these two, and they heeded his call, leaving their father behind, following Jesus. Through this passage, we are able to learn that being called as a disciple is not enough. This is because there must be some response from the people who are called into discipleship. For instance, John and James were with their father Zebedee when Jesus called them. When they received the call from Christ, they were able to accept it, and they left their father Zebedee to follow Jesus. This concept of acceptance or rejection of the call of Christ is better shown in the Mark Chapter 10, verses 17 to 22. This is a story of a young rich man, who wanted to inherit the Kingdom of God. However, when Jesus Christ told him to sale his wealth and follow him, the young rich man declined. This is an indication that in this call, a person can either reject it, or accept it. Another important component of discipleship is being sent to a mission. This is better depicted in Mark Chapter 6 verses 7 to 13. Verse 7 of this chapter denotes that Jesus Christ called his disciples, and he began sending two by two, giving them authority over every unclean spirit. This is an indication that any disciple of Jesus must be engaged in a missionary activity. The mission under consideration is to preach the gospel of repentance (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 17). This is better depicted in verse 12 which denotes that the Disciples of Christ preached the message of repentance, and people repented. Mark Chapter 1 verses 40 to 45 further explain this concept of sending. According to verse 40, Jesus Christ healed a leper, and sent him to a priest, so that he may present himself, and offer cleansing sacrifices, just as Moses commanded. However, it is important to explain that when a disciple is sent, chances are high that he or she will meet resistance or rejection from people whom they are sent to. This is depicted in Mark Chapter 6 verses 11, where Jesus Christ tells his disciples, that if anyone rejects them, they should leave the person, and shake off the dust of their feet. This aspect of rejection is better depicted on the parable that Jesus gave concerning the wicked tenants. This parable is found in Chapter 12 verses 1 to 12 of the book of Mark. Verse 2 denotes that the owner of the vineyard was able to send a servant to the tenants, to collect some rent. However, he was rejected, and they beat him up. This happened until the owner sent his son, whom the tenants killed. Through this parable, Jesus was indicating that chances are high, that his disciples may face rejection, from people whom He sends them to. Finally Mark explains that a disciple must live a moral and a righteous life. When the rich young man came to Jesus in Chapter 10, verses 17 to 22, Jesus Christ told him, for an individual to inherit eternal life, then he or she must not murder, he must not steal, commit adultery, defraud, disrespect their parents, or even provide a false testimony (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 21). These are acts of righteousness and morality that Jesus Christ was promoting. Furthermore, in Mark Chapter 10 verses 43, Jesus Christ explains that his disciples must be ready to serve. Service to the weak is the only way an individual can be considered as great in the Kingdom of God. A disciple must also be a person of faith, believing in Jesus Christ, and his Gospel, and Grace. For instance, in Mark Chapter 2, verse 5, Jesus Christ healed the paralyzed man, only after seeing his faith. In Mark Chapter 5 verses 34, Jesus Christ healed the woman with the issue of blood, only after seeing her faith. In fact, Jesus tells her that her faith has made her whole. Based on this analysis, a disciple must be called, must be sent, and he must live a moral life, which is full of faith. Reflection: I am a disciple of Christ, and I believe in gospel. I have a considerable experience while practicing Christianity. There are numerous challenges and opportunities which have been presented to me, because of my faith. One of the important requirements of my faith is to witness to non-believers. It is mandatory, for anybody who professes the Christian faith to witness to non believers. Through this action, Christians would be obeying the call of Christ as depicted in the various chapters of the book of Mark (BibleGateway). I remember, one day, as I was attending a Christian rally, I met an old man, who did not believe in God. This person was an atheist, and he believed that God did not create the world, and hence it is important to be rationale, when talking issues regarding religion. It was my desire to witness to this person, and I began by explaining to him, the creation story, contained in the book of Genesis Chapter 1 and 2. However, I soon came to realize that this man had a better grasp of the bible, than even me. However, I explained to him, the resurrection story, contained in Mark Chapter 16, telling him, that the death of Jesus Christ was to save sinners and people who did not believe in Him. It takes only a matter of repentance, and acceptance of God’s grace, which was released through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To my surprise, this person was able to confess the confession prayer, and move out of his atheist believe. This was not possible without the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. Through this experience, I learnt that whenever we engage in witnessing, then God through the Holy Spirit will always guide us. Another major experience that I went through touched on giving. I must admit, that initially, I was an individual who was not paying tithes. However, God commands us, in Malachi chapter 3 verses 10, to bring the full amount of tithes to him (BibleGateway). This is an element of a Christian faith that I was not practicing. However, after through soul searching, and teachings from various religious leaders, I came to learn that it is mandatory for a Christian to give tithes. I began to give tithes and offering to God, so that I may not be accused of stealing from the almighty God. This is as contained in Malachi, Chapter 3 verses 6 to 10. Through this action, I have experienced a tremendous relief in my finances. It is important to explain that as a believer, it is necessary to have a forgiving heat. In fact, Jesus Christ, in Mark Chapter 11 verses 25 explains that whenever an individual goes to God in prayer, he or she must forgive anyone who wronged him. This is for purposes of experiencing God’s forgiveness. However, it has always been difficult for me, to forgive those who have wronged me. The good thing is that I have managed to overcome this weakness through lots of prayers, and studying of the bible. In conclusion, these three experiences have shaped my Christian life, and they have managed to lead me into maturity. Lesson 2: The Book of Galatians is a letter that Paul wrote to the people of Galatia. The most important people in this book are, Barnabas, Peter, false teachers, Abraham, and Paul himself. This letter to the people of Galatia mostly concerns itself with the issue of circumcision, and the Jewish attitudes to the gentiles. Chapter 1 and 2 of this book is a testimony that Paul gives concerning himself. Paul explains how he was able to receive the Gospel of Christ, which is authentic and true (BibleGateway). Furthermore, Paul explains that it is the duty of every Christian to preach this gospel of Christ, the Gospel that he was preaching. This is contained in Galatians Chapter 1 verse 9, which denotes that anyone who is preaching another gospel, other than the one he was preaching, then that person should be cursed Barron. Paul further explains that as a Christian, the Holy Spirit has a role in empowering and enabling him to live as an ambassador of Jesus Christ, and as his instrument. Paul further explains the role of the Holy Spirit in Chapter 5 verses 22 to 23 of Galatians. Paul explains that the Holy Spirit is responsible for giving joy, peace, love, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, self control, gentleness, etc (Orsuto, 39). These are gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are given to Christians so that they can live as Jesus Christ lived. To illustrate the importance of living as Christ, he was crucified with Christ; hence it is Jesus Christ who is living in him. This is found in Galatians Chapter 2 verses 20, which denotes that, “Paul was crucified with Christ; as a result, it is Christ who is living in him. Furthermore, he explains that his life is that of faith, in Jesus Christ”. Through this passage, Paul also introduces another concept, that of faith. He asserts that every Christian must live in faith (Fuente, 22). Paul talks deeply about this concept of faith, in Galatians Chapter 3 verses 10 to 14. Paul explains that nobody gets any justification from God, through the law, but only through faith (BibleGateway). This is contained in verse 12, which denotes that righteous people shall live by faith. Furthermore, in this passage, Paul teaches us that Christians should not live by the Mosaic Law. This is because the law does not justify anybody before God, furthermore, Paul explains in Galatians 3 verses 13 that the death of Christ redeemed every Christian from the curse of the law (Barron, 9). The law was a curse because it was practically difficult for anybody to follow it. This is because Paul called it a curse, and explained that Christians are justified by faith, and not by law (Gal 3 verse 2). In Galatians Chapter 3 verses 15 to 29, Paul explains the purpose of the law, and why it is inferior to faith that people have in Christ. In verse 19, Paul explains that the law was established because of the sins of mankind. This verse further states, that the law was to be in place, until the coming of Jesus Christ, who was an offspring of Abraham, and had the mandate of releasing mankind from the curse of the law (Orsuto, 31). Based on this fact therefore, men are not imprisoned by law, because of the redemptive power of Christ Jesus (Gal 3 verse 23). Paul further explains that the present life in which Christians live, are directly related with the next life that they will live. In explaining this point, Paul uses the concepts of sowing and reaping. For example, in Galatians Chapter 6, verses 7 to 9, Paul explains that it is not possible to mock or deceive God (BibleGateway).. That whatever an individual sows, that will he also reap. If a person sows in the flesh, he will reap corruption; however, if an individual sows in the spirit, he or she will reap eternal life. Through this passage, Paul was explaining that our actions in the present life, would determine whether we enjoy eternal life, or not. Analysis of a Passage in Galatians: The passage under consideration is Galatians Chapter 4 verses 1 to 7. This passage explains that when an heir is a child, he is not different from a slave. This is because he is under managers and guardians. This passage further denotes that when we were under the world, we were slaves to the law; hence it required Jesus Christ, who is the son of God, to come down and redeem us. This redemption gave us the power to be called the Sons of God; hence the Holy Spirit is upon us, enabling us to call God, Father. Through this passage, we can learn that Christians are free from sin and the law, and God is a father to all Christians. As a Christian, I have learnt to live in faith, not being bound by the law, that is the Ten Commandments, and other Mosaic laws. This is because of Gods saving grace, through his son Jesus Christ. Lesson Three: The Flow Chart: The following are the components of a theological reflection, (Talvacchia, 44), Experience reflecting it in the context of religion Being aware of the importance and relevance of God based on the results of the reflection. Translating this awareness into pastoral action The Components of Theological Reflection in John 4: 1-40 Experience: The Samaritan woman talks about her life, and that of Samaritans. She says that Jews and Samaritans are not in harmony (verse7 to 9). Identification of the promiscuous life of the Samaritan woman. Reflection in the context of Religion: Identification of Jacob as the father of the Samaritans. Recognition of the promiscuous life of the Samaritan woman. Recognition of Jesus as a Prophet of God. Importance and Relevance of God: Asking Jesus Christ for the living waters. Seeking knowledge on the true worship, by the Samaritan woman (verse, 19). Pastoral Action The Samaritan woman testified in the villages (verse, 39) People in the villages believed in Christ, because of the testimony of the Samaritan woman. Theological Reflection on the Book of Mark: Mark 16 verses 14 to 20 The Gospel of Mark is the second book contained in the New Testament, and it is viewed as a canonical and synoptic gospel. This book highlights the story of the ministry of Jesus Christ, and it begins by identifying and explaining the baptism of Jesus Christ (Mark 1 verses 9), to His death (Mark 15 verse 33-37), burial and resurrection (Mark 28). This book does not contain the birth narrative or genealogy, or any post resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ (BibleGateway). This book further identifies Jesus as a hero, a healer, a miracle worker, an exorcist, and a man of action. It also identifies Jesus Christ as the Son of God, however, He is able to keep this identity secret, and he conceals it through parables that his disciples are unable to understand (Mark 12 verse 1 to 12). All this happens so that the prophecy concerning the life of the messiah may be fulfilled, and that of His fate, as a suffering servant. The Gospel of Mark ends, with the discovery of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Mark 16 verses 7), and an instruction to preach the gospel in the entire world, (Mark 16 verses 14-20). It is important to explain that the Great Commission, contained in Mark Chapter 16 verse 14 to 20 has had a great impact in my experience and life as a Christian. This is a chapter whereby Jesus Christ is rebuking His disciples for their unbelief, after which He is commanding them to move to the world, in order to preach the gospel. Chapter 16 further denotes that those who believe in this message will be saved, and they will be baptized (BibleGateway). However, those who do not believe in this message will receive condemnation. I have had considerable experiences regarding the issues of faith and unbelief. For instance, at times, when I am sick, I tend to belief that God cannot heal me. However, after reading through a series of scriptures, my faith increases, and I tend to believe in the healing power of God. Furthermore, verse 18 of this passage is also very interesting. This is because it contains the assuarity that the disciples of God will not be harmed by any attacks of the enemy. For instance, the passage denotes that the disciples of Christ will pick serpents, and drink poison, and no harm will come to them. Furthermore, they will perform miracles such as healing of the sick. Through this passage, I have come to realize that sickness is not my portion. It is based on these facts, that I normally have the courage of preaching the gospel, to non-believers, hence fulfilling the great commission. Works Cited: Barron, Robert. Silent Saint Joseph, Word on Fire Blog. Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. March 2012. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. Silent Saint Joseph, Word on Fire Blog "BibleGateway." .com: A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. . Catechism of the Catholic Church. Washington D.C.: USCCB Publications, 1985. Print. Fuente, A. The Action of the Holy Spirit, Compendium of Catholic Spirituality. Montreal: Trans. Jordan Aumann, 1996. Print. Orsuto, Donna. Holiness. Chula Vista: : New Century Theology, 2007. Print. Talvacchia, Kathleen. "Finding God Experientially in the Tradition: Theological Reflection as Spiritual Formation." Print.         Read More
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