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A freudian perspective on sexual deviance - Term Paper Example

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This paper will discuss the social issue of sexual deviance and use of the psychodynamic theory of personality to explain the problem and attempt to provide a solution.This paper will also try to understand why sexual deviance is a social problem …
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A freudian perspective on sexual deviance
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? Psychodynamic approach: Solution to sexual deviance of the of the This paper will discuss the social issue ofsexual deviance and use of the psychodynamic theory of personality to explain the problem and attempt to provide a solution. This paper will also try to understand why sexual deviance is a social problem and what causes people to behave in sexually deviant way. Finally, the paper will also provide an insight into how sexual deviance and psychodynamic theory of personality are related and how the theory can be used to get deep insight into the causes and preventive measures of sexual deviance. Introduction Sexual deviance is one of the major problems of the society. People who suffer from sexual deviance not only lead an abnormal life but also become a threat to people in the society. Various research studies in the field of psychology, neurology and sociology have been conducted to understand the root cause of the problem of sexual deviance. It will be possible to reduce the prevalence of sexual deviance, and the harm it causes to the society, only if the psychological cause of the problem is found out and treated. One of the psychological theories that are found to helpful in understanding the problem of sexual deviance in depth is the psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamic theory is one of the most important theories in psychology which not only explains the possible causes of development of sexual deviance in people but also offers a therapeutic measure for it. Hence, if sexual deviance is to be understood and treated from its roots, then the theory that needs to be referred to and utilized is the psychodynamic theory as it can help not only in reducing the intensity of deviance in patients but can also help in preventing it from developing in personality. Sexual deviance Sexual deviance is a problem that is specific to particular culture and historic era (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). Hence, there is no one specific definition for sexual deviance as it is understood differently in different cultures. However, in general terms, sexual deviance is defined as “the behaviors that involve individuals seeking erotic gratification through means that are considered odd, different, or unacceptable to either most or influential persons in one’s community” (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). Hence, a person who violates general social norms or crosses the behavior related limits set by cultural setting regarding the sexual aspect of human being, is known as suffering from ‘sexual deviance’ (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). As is the case with most forms of ‘deviant behaviors,’ it is the beliefs, cultural backgrounds, morals and location of the community that influences the way in which sexual deviance is defined by different people (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). However, almost in all cultures and societies, sexual deviance is considered as a stigma, and as people hold strong views about the idea of sexual deviance, people who display sexual deviance are ostracized from the society (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). This shows how important it is to understand the problem of sexual deviance in depth and know who are most vulnerable in developing it. Vulnerable Population Different studies in the field of psychology, neurology and sociology have been conducted to understand what causes people to display sexually deviant behavior. Various studies were conducted even in the field of neurology to find out if there is any physical aspect of brain that causes sexual deviance in people. Studies have revealed that certain brain parts are responsible for sex related behavior in human beings. Hence, if these brain parts are damaged, then it leads to development of deviance in sexual behavior pattern of a person (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 157). For example, the frontal and temporal lobes are found to be strongly associated with sexual deviance in people (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 157). Study of six cases by Miller et al. (1986) revealed that deviance of hypersexuality are provoked by damage to basal frontal and/or diencephalic, and modifications in sexual preferences are caused by temporal limbic damages (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 157). Hence, people suffering from injuries to these brain parts can be at risk of developing deviance in their sexual behavior. However, various studies in the field of neurology have led to various conclusions and no one study has been able to successfully establish a strong link between brain injury and development of sexual deviance (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 158). The development of sexual deviance has been one of the various changes in behavior pattern that were found in people who experienced brain injury (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 157). Hence, an exclusive risk factor related to brain structure is yet to be found. However, it can be said that people who experience injuries or damage to above mentioned brain parts are at risk of developing sexual deviance in their personality. According to study by Cantor et al. (2005) and other researchers, cognitive impairment is found to be more common in people who suffer from pedophilia than in rapists of adults (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 161). Also, study of 991 sexual offenders by Blanchard et al. (1999) revealed that compared to sexual offenders of adults, people suffering from pedophilia showed “significantly lower estimates of intelligence” (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007, p. 161). A the same time, studies in field of psychology have revealed that there are certain personality factors in human beings that can cause them to behave in sexually deviant way. Study by Hunter et al. (2004) has found that factors like “hostile masculinity,” “egotistical-antagonistic masculinity,” and “psychosocial deficits” are some of the strong factors that make adolescents to engage in sexual deviance (Hunter, J., Figueredo, A., & Malamuth, 2010, p.141). Also, it has been found that defects in child rearing can put the child at risk of developing sexual deviance in adulthood. For example, vulnerabilities in self-esteem and the development of defenses and associated behaviors get developed in people whose infant-parent relationship in childhood remains unfulfilled (Hingley, 2001, p. 61). Hence, people who suffer damage to brain and have lower intelligence, and experience lack of healthy emotional bond and caring during the childhood, are found to be at major risk for development of sexual deviance. Due to the threatening nature of sexual deviance, it has become a major social problem. Social Problem Sexual deviance has become a major social problem as it affects not only the lives of people who are suffering from it but also affects other people in the society. There are different forms of sexually deviant behaviors. For example, ‘exhibitionism,’ in which sexual images or sexual organs are displayed or presented to people who are not willing to receive it, is one of the forms of sexual deviance which causes great amount of distress and psychological trauma to the victims (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). Rape is another form of sexual deviance (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). It is a heinous crime and destroys the life of the victim as rape causes emotional and psychological trauma (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). Moreover, most of the times, the object of sexual gratification in people who are sexually deviant is odd and unacceptable to the society. For example, people who are sexually deviant have the tendency to involve in sexual behavior with objects that are generally not considered sexual like children, animals, or odd objects like “vegetables, firearms, kitchen appliances” etc (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). Most of the times, children become an easy target of people who are sexually deviant and this makes it a major threat to the society. It is well known fact that children who experience sexual abuse experience many problems in leading a healthy psychological, social and emotional life in adulthood, and are unable to form healthy relationships in adulthood. People who are sexually deviant are also found to get sexual gratification through violent actions and perverted behavior (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). For example, violence, setting fires, wearing opposite gender clothes and masturbation are some of the actions that give sexual gratification to people who are sexually deviant (Ritzer & Ryan, 2011, p.537). This shows that the actions of people who suffer from sexual deviance are extremely harmful not only to the property of other people, but also to the psychological health, emotional health and lives of other people and hence, it is one of the major problems of the society. Hence, it is extremely important to understand the problem from depth and try to resolve it. One of the most important theories that explain the problem of sexual deviance is the psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamic Theory of Personality Psychodynamic theory of personality is the theory which is based on the underlying belief that the human psyche or mind is filled with the dynamic struggle that takes place between the unconscious forces of personality (Nevid, 2012, p. 478). It was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) whose concepts and theories gave birth to the psychodynamic theory of personality (Nevid, 2012, p. 478). Freud developed the theory of personality called the psychoanalytical theory, which was based on the belief that the motives and behavior in human being is influenced by the unconscious forces in his personality (Nevid, 2012, p. 478). Freud believed that the sexual instinct present in human beings has an animalistic tendency to it (Nevid, 2012, p. 478). Hence, the very fabric of the society and the family unit can get destroyed if these sexual instincts are not controlled (Nevid, 2012, p. 478). According to Freud, human beings need to control their sexual and aggressive impulses if the society is to maintain its order (Nevid, 2012, p. 479). Hence, the main aim of Freud’s theory was to explain how conflict in demands of instinct and social acceptability are balanced by human mind and how it affects the personality (Nevid, 2012, p. 479). Apart from the personality aspect of internal conflict, another important aspect of personality that Freud introduced was the concept of unconscious mind (Nevid, 2012, p. 479). According to Freud, unconscious mind is the storehouse of “sexual and aggressive impulses as well as memories of troubling emotional experiences (e.g., traumatic events) and unacceptable sexual or aggressive wishes or ideas” (Nevid, 2012, p. 479). This shows that everything that a person suppresses due to social constraints or due to inability to express is stored in the unconscious mind, and keeps affecting the behavior and personality of a person. Freud’s theory of unconscious led to a whole new understanding of development of personality in human beings, and also inspired other theorists to contribute to the psychodynamic theory. Major Theorists The major theorists who developed different psychodynamic theories with Freud’s concept of unconscious mind as foundation are Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Karen Horney (Nevid, 2012, p. 479). Jung developed the theory of personality which was based on the understanding of ‘collective unconscious’ (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). Jung’s theory of collective unconscious was based on the understanding that inherited unconscious that consists of universal symbols, or an archetype, is shared by all people (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). Dreams, religious symbols, and artistic expressions are the mediums through which the collective unconscious, which is like personal unconscious, which is buried in the self, is brought to the surface (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). Adler proposed the theory of ‘the creative self.’ (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). According to the theory, the goal-seeking behavior is consciously organized by the creative self (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). Adler emphasized on “self-awareness, goal striving, and ways in which people compensate for underlying feeling of inadequacy or inferiority” (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). Karen Horney’s theory was based on the concept of basic anxiety and basic hostility (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). According to Horney, deep distrust of the world and hatred towards parents is developed in the minds of children if they experience uncaring behavior from parents (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). Importance of parent-child relationship and ways in which people relate to each other was the focus of Horney’s theory (Nevid, 2012, p. 486). In this way, Freud’s concept of unconscious, and the importance of childhood rearing was further developed and studied by these theorists. Validity The psychodynamic theory is a valid theory as it explains how the mind develops, how the unconscious drives and inner conflicts shape and develop the personality, and how the problems in personality and behavior can be treated with the help of therapy (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2011, p. 441). According to Westen et al. (2008), Freud’s ideas of “unconscious forces, the long term effects of early childhood patterns, and the existence of defense mechanisms” have received huge support as they have proved valid after being tested experimentally (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2011, p. 441). Hence, the psychodynamic theory is valid. Also, as psychodynamic theory explains the root cause of deviant behavior in adulthood, it is related to the problem of sexual deviance. Theoretical Explanation of Sexual Deviance Psychodynamic theory believes that experiences of childhood are responsible for development of mental or behavioral problems in adulthood (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). Hence, sexual deviance is strongly related to psychodynamic theory as the theory offers various explanations for the development of sexual deviance in human behavior (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). It is the psychodynamic theory which proposed that the unresolved issues during the childhood result in development of sexual deviance in human beings. The theory states that the unresolved issues and fixations experienced by children during their developmental stages are expressed by them in their adulthood through sexual deviances (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). Explanation of Sexual Deviance The psychodynamic theory explains sexual deviance as a result of lack of proper training and care during childhood (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). For example, according to Freud, sexual deviance like sadism is a result of fixation at the oral-aggressive stages of development in infancy, where the infant associates sexuality with aggression, which in turn develops the ‘mental impulses’ leading to sexual deviance in adulthood (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). The sexual deviances like rape and sexual murders are also explained by psychodynamic theory. According to Meloy (2000), the problem of ‘displaced matricides,’ experienced during childhood results in rapes and sexual murders (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). Meloy (2000) also states the sexual murders are the expressions of feeling of fear, hostility, rage, mistrust and inadequacy, which a child feels because of being engulfed by adult woman in absence of masculine/ father figure (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.221). In this way, psychodynamic theory explains the root cause of sexual deviance as lying in upbringing and developmental stages during childhood. Treatment of Sexual Deviance Due to its deep understanding of the causes and nature of sexual deviance, the psychodynamic approach in treating sexual deviance is one of the best ways to treat the problem. According to Fink (2003), multiple case studies have proved the success of psychodynamic approach in treating the sexual deviance of fetishes (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.126). According to Wiederman (2003), people suffering from sexual deviance can be treated through psychodynamic approach by helping them to identify significant developmental milestones, and working through underlying conflicts and unresolved issues, which are the root causes of the sexual deviance (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.126). According to Tan and Zhong (2001), a client can be encouraged to utilize memories from his childhood to assist him in gaining an insight into understanding the childhood experiences and traumatic events that has shaped his deviant sexual behavior and mental impulses (Yates, Hucker & Kingston, 2008, p.126). In this way, sexual deviance can be treated with the help of psychodynamic approach by brining to surface the unresolved issues, internal conflicts and lack of proper care during childhood, and resolving them on the conscious level. Conclusion The discussion above shows that sexual deviance is a social problem and hence, its prevalence needs to be reduced. The psychodynamic approach is a strong approach to the treatment of sexual deviance as its concepts help in explaining and understanding the root cause of sexual deviance. As psychodynamic theory knows the root of the problem, it also provides a resolution to the problem through psychodynamic approach in therapy. Hence, if the problem of sexual deviance is to be reduced or prevented, then people must implement the basic concepts of psychodynamic theories, which says that the path to healthy development of personality lies in fulfilling the emotional, physical and psychological needs of a child in healthy and loving way, and in making the childhood experiences happy. References Hingley, S. (2001). Psychodynamic theory and narcissistically related personality problems: support from case study research. The British Journal Of Medical Psychology, 74 (Pt 1), 57-72. Hunter, J., Figueredo, A., & Malamuth, N. (2010). Developmental pathways into social and sexual deviance. Journal Of Family Violence, 25 (2), 141-148. Joyal, C., Black, D. & Dassylva, B. (2007). The neuropsychology and neurology of sexual deviance: a review and pilot study. Sexual Abuse: A Journal Of Research And Treatment, 19 (2), 155-173. Nevid, J.S. (2012). Psychology: Concepts and applications (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumdjian, H. (2011). Introduction to psychology (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Ritzer, G. & Ryan, J,M. (2011). The concise encyclopedia of sociology. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons. Yates, P.M., Hucker, S. & Kingston, D.A. (2008). Sexual deviance: Theory, assessment and treatment. D.R. Laws & W.T. O’Donohue (Eds.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Read More
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