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Differences between Work Motivation and Job Attitudes This posting about, “difference between work motivation and job attitudes Alan” does not bringabout the best ideas as illustrated in the topic. The positing is hard to understand since the writer started the posting with an open sentence. The writer defined something which is not stated in the first sentence. He leaves the reader to make conclusion of the word being defined. The first paragraph should be an introduction but the writer explains more details about work motivation.
The writer also supports Herzberg on the idea that in order to have employee perform better the employer should apply negative motivation. This is not correct and the writer should not have used this idea because negative motivation like slavery and use of juvenile inmates can not guarantee good work. In case of negative motivation in workplace most of the workers end up resigning or producing low quality work. The writer should have criticized Herzberg ideas and state that positive motivation is necessary for employee high performance and high quality work.
The writer used Hertzberg’s ideas in explaining the factors which contribute to dissatisfaction in work place. The factors explained include pay, security, working condition and hygiene factors. The writer did not include psychological factors like stress which is brought about by either personal, family or work related matters. The writer did not also explain that work motivation does not come from the work place only but also at home. People can be motivated to work from home by their family members or frustrated by family members to have low negative attitude toward work.
The posting indicates that there is no good connection between job satisfaction and job performance. This argument is incorrect because when people are satisfied in workplace they end up performing work to their level best. When employees are not satisfied they work poorly, and they may end up resigning. The positing does not bring about the correct ideas about work motivation and employee attitude towards work. Alrick Interviewing versus TestingIn this positing the writer could have added some ideas in order to make the reader to understand.
The writer should have explained the ideas of each side in different paragraphs. The positing should include means of preventing poor performance to the adults due to anxiety. In objective testing adults are anxious and end up performing poorly. The means of preventing poor performance or anxiety before testing like preparing the adults psychologically or making an experiment test before the actual test should be in the posting. The advantages of taking objective testing and subjective testing should also be included in the posting.
Objective testing is more accurate and helps in saving time. Subjective testing enables individuals to get the accurate results from the test. The positing should elaborate on the right time to contact each type of the test. Different people needs different type of tests and the posting should provide the necessary test for each type of individuals. For example, objective testing should not be used for adults to prevent anxiety. ReferenceHansen G. J. Liu J. (2002). Peer Response in Second Language Writing Classrooms.
Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
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