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The Leaders Challenge - Essay Example

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This essay is an overview of the main points in Chapter one of, “The Leader’s Challenge”. Church leaders find themselves under increasing pressure to perform. After reading this chapter, it is apparent that leaders can be burdened with new technology. …
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Brandon Hebert CE-103o Dr. Paul Fisher Session 1 Essay Questions 1. This essay is an overview of the main points in chapter one of, “The Leader’s Challenge”. Church leaders find themselves under increasing pressure to perform. After reading this chapter, it is apparent that leaders can be burdened with new technology. Church pastors and leaders need quiet time with God and may be interrupted by e-mails and other technological advances that cause constant distractions. People are always looking for leaders they can trust while in politics, leaders only tell us what we want to hear. Society needs stately men who care about the people and not their own self-interest. Leaders have to adjust and be fluid to change; being able to make quick and decisive decisions is a part of living in a global economy. Career decisions are based on many factors not just salary alone, some even have multiple careers. Church leadership models have changed over time as society continues to have increasing interest in religious issues and churches. The business model of a secular CEO has infiltrated many churches. Pastors of churches using a CEO model measure success by numbers, money, attendance and building projects, while other leaders consider that if the truth of Christ is ignored, the motive is wrong from the very start and adopt His model in areas of church, politics and business. States Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. 2. This is an overview of the main point in chapter two of, “The Leader’s Role”. The first qualification of a Christian leader is he must be called by God. Spiritual leaders differ from secular leaders in that the primary goal for spiritual leadership is to bring glory to God. Secular leaders’ motives are always self-driven and not based on bringing glory to God. The spiritual leader is directed by the Holy Spirit and does not serve man’s agendas. Peter Drunker states, “Popularity is not leadership”. Three important aspects of leadership are the three C’s as described on page eighteen. The three C’s are call, character and competencies. The leader must always exert influence. I would add Christ to the three C’s first, for if Christ is not first in any ministry, the leader is doomed to fail. True leadership must always be Christ-centered. The leader must direct the people in accordance with the authority of the Word of God. Spiritual leaders have a high responsibility: In the end every leader will be accountable to God and Him only. 3. This essay will discuss the main points of chapter one, “An Honorable Ambition”. Ambition is a healthy quality for one to have, however motive is the key factor. In Christian spiritual leadership, ambition should involve a genuine love for Christ and center on bringing glory to God. Christ ministry was not braised on egos of men. Jesus taught that man must me selfless in service as this is the hallmark of a true Christian leader. A real spiritual leader is focused on bringing glory to God and puts his own agenda aside. Christ must always be first. On page fourteen of “Spiritual Leadership” this quotation sums it up, “Because we children of Adam want to become great, He became small. Because we will not stoop, He humbled Himself. Because we want to rule, He came to serve”. 4. This essay will discuss the main points of chapter two, “The Search for Leaders”. In today’s modern society, many leaders are chosen based on attractiveness, articulation of beautiful speeches and personal intellect. However, these qualities may play a role, but are not the standards for real spiritual leaders. Real spiritual leaders are needed in churches today. A spiritual leader must first have a strong relationship with God and use a Christ-like model. Man does not choose spiritual leaders, God alone calls them to serve. Spiritual leaders are vessels that the Holy Spirit will use to deliver His message. The leader, however, must be an available vessel, which requires years of discipline and maturity as the leader grows in Christ. Leaders must always realize that humans will have character flaws and in doing so this will keep the leader humble knowing that their leadership is based on the authority of God. Accepting personal character flaws, taking responsibility for others and committing to discipline is extremely important for a true leader. Therefore, a true spiritual leader’s final goal will be to bring glory to God. 5. This essay will discuss the main points of chapter three, “The Master’s Master Principle”. Leadership, today, plays an important role in church, government and business. Jesus’ style of leadership was a completely different view. Christ’s first principle was Sovereignty. Christ was a new kind of leader and he stated in John 17:1 “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son, that your son may glorify you. For you have granted him authority over all people”. Christ established His Sovereignty and then he applied a suffering principle that had never been taught before from other leaders. As Christian leaders, we realize that we are dependent upon the Holy Spirit and not dependent upon self. Self is dead and we are alive in Christ. 6. This essay will discuss the main points of chapter one, “The Nature of Leadership”. In today’s society, people always relate a great church with a great leader. On page eight, qualities of great leaders were discussed. Great leaders are always persuasive and able to influence people. Leaders are always moving in a focused direction and able to make people move with them. Leaders have vision or dreams. Furthermore, they are effective and articulate in communication. Leaders must be able to make rapid decisions, with the proper motive in mind. Spiritual leaders are accountable to God first, then their followers. An effective leader will reward the followers, however the followers must have confidence in the leader, therefore the leader must be credible. Spiritual leaders operate as a vessel under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will give Christians special gifts to assist with leadership. A few gifts leaders may have are evangelism, teaching, shepherding and administration to list a few. The Holy Spirit will give gifts to each person on an individual basis. Leaders have different styles: Sanguine leaders are normally easy-going, friendly people. Choleric-style leaders can be quick-tempered, bossy and domineering. Melancholy leaders tend to be emotionally-sensitive. The final type is phlegmatic. This type of leader tends to be well-balanced and a peace-maker. A kaleidoscope leader may have a blend of many styles. As followers, we must always remember Christ is the perfect example of a leader, man will always fall short. 7. This essay will discuss chapter two, “Abraham: The Entrepreneurial Leader”. Today’s secular world is driven for more money and power. People, when they hear the word entrepreneur, think no boss and more money. However, entrepreneur models of leadership, when applied to spiritual leaders in the Bible, such as Abraham, do not apply to the secular model. Abraham did have a boss: That is God. Also, his motive was not financial gain, but bringing glory to God. Abraham took many risks because he believed God’s promises. Abraham moved on faith and did not worry about the details, he was strictly obedient and did not question God. Like Abraham, Christian leaders who are entrepreneurial-style leaders can be effective. However, this style of leadership does have a downside: The leader may take risks without clear vision. Effective leaders must have a clear vision, be able to process-refine and deliver the vision to the people. 8. This essay will discuss chapter three, “Jacob: The Pragmatic Leader?”. A pragmatic leader may tend to be very strict and regimented. We see an example of pragmatic leaders in the Bible. Jacob is one such leader. Jacob was a very strong-willed individual as we see when he seized the opportunity to take the birthright from his brother. Pragmatic leaders in churches tend to step on people’s feelings and make hasty decisions. Pragmatic leaders are good at recognizing a problem and staying committed to making it right. A great pragmatic leader must always be credible and have discernment from the Holy Spirit. Jacob was an effective pragmatic leader because he would measure progress and address the problem. However, Jacob knew that problems would always exist, so he adapted his style of leadership to be ready for the challenge. Jacob made things happen. He did not watch or wonder what happened. 9. This essay will discuss chapter four, “Joseph the Decision-Making Leader”. A primary, and essential, responsibility of great leaders is the ability to make decisions. However, leaders are also required to delegate authority. For example, the pastor cannot micro-manage every aspect of the church, he must delegate authority to other credible leaders. Joseph was an effective leader because he always knew God was in control. Jesus said, “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4). Even when Joseph was in prison he knew God was with him. Strong leaders must have a decision- making strategy. Christian leaders must seek God first prior to making decisions. After leaders have weighed out all of their options and sought the Lord’s will, there comes a time to make a move. Joseph had a plan of action for Pharaoh, but the plan was God’s will. Joseph was charged with making the plan of action for Egypt happen. If Joseph would have leaned on his own reason or logic and not faith in God, the outcome for Egypt could have been much different. 10. The external links you have provided for our learning experience are very helpful. There are so many new sites to explore that I have never seen. I look forward to exploring all of the links. The three links I found helpful that I currently use are: This site is extremely helpful in studying the Word of God. As we know, faith comes by hearing the Word. I take notes while the Word is being spoken by the reader. This style of learning, for me, allows the Word to sink deep into my conscience. The second link I enjoy is Dr. David Jeremiah, Turning Point. I enjoy expository preaching. Dr. Jeremiah is an extremely effective vessel for the Holy Spirit in teaching and dissection of the Scripture. For new students like me, exegesis of the Scripture can be difficult. Listening to effective expository teaching of the Scripture allows students to mature in their walk with Christ. The translator link is a new link I explored. This link will be very effective in my learning process now and in the future. This link will help new students to understand basic Hebrew and Greek translations to start the foundation of learning. Learning Hebrew and Greek will be essential in furthering my education on a graduate level. This website is great for new students to help with starting some basic learning prior to formal professional instruction. The maps and charts are extremely interesting material. I took some time to review eschatological charts: “The Revelation of Jesus”. Personally, I believe all of the links are awesome and a complete sensory overload!! I am excited to explore the links. I really think this, for me, is a new and effective way to learn. Thanks and God bless. Read More
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