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Characteristics of an effective marriage Insert Insert Introduction to effective marriage A successful marriage is the one that the family members understand each others needs and can stand by each other during the times of troubles. Despite the fact that challenges are full of marriages, a successful marriage is the one that the couples know how to handle the situation to ensure that there is a win-win situation between the two. Therefore, the following are some of the characteristics of a successful marriage.
Commitment is one of the major traits of a successful marriage. In this case, divorce has not considered an option (Harley, 2010). Harley puts it that, “commitment contributes to a healthy relationship”. That is, they ensure there is a mutual and lasting commitment where each partner tries to avoid marriage wrangles and be committed to the basic needs of their family. Common Interests is another characteristic of a happy and successful family. That is, the couples share future goals and target and hence help them work as a team.
That is, working as a team strengthens the bond between the team members. In this case, couples will get to understand each others and hence working together to achieve a common goal for the interest of the family. Also, effective marriage is the one that has effective communication between the couples and the entire family members. In marriage, partners should constantly communicate on the issues affecting them. Also; there should be openness about their opinions and feelings towards each other in a certain situation.
That is, they should be free to share their ideas, feelings and opinions with each other. Trust is another characteristic of an effective family. Under this situation, couples should believe and be honest to one another. The study indicates that marriage without trust is a dying marriage. That is, the couple needs to trust each other to have a better foundation of that particular marriage. Also, unfaithful is considered the basis of unhealthy marriage. References Harley, W. (2010). Effective marriage counseling.
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Revell.
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