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Catholic Mass and Experience of the Spiritual Emotions of the Congregation - Essay Example

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The paper "Catholic Mass and Experience of the Spiritual Emotions of the Congregation" states that the church premises included a vestry that was attached to the church and houses for the pastor and other lay persons who tended to the affairs of the church. …
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Catholic Mass and Experience of the Spiritual Emotions of the Congregation
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? [Supervisor’s Religion and Theology For a assignment, I visited St. Margaret’s Church at 1565 East Washington highway, Monticello Fl, 32344 (U.S. 90 east). This is a Catholic Church with the Parish consisting of Catholics living in the vicinity of the Washington highway. The purpose of the visit was to attend a Catholic Mass and experience the spiritual emotions of the congregation. Since Sunday services in Churches are usually filled to capacity, I thought it better to visit on a Saturday when only very devoted Catholics would be attending the daily Mass. The day was bright and sunny when I started from home and arrived at the church at 10.45 am. The first thing that struck me was the simplicity of its construction and the austere beauty of the church. It is a stone building, with a slanting gabled roof. The entrance was through an oval shaped, large mahogany door which seemed to welcome worshippers and added to the beauty of the Church. The inside of the church was quite simple, with pews for accommodating 250 or little more parishioners for one service. The people in the church were mostly middle class working people, with some pensioners also in attendance. There were an equal number of men and women. It was a mixed lot with Caucasians, Asians, and some Black worshippers. As this was a Saturday, most of the pews were empty and there were only some 35 worshippers present at this morning’s mass. The congregation was mixed, with people of all ages, from 25 to 85 attending the service.1 The Stations of the Cross were depicted in austere murals, which showed the entire journey to Calvary. The Altar was also quite simple and not very large, with a large crucifix in the background. The windows were made of colored glass in the traditional Gothic style. The windows had pictures of the Infant Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Joseph. Because this church was dedicated to, and named after St. Margaret, there was also a statue honoring her, along with statues of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. On the walls were pictures and statues of other saints. The church was not very large, built at a time when the very few people lived in the district. Most of the parishioners lived around the church within walking distance, so there were very few cars although the church had an ample parking lot. The church premises included a vestry which was attached to the church and houses for the pastor and other lay persons who tended to the affairs of the church. There were 2 classrooms for Sunday classes for the younger children, and another classroom where boys and girls prepared for their first communion and later for their confirmation. There is a community hall with the church, where Parishioners meet to discuss the affairs of the church and to plan the various church programs, especially special worship programs such as Christmas, New Year, Easter and to celebrate the feast of St. Margaret (Brom). The organ was an old pipe organ which played during psalms and hymns. The choir comprised of some youngsters and some middle aged people who had been participating in the choir since they were young. Other outstanding features included a basketball court where young parishioners played in the evening and on holidays. Some trees surrounded the church, which provided welcome shade to parishioners who liked to chat after services before heading for home. The lawn was green and well maintained. Most events and celebrations, such as wedding receptions, family picnics etc were held in the lawn. On Sundays, children played in the lawn while their elders attended Mass in the Church. I thought it better to arrive a few minutes before the service started. I was warmly greeted by Pastor Rev. Viet Tan Huynh, who is the parish priest. He asked if I was a recent member, and when I explained that I was here for just this one service, and why I was here. The church was adequately lit, and the pews were clean and gleaming. Everything was in perfect order. Pastor Rev. Viet Tan Huynh started the mass with the traditional Liturgy of the Word. This is the first half of the mass in which the congregation also participates. This is a response by the people which includes the congregation the choir, and the Altar servers. He then sprinkled Holy Water on the congregation and said the prayer: Pastor:   “Lord God almighty, hear the prayers of your people: we celebrate our creation and redemption. Hear our prayers and bless this water which give fruitfulness to the fields, and refreshment and cleansing to man. You chose water to show your goodness when you led your people to freedom through the Red Sea and satisfied their thirst in the desert with water from the rock. Water was the symbol used by the prophets to foretell your new covenant with us. You made the water of baptism holy by Christ's baptism in the Jordan: by it you give us a new birth and renew us in holiness. May this water remind us of our baptism, and let us share the joy of all who have been baptized in the Lord: We ask this through Christ our Lord .Congregation, in Chorus: Amen”2 The priest continued with an Act of Contrition acknowledging our wrong doings and begging for divine forgiveness which is as follows (appendix 1): The Act of Contrition was followed by a prayer, asking God to bless all those assembled to worship him. I was very moved by the prayer, and experienced a feeling of wonder among the congregation. The congregation said the prayer collectively Congregation: Then the message of the day followed which is a reading from the Old Testament in the Bible. The reading for that day was from the Gospel of Mathew 3:1-12. It was a commentary and meditation and spoke about how John the Baptist foresaw the coming of Jesus and prepared the world for this blessed happening. The Reverend spoke about how John the Baptist’s life was consumed by the passion of preparing people for the coming. This message and reading were carried out by a Deacon of the Church, after which Pastor Rev. Viet Tan Huynh read from another Gospel of Matthew 3:13-17 which was about Baptism that Jesus received at the hands of John the Baptist. After reading the Gospel, the Deacon gave a sermon discussing and explaining the live of John the Baptist and his devotion to Jesus. After delivering the sermon which lasted around thirty minutes, the Reverend and the congregation recited the Nicene Creed, or their profession of the Catholic Faith (appendix 3). The Liturgy of the Word is followed by the “Liturgy of the Eucharist”. There is a definite change in the atmosphere among the congregation (The Roman Missal). I could sense a feeling of reverence all around the church. The Liturgy of the Eucharist with the host and wine being brought to the Altar for the priest to take and also give to all those who will receive “Holy Communion” at this service.3 This is an offering to God, and an altar boy collects donations from the congregation. The priest prepares the host and wine that is to be given to the people from the congregation, who has attended this mass. A Psalm is sing which is Holy, Holy and the Consecration rite begins. The priest repeats the words of the Last Supper, and the host and wine are said to become the blood and the body of Christ. After the Congregation publicly declares the mystery of the faith (Trinity) the Consecration of the Eucharist to Body and Blood occurs. The priest and the congregation then recite the Lord’s Prayer. During the entire service, the priest repeatedly made the sign of peace and the sign of the cross.4 The priest then greets Christ as the Lamb of God, and receives the Eucharist. The final blessing is then given by the priest and the service is over (Richstatter). The congregation seemed to be regulars and devoted. Their participation in the service was a regular part of their lives. Attending the Holy Mass everyday required dedication and a commitment to the Christian faith. After the service, the Reverend made time to introduce me to his parishioners. They all welcomed me warmly and had questions about what Church I belonged to, my beliefs and whether I was a regular church goer. The older people had been parishioners of this church their entire life. The younger people were also serious about living their lives according to the Christian faith and teachings. Some married people had brought their children with them, and they told me that they would like to instill the church going habits at a very young age. After talking to them for a few minutes, I bid farewell to the Reverend and the parishioners and head home with a feeling of religious fervor. This had been a wonderful experience and one that I would like to repeat quite often. Seeing the devotion of these people and their religious faith made me want to attend church more often and to pray daily. Works Cited Brom, Robert H. The Institution of the Mass. San Diego: Catholic Answers, 2004. Richstatter, Thomas. A Walk Through the Mass: A step by step explanation. 2013. 11 April 2013 . The Roman Missal. The Order of the Mass. 20 October 2011. 11 April 2013 . Appendices Appendix 1 My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.                   In choosing to do wrong and failing to do well,                   I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things.                   I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more,                   and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.                   Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.                   In His name, my God, have mercy.                   Amen. Appendix 2 Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth, Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world:  have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father:  receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One,  you alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High,  Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,  in the glory of God the Father.  Amen. Appendix 3 NICENE CREED: We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty,      maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.  We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,      eternally begotten of the Father,      God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,      begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.      Through him all things were made.      For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven:      by the power of the Holy Spirit      he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.     For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;     he suffered, died, and was buried.     On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures;     he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.     He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,     and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,      who proceeds from the Father and the Son.      With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified.      He has spoken through the Prophets.      We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.      We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.      We look for the resurrection of the dead,      and the life of the world to come.  Amen. Read More
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