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Psychology mini case study - Essay Example

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Tom’s behavior is a common thing among many people and psychologists have explained this kind of behavior using many theories of different fields of study. The theories explaining the concept of this kind of behavior include the biological perspective, psychoanalysis,…
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Psychology mini case study
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Psychology mini case study al Affiliation: Psychology mini case study Tom’s behavior is a common thing among many people and psychologists have explained this kind of behavior using many theories of different fields of study. The theories explaining the concept of this kind of behavior include the biological perspective, psychoanalysis, behaviorism and the humanistic perspective. The four theories are the main concepts used to define, analyze and describe someone’s behavior.Biological perspectiveThis theory is considered the oldest by psychologists.

It states that, the brain system, genetic inheritance and body hormones regulate a person’s behavior. In relation to this Tom’s behavior of restless and irritated resulted from the effects pioneered by the above biological factors (Reeves & Schleuder, 1986). First to start with genetic inheritance as a factor that pioneered Tom’s strange behavior, it is worth noting that here is where an individual possesses some characteristics inherited from the parents (Gergen, 1986). Therefore, the natural characteristics he inherited from the parents pioneered his behavior.

Secondly, his behavior must have been pioneered by the brain since the harsh speech from his boss altered his brain functioning and made him restless and irritated for it was not his fault to be late and was obsessed by attending the meeting. The third reason for his behavior according to the biological concept is the effects of his body hormones (Carroll & Campbell, 1989). There are some body hormones that trigger the body functioning and also influences the brain when one is annoyed or surprised and Adrenaline hormone is a typical example.

His boss irritated him and this made the adrenaline level of his body to rise thus causing such feelings and behavior.Psychoanalytic theoryThis theory has it that, an individual’s behavior regulated by his instincts. These instincts are systems of behaviors encountered by thinking in relation to some situations (Progoff, 2013). Arguably, Tom’s behavior resulted from his instincts driven from the harsh talk by his boss. His instincts were because of self-interrogation on whether the visitors have arrived or not.

He also marked it that something was wrong according to the harsh talk by his boss. The instincts here are also the inborn feelings in someone’s mind.The behaviorism theoryThis theory explains the concept of behavior change contrary to the psychoanalytic theory. This theory has it that, an individual’s behavior largely depends on the situations in the external surrounding (Baltes & Carstensen, 1999). Here it disagrees with the point that an individual’s behavior depends on the inborn feelings.

Relating Tom’s case to this concept, his behavior was pioneered by some external situations like the traffic problem. This made him furious regarding the fact that he was to attend a meeting with visitors of high profiles. Time factor also pioneered his strange behavior because he knew he was late for the meeting according to how his boss spoke to him through the phone.Humanistic theoryThis theory has it that, an individual controls himself and not controlled by other factors and this extends to his behaviors (Leonard & Blane, 1999).

Therefore, here Tom’s behavior is defined as a situation where he is not able to control himself and make the right decision to handle matters. In summary, this theory explains that Tom’s behavior was because of incapability to modify his behavior in order to fit his situation at that time.In conclusion, Tom’s behavior is because of different effects as discussed by the theories. This behavior is a common thing among the people and therefore the concepts brought out by the theories are realistic.

It is ideal for people to take a keen interest on what pioneer their behaviors.ReferencesGergen, K. J., & Gergen, M. M. (1986). Narrative form and the construction of psychological science.Baltes, M. M., & Carstensen, L. L. (1999). Social-psychological theories and their applications to aging: From individual to collective.Carroll, J. M., & Campbell, R. L. (1989). Artifacts as psychological theories: The case of human-computer interaction. Behaviour & Information Technology, 8(4), 247-256.Leonard, K. E., & Blane, H. T. (Eds.). (1999).

Psychological theories of drinking and alcoholism. Guilford Press.Progoff, I. (2013). Jungs psychology and its social meaning: an introductory statement of CG Jungs psychological theories and a first interpretation of their significance for the social sciences. Routledge.Reeves, B., Thorson, E., & Schleuder, J. (1986). Attention to television: Psychological theories and chronometric measures. Perspectives on media effects, 251-279.

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