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Recent Trends in Professional Counselling - Assignment Example

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The author of the paper "Recent Trends in Professional Counselling" argues in a well-organized manner that professional counseling is performed by a number of trained personnel that may include nurses, social workers, and physicians among others (Jefferies 62)…
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Recent Trends in Professional Counselling
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The most recent trends in counseling include job growth, technological developments, and increased sensitivity to diversity issues. With the current lifestyle, there is a growing need for counselors (McLeod 43). This is because currently drug addicts are sent to rehabilitation centers and not to jail like in the past. According to studies carried out, it is presumed that the demand for professional counselors is expected to rise by 19 percent between 2010 and 2020 (Copeland 76). This is because with the increase in population, the number of students in schools and universities is expected to increase and this will, in turn, generate greater opportunities for counselors. Technological improvements have also enabled counselors to reach out to a greater number of individuals (McLeod 89). This has been made possible with the introduction of emails which enable consultants to communicate with their clients via email. Online discussion forums and chat rooms have also helped consultants reach out to a number of clients. Increased sensitivity to the background of the client is also another significant trend in the field of counseling (Copeland 92). This is because the consultants reach out to a number of clients and they have to take into consideration the background where these individuals are coming from.

Components of Counselling Profession

            A counseling consultant is required to be a member of a counseling organization in the region in which he/she is operating within. In addition, a counselor should be certified. Generally, there are two types of certification that are state certification and professional certification (Copeland 87). State certification is mandatory and is a basic requirement for all counselors. On the other hand, professional certification is a process through which a professional certifying board awards formal recognition to individuals possessing the right qualifications needed to operate within a certain profession (Jefferies 78). In order for a consultant to operate within a particular region, he/she should be licensed and they have to meet certain requirements for them to be licensed. The underlying factors that are looked at include the number of years of experience, one must have passed the performance exams and should at least possess a minimum of a master’s degree from a recognized institution (McLeod 68).


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