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Vatican Council II and Catechism of the Catholic Church - Essay Example

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From the paper "Vatican Council II and Catechism of the Catholic Church" it is clear that this is one of the latin maxim characterized by the essence of life, identity and purpose that the Catholic church has over the midst worldwide. It acts as a law governing prayers among Christians…
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Vatican Council II and Catechism of the Catholic Church
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Vatican Council II and Catechism of the Catholic Church Lesson 5 - Vatican Council II In 2-3paragraphs, show how Casel describes the situation of modern man with regard to his appreciation of mystery, and what effect this has had on the practice of religion? What does Casel mean when he says the mystery is three things and one? According to the Casel based on the modern man he interprets ritual celebrations of previous events, which is part of memorial services through appreciation of mystery. Casel suggests that, in this modern life, modern man does not see God mystery. This knowledge has been accounted for many years through sacred scripture and tradition. The modern man through appreciation of mystery has encountered challenges due to the lack of faith among the generation. To add on the perception of mystery, Casel states that many things interfere with one’s ability based on the liturgical experience (Casel, 6-9). During this time, you are supposed to take into account good disposition when it comes to the issue of liturgy. Based on the practice of religion, nowadays humanity also termed as Modern man goes against the norm of Christianity. Casel analyses the character of the church and suggest that every Christian should take into account the Sacrosanctum Concilium. The use of sacraments makes them to identify themselves as real Christians and hence the mission and Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ is spread all over the world. The practice of religion has been under siege due to negligence that comes from modern man behaviours as far as church liturgy is of concern. Casel says that the mystery is three things and one meaning that one needs to understand that God is of trinity ( God the father, son and Holy Spirit) and Christianity life is depended on all of them (Flannery, 13-16). 2. In 3-4 paragraphs, explain Casels understanding of the role of worship (liturgy/sacraments) in the mystery of Christ, including the content of the mystery of Christian worship, its sacrificial nature, and the necessity of the rites themselves. It has been noted that Eucharist that is associated by liturgy celebration is an essential moment in the life of a Christian. On this account, the role of worshiping is to unite everyone and having time intimacy with God. As far as the mystery of Christianity is of concern, Casel tells that Christians through worship also known as liturgy that is administered through sacraments, meets God through Body and soul, flesh and spirit in the sacramental life (Hahnenberg, 9-13). Worship, however, makes one encounter the love that God has over us, but this is accompanied by actual celebrations that have responsibilities. In other words, celebrations of the liturgy if done well, everything will fall into place hence personal disposition. Sacrificial nature and the necessity of the rites surpasses the identity of the church keeping in mind that Sacrosanctum Concilium is a part of sacramental identity and dependent on liturgy. Casel gives us an analysis on the state of the sacrificial nature. He suggests that a given relationship on the social action of the church is rooted based on sacramental liturgy and hence maintaining sacramental worldview. This oversees creation of God by uniting humanity as God’s family. 3. In 2-3 paragraphs, explain what the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council mean when they say that “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows” (SC 10). How might this help us to understand why the document on the liturgy was the first document promulgated by the Second Vatican Council? The fathers of the second Vatican council desire to impart an understanding of change in Christianity and Christian life through the knowledge of faith. Any church as per the liturgy statement necessitates the promotion of union among all Christians who believes in Christ that through the power of almighty, humanity, and faith is strengthened. We anticipate that the church as a liturgy summit is made of God through the faith as well as baptism, and it is through these two characters that strengthen individuals to praise his almighty God. His power flows to his people through the midst of the church in a way that the norm of sacrificial is conducted especially during Lord’s super. The liturgy is administered through the Sacrosanctum Concilium aspect, which was promulgated by his holiness pope Paul VI in the year 1963 under sec10 and hence indicating that it is the first document published by the Second Vatican Council. 4. In 3-4 paragraphs, explain the following passage from Sacrosanctum Concilium: “Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people’ (1 Pet. 2:9; cf. 2:4-5) is their right and duty by reason of their baptism" (SC 14). Use Casels understanding of the mystery of Christian worship to support your answer. It is good to state that liturgy celebration, and participation is all for the good of humanity, and the way of Christianity though comes with either positive or negative effects according to individual deeds. However, the liturgy is open to every person despite race, royalty, redeemed and holiness and hence it is through rights and duty of baptismal aspect that it is realized. This is evident by considering Casel understanding of the mystery of Christian worship. Through Casel, we learn that Christians through worship probably administers sacraments, and this makes them meet Gods demands through Body and soul, flesh and spirit in the sacramental life. Worship, however, makes one encounter the love that God has over us, but accompanied by actual celebrations that have responsibilities. Understanding from the above passage in consideration of Sacrosanctum Concilium, we learn that as far as liturgy is of concern, the church is a passage and a link between Gods the father, son and Holy Spirit characterized by prayers. A church however strengthens the passage in a way that for Christian to do things according to the will of God, they are required to exercise Gods commandment through church and receive deliverance through catechism. Lesson 6 – Catechism of the Catholic church 1. In 3-4 paragraphs, thoroughly describe the work of each person of the Trinity in the celebration of liturgy. The work of Trinity in the celebration of the liturgy is composed of the Father, son, and Holy Spirit. Father as part of the trinity keeps us understands the economy of salvation by giving us a direction on how salvation is accomplished and how to keep ourselves away from the power of evil. In addition, God the father is the sovereign ruler as far as the entire universe is of concern. However, the work of God the son is to take eternal life plan out of eternity hence administering various views within the plan and brings it to the God the father just on time (Vaticana, 21-26). More so, God the Holy Spirit propels the essence of eternal plan hence instituting the will of God as a reality to men. The Holy Spirit stays in the heart of human for the purpose of teaching and showing prosperity and the love of God through prayers. 2. Explain the five ways that the sacraments contain n and communicate the Paschal Mystery. The five ways that the sacraments contain and communicate through the Paschal mystery includes the sacrament of Christ, the church, faith, salvation and eternal life. To start with, the sacrament of Christ consists of Holy Scriptures teachings directed to apostolic traditions as well as to the consensus. On the second account, the sacrament of the church is part of sacred scriptures and doctrine that involves Gods teachings. The church nurtures the aspect of faith through the help of Holy Spirit. However, the third ways of sacrament is through faith whereby repentance and forgiveness is preached among all nations hence evangelizing the gospel of God. This is where various supreme authorities among the church are encouraged not to go astray towards the liturgy. The fourth way includes the sacrament of salvation that is celebrated contrary to the worthiness in faith. The last ways of sacraments is the eternal life whereby the church is invited to celebrate and distribute the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole nation. This signifies that sacrament is part of grace that when instituted among God heirs, the future of humanity is dispensed altogether with divine (Towns, 22-27). 3. Limiting your scope to paragraphs 1135-1209, identify four particular teachings on the celebration of the sacraments, followed by where the teaching previously appears in the Tradition of the Church (Sacred Scripture, the Early Church Fathers, St. Thomas Aquinas, the Council of Trent, and Vatican II). From the celebration of sacraments, we learn that those who receive sacraments bear fruit through dispositions. In addition, when Christian exercises and make use of the sacrament their faith are strengthened and be able to express it. Thirdly, we learn that the fruit of sacramental is both personal and ecclesial since it increases charity and mission of witness. Finally, yet importantly, Sacraments bring about the knowledge of union that shapes the faith of an individual and strengthen ways in which liturgy is exercised by the church. Celebration and teachings of sacraments traditionally appears in the Sacred Scripture where Christians are told to adhere to rules and regulations governing sacraments. The Early Church Fathers also teaches christians to take into the account all aspects concerned with liturgy. 4. Define the following terms: a. anamnesis This is the remembrance through use of Eucharist. It is an exercised that does happen after the consecration of mass in which the church usually commemorates lord’s passion, ascension regarding heaven and resurrection of Jesus Christ. b. epiclesis This is part of anaphora exercised by priest in where they can invoke Holy Spirit during Eucharistic moment involving bread and wine. In most of time is directed to some of the Christians. In other way, it is a calling down of Holy Spirit to the midst. The best example is the story of Elijah who called down the fire of Lord during his offering. This was a sign directed to the people of Israel with the aim of showing them that he God is the father of all false worship. c. lex orandi, lex credendi This is one of the latin maxim characterized by the essence of life, identity and purpose that Catholic church has over the midst worldwide. It acts as a law governing prayers among Christians. In most cases, the maxim addresses the law of prayer that directs Christians on how they are supposed to pray and go as per the will of God. This is an exclusive agreement that makes Christian understand how they are supposed to worship. In addition, it defines Christian mission in the world, revealing and guarding the believe Christian deserves. Works Cited Casel, Odo. The Mystery of Christian Worship (Milestones in Catholic Theology). New York: Crossroads Publishing, 1999. Print. Catechism of the Catholic Church (Vatican’s website: Flannery, Austin. Vatican Council II, Vol. 1: The Conciliar and Postconciliar Documents [Paperback]. Washington DC: Costello Pub Co, 1975. Print. Hahnenberg, Edward. A Concise Guide to the Documents of Vatican II [Paperback]. Italy: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2007. Print. Towns, Brian. The Paschal Mystery: Christs Mission of Salvation, student book [Paperback]. New York: Saint Marys Press, 2011.Print. Vaticana, Libreria. Catechism of the Catholic Church/English [Paperback]. New York: Liguori Pubns; E Printing edition, 1994. Print. Read More
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