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Kabbalahs Place in Jewish Mysticism - Essay Example

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This essay aims to investigate into the spiritual philosophy of the Jewish people, a distinguished traditional community of the globe, by concentrating upon their mystic life and Kabbalah with special consideration upon making its comparison with the mystical approach of its successor Abrahamic faiths including Christianity and Islam…
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Kabbalahs Place in Jewish Mysticism
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Anthony Sudarga Module Module ID: 08-01 Kabbalah’s Place in Jewish Mysticism Thepresent paper aims to investigate into the spiritual philosophy of the Jewish people, a distinguished traditional community of the globe, by concentrating upon their mystic life and Kabbalah with special consideration upon making its comparison with the mystical approach of its successor Abrahamic faiths including Christianity and Islam. Since the concept of Kabbalah is central in Jewish mysticism, the present study looks for elucidating its historical background and significance among the chosen seed along with elaborating the concepts and notions related to it (Milton, 1667)1. The paper is also interested in exploring its impact upon the individual and collective life of the Jews on the one hand, and its association with Christian philosophy on the other. Since mysticism is considered to be the way of unveiling the concealed realities of universal phenomena through soul’s direct or indirect encounter with the Creator, (Lancaster, 2006)2, by seeking inspiration from Him. It is therefore, one particular class out of the followers belonging to all Abrahamic faiths practice the same in one way or the other in order to obtain wisdom, unique mystic experience and spiritual uplift as well through meditation, rumination and contemplation. However, the ways and methods adopted by various sects appear to be divergent ones in nature, though the destination is one and the same i.e. examination of the truth and realities of universe in order to approach the Creator; the same is applied to Kabbalah, which not only enjoys imperative status in spiritualism and mysticism, but also appears to be the foundation of Jewish mysticism, followed by various communities and cultures in different forms (Dan, 2006)3. Before embarking upon the topic under examination, it would be advisable to have a brief introduction of Judaism. Brief Introduction of Judaism: The first and oldest one among the three Abrahamic religious faiths, Judaism serves as one of the ancient belief systems of the world, which seeks its inspiration from divine revelation and complete code of leading a systematic life under the commandments introduced by the prophets of God to the progeny of Abraham by direct spiritual guidelines sent from the Creator of the universe to the holy men for the moral and spiritual uplift of the beloved nation of God i.e. House of Jacob (Dimont, 2003)4. Almighty God had entered into monotheist Covenant with the House of Jacob through its first patriarch Abraham (Genesis, 12)5, where He had issued complete code of life to the first patriarch and his progeny teaching them how to lead their life according to His commands. Consequently, fulfillment of the promise would bring blessings in the form of power and prestige on their life on the earth as well as their abode in paradise in the world hereafter after death. Thus, this distinguished nation came into existence some four thousand years before, which underwent rises and falls, blessings and curses, and trials and migrations during the course of time in the aftermath of the Covenant between the Lord and Prophet Abraham (Dimont, 2003)6. The unyielding existence of Jewry looks the evident indication of its distinctive place in the world due to the very reality that all other nations contemporary to it vanished during the course of time, and it not only survives till this day even being a very small proportion of the world population, but has also rendered exemplary services and made distinguished contributions in multiple fields of life including religion and mysticism, art and literature, wisdom and philosophy, politics and war, science and technology, economic affairs and commerce and much more (Dimont, 2003)7. On the one side, they ruled over Egypt, Jerusalem, Israel and other parts of the globe; and on the other side, they became slaves of rival ethno-racial and religious groups because of their disobedience and non-compliance with the ways of the Lord. Similarly, accursed, humiliated and massacred by the then German ruler Adolf Hitler during the first half of twentieth century, they have been controlling the world economy as well as political affairs through their remarkable influence, exceptional intellect, outstanding corporate exposure and innate brilliance and wisdom in present era. Their contributions to mysticism is another feather in their accredited cap, which has paved the way towards further researches and meditations in order to make in-depth investigations of natural, social and physical phenomena existing all around them in modern times. Mysticism: Mysticism is unanimously viewed as the traditional sacramental practice of discovering truth and wisdom through solitary spiritual experiences one obtains by interacting with the universal phenomena through consciousness and spiritual powers, beyond the ordinary human perception, which reveals the secrets of life and death to the mystics in somewhat inexplicable and supernatural manner. Underhill (1930)8 views it as the science of ultimates, the science of self-evident Reality, which cannot be ‘reasoned about,’ because it is the object of pure reason or perception. The Babe sucking its mother’s breast, and the Lover returning, after twenty years’ separation, to his home and food in the same bosom, are the types and princes of Mystics (8)9. Since mysticism concentrates upon unveiling the realities of universe through human soul’s interaction with the metaphysical objects, it is not confined to one specific sect or faith only; on the contrary, it is practiced by almost all prominent and dominating faiths including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Taoism etc (Kiebert, 2005)10; the same is applied to the Abrahamic faiths, where mysticism has been in vogue for the last several centuries and is observed by different sects in different names through solitary spiritual meditations individually as well as in groups. In addition to it, meditation is also exercised by the followers of various faiths for peace of mind, psychological relief and exploring the mysteries associated with soul and spirit. Kabbalah and Hasidism are two most dominating mystic schools of Judaism, though the former has obtained imperative popularity all over the spiritual world. Kabbalah: Derived from the Hebrew word kbl, the word Kabbalah simply means to obtain or receive anything (Dan, 2006)11. The term was coined in the Jewish community over three thousand years before; at the eve when Moses received the Torah (code of written laws) and Talmud (oral traditions and wisdom) from Yahweh while his stay on the Mount Sinai for forty days and nights (Exodus, 31:18)12. However, the term is not just applied to define some particular religious rituals; on the contrary, it is used for multiple purposes by the Jewish community in their routine activities and everyday transactions (Dan, 2006)13. Somehow, the Kabbalah used in daily life is quite different from the unique devout tradition practiced by the Jewry as a mystic experience attributed to their spiritual activities. Kabbalah is, according to Lancaster (2005)14, Judaism’s inner teaching, which primarily addresses the nature of God and the secret meanings of the Torah. In a secondary sense, Kabbalah explores the deep structure of the mind and of outer reality (11). In other words, Kabbalah concentrates upon the secreted mystical knowledge and insight has been being transferred since generations from father to son and from mentor to pupil. Kabbalah actually elucidates about how to receive fulfillment in life by achieving eternal peace of mind and joy without concentrating upon temporary entertainment and delights. Being a spiritual experience, Kabbalah enjoins human soul with the universe, where it witnesses the realities of the universe unveiled before him with the help of the powers human soul has been bestowed with. It is a fact beyond suspicion that human beings maintain the tendencies of leaning towards the revelries and entertainments life offers to them. The same could also be observed by looking into the days spent by our first parents in the blissful place i.e. Eden Garden. Although they had been blessed with countless bounties, including superiority over fish of the water and fowl of the air (Genesis, 1: 26)15; nevertheless, the curiosity of both Adam and Eve did not let them abide by one single embargo i.e. not to taste the fruit of the Forbidden Tree. Hence, they lost their paradise in pursuit of temporary enjoyment only. It is therefore Kabbalah lays stress upon leading human soul from inferior delights to permanent satisfaction through prayers, meditations and self-restraint, in order to win the Will of the Lord through spiritual exercises, secret knowledge and wisdom. Although the ordinary people of the Jewish community are not familiar with the secret knowledge revealed to the blessed intellectuals or is transferred from one individual to the others, yet the same has been in vogue for centuries adding its share in the spiritual uplift of the community at large. Consequently, the essence of Kabbalah concerns its reverence for Judaism’s secret text, the Torah, and the ways in which it attempts to open that text in order to reveal the inner secrets contained therein on account of its divine status (Lancaster, 13).16 Since God has created man out of His own image, (Genesis, 1)17, human mind is aptly regarded as the reflection of divine thoughtfulness. It is therefore it is curious to peep into the realities of universities by unveiling its mysteries by interacting with divinity through spiritual experiences. For many scholars, the term Kabbalah refers to a mystical approach, coming to the fore from the twelfth century onwards, which focuses on a specific set of symbols, the sefirot, and the Names of God (Lancaster, 2006)18. Kabbalah not only associates the human soul with divinity, but also is equally important for comprehending with the text and messages narrated in the Torah. There are ten attributes of Kabbalah, called sefirot, through which the Infinite (Ein Sof) is revealed. As a result, they are called as Gates of Light that turn out to be supportive in respect of obtaining spiritual glory. These include Keter (crown), Hokhmah (wisdom), Binah (understanding), Hesed (love), Gevurah (power), Tiferet (beauty), Netsah (victory), Hod (splendour), Yesod (foundation) and Malkhut (kingdom), with Da’at (knowledge) as the eleventh attribute. By interpreting these attributes, the first one i.e. Keter refers to the infinite and limitless essence of Divine Will. Hence, sefirot is initiated by seeking spiritual support from Divine Will. However, since human conscious cannot attain direct contact with Keter, it is withdrawn at the eve of initiation of the sefirot (Lancaster, 48-50)19. Furthermore, since human faculties are far inferior to the divine powers, they cannot enter into direct communication with Keter without obtaining the spiritual uplift through the other nine above-described attributes. The Kabbalah takes initiation from Hokhbah, which is viewed as the beginning impulse of meditation and serves as foundation stone in respect of setting out on the journey to mysticism (Ozaniec, 2003)20. In simple words, if the seeker of truth and vigilance does not possess wisdom, he is unable to take initiative in order to start his journey to spiritual ecstasy. The scholars declare Binah as the structural design of Kabbalah, upon which the entire mystical experience is relied (Dan, 2006)21. Binah seeks its direct connection with human soul, as it possesses the power of conceptual analysis and reasoning, necessary for comprehending with the experiences one gains through soul’s interaction with divinity. It actually refers to the spiritual insight one already obtains regarding the universal phenomena divided into natural and physical attributes. The relationship between Hokhmah and Binah is the same between design and structure as well as between imagination and practical form. It can also be understood by taking the example of the match-box and ignition; where the former gives a go to the further developments leading towards the latter. Fourth attribute i.e. Hesed focuses upon passion and dedication to enter into the ecstasy venture through power to achieve the destination. The last sefirot attribute is regarded as Malkhut. Hence, started from the Keret or crown, Kabbalah ends in the Malkhut or kingdom, seeking complete harmony between the King and the subjects. These are actually the steps declared necessary by the religious scholars in order to face the Lord with the help of mystical experience. Man attains the uplift of soul by starting his journey from nothingness. However, purity of heart and mind is essential in order to carry out the spiritual venture. In addition, the persons determined to experience such a sacred experience must be followers of the sacred teachings manifestly mentioned in the Torah. Consequently, in order to acquire secret knowledge of the Talmud, one must be well prepared to understand and observe the commandments of the Lord for leading the individual and collective life. Mysticism in Christianity: Spiritualism is not confined to Jewish community only; on the contrary, every religious group seeks mental satisfaction and spiritual bliss by exploring the secrets of soul and its relation with the universal phenomena. It is particularly applied to Christianity, the largest faith of the world. Being the successor of Jewish traditions, and follower of the same Scripture belonging to Judaism, Christianity shares several mystical commonalities with its predecessor Abrahamic faith. For instance, the Book of Ezekiel (1:4-28)22 provides a detailed account of vision of God witnessed by the Prophet Ezekiel for twenty years, which is followed by both Jews and Christians as the Holy Scripture sent by the Lord. Similarly, descriptions of the encounters of Abraham, Jacob and Moses with the Lord are also one and the same in both the faiths. Somehow, the Christian mysticism looks for union of human soul with Holy Jesus Christ in order to obtain bliss and unique spiritual experience. The saints belonging to early Christian era, including St. Augustine (City of God, 1994)23, the martyred St. Perpetua24 and others have elaborated their personal experiences of meeting God and Christ both while waking and in their dreams. Like Jewish concept of Kabbalah, Christian mysticism also experiences the encounter with either the Father, or the Son, through direct visionary occurrence. McGinn (2006)25 seeks the roots of Christian mystical experiences in second century AD, where the saints and apostles came to know about the mystical interpretations of the text of Holy Bible. Thus, like Jewish Talmud, the Christian Scripture also carries the sacred messages that are specific to the understanding of intelligentsia, and hence does not have any concern with the common men among the community. The Qur’an also mentions two kinds of knowledge revealed by God to Moses: “And [recall] when We (i.e. God) gave Moses the Scripture and Criterion that perhaps you would be guided” (2:53)26. Consequently, here the Scripture simply means the Holy torah, while Criterion stands for some other knowledge comprehended perhaps by the intellectual and most pious members of the Moses’ nation. The Qur’an also affirms the difference in vision, knowledge and wisdom between the intellectual and illiterate strata among the House of Jacob by elaborating the plight of the latter in these words: “And among them (i.e. the Jews) are unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture except in wishful thinking, but they are only assuming” (2:78)27. Thus, there existed the philosophical knowledge of universe and its attributes specific for those, who were determined to make hard efforts in respect of learning knowledge and wisdom from the Lord by seeking His bounties regarding the revelation of the same for their success in life as well as in the Hereafter. Hence, the persons striving for seeking the help of God for knowing the truth and realities of life are blessed with mystical and spiritual uplift, and realities of the universe are revealed to them. Christian mysticism asserts body and mind as two different entities, which are inter-dependent of each other for their functioning in an appropriate manner. The concept of Cartesian dualism, articulated by renowned medieval Christian thinker, Rene Descartes, regards soul as a superior and immortal entity, which encounters universal phenomena through imagination, dreams and soul’s long journey round the universe (Ariew, 2011)28. On the contrary, the main objective behind the creation of human body included just to let the inferior entity demonstrate various performances according to the commands issued by the soul. Hence, being a superior, lighter and free entity, soul can have encounter with the metaphysical objects during its journey to all corners of the universe. To conclude, it becomes evident that like its predecessor Judaism, Christianity also declares miracles, visionary occurrences and philosophical dreams as the part of mysticism, as all these elements unveil the secret and hidden aspects of the universal phenomena before the individuals experiencing the same. Morever, like the Kabbalists, the spiritual bounties are bestowed upon the righteous and pious people among the Christian community because of the grace of God only, instead of human efforts could be observed by the pious persons to attain the same; as Galatians (3:5)29 states: “Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard”? Consequently, Rich (1995)30 observes, Paul is justified in stating that it is not human efforts or the strict observance of law that will bring us into righteousness, but only through the grace of God in faith will we find knowledge, wisdom, mystical experiences and finally the salvation. Butler & Burns (2005)31 recount the tale of St. Perpetua (AD 203), where she observed the ladder of light leading her to the heavens because of her unwavering love for Holy Jesus (64). Hence, Christian mysticism declares all spiritual boost and blessings as the outcome of the benevolence and grace of Almighty God only. Nevertheless, unflinching and unabated love for Jesus Christ is the first step towards obtaining the same from high heavens, which Judaism refutes to submit to. Without having any reverence for Jesus, according to Christian mysticism, nothing bountiful could be achieved on the earth as well as after death altogether even man has led a pious and virtuous life on earth (Anderson, 2005).32 The Christian mysticism lays stress upon leading life according to the divine law expressed in Leviticus 18 & 19, which has also been clearly stated in Jewish traditions. Somehow, Christians also argue in favor of imitating the holy life and noble sayings of Jesus Christ, to which Jewish traditions turn a deaf ear. Christ’s Sermon on the Mount enjoys distinguished place in Christian traditions, where Jesus has defined a comprehensive code of leading a life while man’s stay on the earth. On the other hand, Jews view Moses as the greatest prophet sent by God for the moral, social and spiritual guidance of the Children of Israel. Furthermore, Judaism strongly believes in monotheism, and does not allow polytheism; on the contrary, Christians concentrate upon the notion Holy Trinity, where the Father, the Son and arch-angel Gabriel make trinity. Thus, major difference between the Jewish and Christian mysticism is this that the former does not have any belief in Christ, while the latter declares his love the foundation of all achievements man experiences while setting on the holy journey of mysticism and exploration of realities of human soul. Works Cited Anderson, Leith Jesus: An Intimate Portrait Bethany House 2005 300-311 Ariew, Roger. Modern Philosophy Second Edition 2011 4-71 Butler, Alban & Burns, Paul Butlers Lives of the Saints Volume 3 Continuum International Publishing Group 1999 60-68 Dan, Joseph Kabbalah: A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press 2006 7-42 Dimont, Max I. Jews, God and History 2nd Edition New American Library 2003 5-19 Kiebert, Dave Meditating in Midstream The Magazine of World Pantheism Issue 16 Autumn 2005 1-16 Web Lancaster, Brian L. The Essence of Kabbalah Arcturus Publishing Company 2006 McGinn, Bernard. The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism New York: Modern Library 2006 Ozaniec, Naomi. The Kabbalah Experience: The Practical Guide to Kabbalistic Wisdom Watkins Publishing London 2003 3-11 Rich, Randy The Necessity of Christian Mysticism: beyond the Symbols and into the Sacred 1995 122 Web Samuel, Gabriella. The Kabbalah Handbook: A Concise Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts in Jewish Mysticism Jeremy P. Tarcher, New York 2007 St. Augustine of Hippo The City of God Amazon 1994 Underhill, Evelyn Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library 1930 3-404 Web Genesis 12: 1-3 The Call of Abram Web. The Old Testament Genesis 1-3 New Kings James Bible Galatians 3 Faith or Works of the Law Bible Gateway Web. The Holy Qur’an Chapter 2: The Heifer Read More
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