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Role of Exercise in Depression Relief in Women - Essay Example

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The essay "Role of Exercise in Depression Relief in Women" focuses on the critical analysis of the exercise as an independent variable, which serves the particular activity of interest in the effect of a depressed woman. The data to be collected in this experiment is the dependent variable…
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Role of Exercise in Depression Relief in Women
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Role of Exercise in Depression Relief in Women Insert Insert Introduction Depression is a vital health concern in women. This experimental research revolves around the role of exercise to reduce depression in women. According to several studies, regular plan on exercise works miracles in depression healing and reduction. In women, for instance they create a long lasting medication on depression and anxiety. This experiment reviews the evidence about potential role of exercise. This study articulates other subsequent studies, which pose data that reports the benefits of exercise programme participation amongst depressed personalities. Since there is a limitation of psychological therapy for many people, exercise becomes the field of exploration. There is a discovery that regularity of the exercise is important. Other study reviews tracing back in the nineteenth century concludes that improves the mood of a depressed individual. This plays a role in depression treatment. A related study was done in 2005 proofs that daily walk and stretching exercise moderates the symptoms of depression. In this study, the result has been uncovered to alleviate certain levels of depressions in women. Study Variables In this study, the investigation manipulates the exercise as an independent variable, which serves the particular activity of interest in the effect of a depressed woman. The data to be collected in this experiment is the dependent variable. This could tally to the impact on depression level on a woman who is a subject to given hours of exercise. The experimental group being the members in the exposure of the exercise constitutes women in different levels of depression and age. There is also the presence of the control group of members just in the class of the experimental group but would not have to participate in the depression alleviation exercise program for the sake of perfect comparison. Hypothesis The research experiment is under the null hypothesis that the exercise has a high impact in depression alleviation. Methodology In this study, the sample women would be in three groups. One group is supposed to do Sertraline SSRI exercise program, the other to do general aerobics and the third to perform both for heavy work -out. In the process of research for the information, interviewing four hundred women of different ages would be a responsibility (North, 1990). Assessment of depression level amongst these women is also a part in which Geriatric Depression scale would be of high use. The main argumentum data in this study is a composition of the overall study from the research centre for population health and depression control in the Harvard medical school. This large study would be an overall designation and cross-sectional for about three thousand three hundred women in different households. For the purpose of excellent data collections, the subjects of study will be in the classification based on women with same levels of depression facing subjection to light exercise while others to face a full work -out. Through a stratified two-stage design, sampling would be of high use. This could be a work of proportionality to enable questionnaire distribution. The questionnaire consists of control variable information and other information to be of value. In the second phase, the collection of data is on separate age groups of women. This consists of adolescence, middle aged and the elderly who are in groups with reference to stress levels (North, 1990). Out of the target sample, 74% of women are to complete the preset exercise programme successfully and come across face-to-face interviews and examination by ten trained officials. Depression tests will be of quality with the use of SIGECAPS, other instruments alongside clinical interviews such as Beck Depression Inventory (Daley, 2008). Hamilton rating scale and quality improvement for depression scale are also of high use. The response is of expectation to be very high, but other reasons for non-response include refusal, which could constitute 3%, other 13% due to unavailability on the excuse of busy schedule and the remaining 10% might not manage to follow an exercise program. Through the short version of Geriatric Depression Scale, the dependent variable of definite depression computation in short versions are of provision. This scale is an invention by Yesavage and Sheikh in 1986 and its questionnaires have been of use in different countries to yield excellent sensitivity. Specificity of up to 95% and 92% sensitivity in the scale would present in depression level determination time. In this scale, a more than 10 points score has an indication of definite depression; 5 to 10 indicates probable depression and less than five positive responses to indicate depression absence. Using SPSS, data analysis is of execution same to bivariate analysis. The chi square tests provide the association of exercise and depression level management. Logistic regressions on variables from bivariate analysis in relations to other essential covariates like age group and weight and level of exercise of experimental women will be of inclusion as the independent variables. The dependent variable is in absence versus presence of depression in these subjects (Daley, 2008). Results analysis At the end of ten weeks of severe exercise, depression was of minimal level in the three groups. A range of 65% to 70% of the people in these groups is of anticipation not to fall under the group of depressed women. This group score on two rating depression scale would almost be the same in the classified level of exercise. These results fully suggest that for the women ready to avoid continuously and program on exercise could serve as a substitute for antidepressants medication. The swiftest results would also be of yield to those who can be in a position to combine medication and continuous motivated workouts. Discussion Positive result is of expectation in this experimental study, in support of the hypothesis. As in the past of previous study, exercise is famous for effective but underutilized treatment for both moderation and mild depression. In this case, of the part of exercise in depression control, in women is not an exceptional case study. For several years, experts have researched and realized that good exercise promotes the action of endorphins. These are chemicals known to circulate into all parts of the body (Perry, 2008). They also serve to reduce pain perception by the release of analgesics and improve the overall body immunity. Alternatively, these chemicals purposes to improve moods. Exercise is also necessary for the stimulation of Norepinephrine neurotransmitter that directly affects the moods positively thus influencing the depression alleviation. Despite moods uplift, regular exercise has an offer on other health benefits. It helps to lower blood pressure, protect against cancer and some heart diseases and assist in upholding self-esteem this is because when someone goes for exercise, the body releases endorphins which react with brain receptors to induce this psychological benefit (Cohen, 2012). The mode of exercise participation to impose treatment on depression cannot be fully being precise. Just for normal health, one has an obligation to spare at least half an hour of vigorous exercise for at least two days per week. Regular exercise is also prominent in sleep induction. This sedative action has originality in the human brain. The manufacturing of these sedatives occurs in the spinal cord and other parts in link with neurotransmitter chemicals from the brain and pose no addiction result in comparison to normal medication like morphine. Conclusion Since overall adherence to exercise program is mostly poor amongst women, it is also advisable that for a stable social support. This is significant for the women with depression to join a class or exercise group for the effects to be of impact. One can also exercise closely with a partner or close friend for full benefits in both emotional and physical comfort. Dancing, biking, gardening playing tennis and yoga are some of social exercise activities that are also beneficial in suppressing depression. Some of limitation for this study is that the subjects would be volunteers but not clinical subjects. This calls for future study with real intent to treat. These subjects would face serious motivation to exercise screen outs after a given period. A true control group would also be of necessity. A further study would be of high importance on elderly people who are prone to stress and depression and married couples with no limitation to women. References Cohen, G. E. (2012). Depressed, Low esteem: What can Exercise do for you? The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice , 1-5. Daley, A. (2008). Exercise and Depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings , 140-147. North, T. C. (1990). Effect of Exercise on Depression. Exercise & Sport Sciences Journal , 379-416. Perry, D. P. (2008). Depression as a Major Component of Public Health for Older Adults. Preventing Chronic Diseases: public health reaserch practice and policy , 1-8. Read More
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