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The genesis of faith Faith by simple definition as is evident in the first verse of Hebrews 11 is the certainty of the unseen things and surety of what is hoped for. Hebrew 11 is therefore denoted as the genesis of faith because it uses exceptional heroic individuals of Old Testament to explain faith.Abel is regarded as the first martyr in the bible. He was the second son of Adam and Eve and also known as the biblical first shepherd. Little is known about him but he is the man who found favor from God by offering an acceptable sacrifice and murdered by his older brother Cain, whose offering did not find favor from God.
Abel presented more acceptable offering before God than did his brother Cain. Acceptance of Abel's offering by God is a manifestation that Abel was a righteous and faithful man (Hebrews 11:4)Enoch walked with and pleased God that God spared him the experience of death. Through faith he had in God, Enoch went to heaven without passing through death. The reason that God took him reveals that he thrilled God yet with no faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:5-6).Noah is depicted as a righteous and blameless man.
He loved God wholeheartedly and practiced obedience. In his life, he had stable faith only in God. Out of faith, Noah built a large boat and did so by obeying God’s warning to him about mysterious floods that were to happen. Noah rebuked the whole world, and from faith he became righteous (Hebrews 11:7).Abraham and Sarah: Abraham is depicted as an obedient and faithful servant of God. God commanded him to take with him his only beloved son Isaac and offer him as a burnt sacrifice. When he was about to sacrifice him, God intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice.
Out of faith, Sarah Abraham’s wife was able to have a child despite being barren and too old to conceive. However she doubted faith in God just like any other human being but God fulfilled His promise of giving her a child. Sarah’s faith inspires every person who easily loses hope in life (Hebrews 11:8-19).Isaac is known as the miracle child of Abraham and Sarah and a man of faith. Faith reigned in Isaac’s entire life and he practiced it in his marriage with Rebekah. By faith, he promised his sons Jacob and Esau future blessings (Hebrews 11:20)Jacob was liar, and manipulator but he knew God and he was renamed Israel.
Out of faith, despite being old he blessed each of Joseph’s sons and worshiped while leaning on his staff. Leaning is of significance in this context because Jacob had spent his entire life limping after wrestling with God and being broken. He then gave his life to God who took control over it (Hebrews 11:21)Joseph is a person who surrendered his life and obeyed God. By faith, when he was about to die, he said with confidence that the people of Israel would leave Egypt and commanded them to take his bones with them when they leave (Hebrews 11:22) Moses and Joshua: By faith and obedience to God, Moses and Joshua were chosen to lead people of Israel to the Promised Land.
Hebrews (11:23-30)Work Cited"Hebrew 11." Holly Bible with helps & bible guide. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 20081979. 853-854. Print.
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