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Does Compliment Costumers Increase Sales - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Does Compliment Costumers Increase Sales?" states that an appreciation attitude among salespersons influences the number of sales the business is able to make. Social factors influencing attachment would motivate a person to demonstrate some commitment to a particular person. …
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Does Compliment Costumers Increase Sales
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? Does complimenting increase Sales? Does complimenting increase Sales? Introduction Business personalities like complementing their customers whenever they buy products from their shops. Many clients they handle would return again to their shops for other inquiries. Human beings respond to societal activities by evaluating the effect of the activity to their lives. Marketing entails winning individual’s perception. Techniques applied in marketing intend to influence human psychology to perceive the product as the best out of other product (Pizam, 2010). Sales persons respond to societal needs by addressing people in a manner that invoke positive perception about their product. The intention of this paper is to evaluate the influence of complementing customers on sales. Background Sales executives use techniques in marketing to influence their clients to buy their products. In most cases, they identify situations which will drive the individual towards developing positive perception about a given products. Presently, many sales persons in big shops respond to their clients by taking their time to address their problems. The attitude influences clients to remember the shop where they obtained the services. Human brain responds to situations by evaluating behavior response in the society with moral perceptions (Coon & Mitterer, 2008). The brain would be keen to identify occasions when a person meets treatment that is contrary to societal expectations. For instance, some cultures believe that complementing an individual for a certain action is a sign of appreciation. Psychologists believe that social and biological factors influence human behavior (Thomas, 2009). People learn from what they observe in the social set up. Social practices that people observe will influence their attitudes towards rejecting or accepting what they saw. For instance, a person would learn morals from what he observes in the society. Any practice which is different from what he learnt would be strange. Theories about human behavior argue that a person would be curious to know factors that are responsible for a particular condition (Coon & Mitterer, 2008). The need to know why certain events happen in the society would influence human behavior. Kohlberg observed in his theory of moral development that people would strive to conform to what they see in the society (Thomas, 2009). Moral thinking would influence interpersonal relationship. Many clients who meet sales executives with good interpersonal skills will demonstrate the willingness to acquire services of the sale persons as opposed to other places. Human beings have intrinsic ability that influences their sense of belonging. A person would feel comfortable to belong in a given society because of services that he is able to derive from that society. Theory Clients complemented for buying products would demonstrate a motivated attitude towards buying in that particular shop. Marketing theories argue that ability to persuade would affect the amount of sales. The concept of persuasion identifies areas which will entice human behavior into accepting what the seller has in the market. Business or product promotion relies on interpersonal skills of sale executives because they impart negative or positive influence to the view of a buyer (Pizam, 2010). Courtesy is an attribute which builds trust among people in the society. Erickson theory of psychosocial development argues that people tend to develop trust and attachment from what they see in the society. Behavioral theories argue that social pressure would yield person’s attitude towards a given issue (Coon & Mitterer, 2008). Many people demonstrate positive response to an act of courtesy. Studies in social relationships have demonstrated that many people develop trust whenever they receive complements from their comrades. A person would be willing to share his views with another person that has time to listen to his views. Kohlberg’s in his development theory argued that people show interest in issues which affect their lives in the society (Matsumoto & Juang, 2012). Relationships which people build in the society would depend on motivating factors. Words that a person uses when addressing someone in the society would shape relationships. Sale persons have used this argument to complement their clients whenever they visit their premises to buy products or inquire about a particular product. Behavioral theory attributes human behavior to social influence (Matsumoto & Juang, 2012). Human beings develop their morals from what they learn in the social environment. Studies in moral development attribute aggressive behavior to social factors that affect child development. The perception in the society about a given attitude would influence an individual to act by responding positively to that attitude. Researchers in human psychology believe that aggressive attitude usually form individual perception by distracting attention (Matsumoto & Juang, 2012). Sales people believe that marketing a product entails influencing an individual by attracting his or her attention. Studies have indicated that courtesy would diffuse stress while factors that annoy individual feeling will increase stress (Coon & Mitterer, 2008). Sale executives address their clients by demonstrating high level of concentration in order to demonstrate their commitment in the services they offer. Societal beliefs attribute directed concentration to respect or discipline. Human attitude would demonstrate interest in communication which entails a show of respect. Studies about social attitude indicate that individual respect will influence attitude of the community towards the individual (Acs & Audretsch, 2010). Many people in the community will strive to stay away from individual who demonstrates attitudes that are not hospitable. Hypothesis The research will test the hypothesis: customers increased buying when complemented. Methods The research will review information obtained from research data on influence of personal attitude by sales persons. Studies on product marketing indicate that clients would show interest to products when sales persons demonstrate courtesy. Courtesy entails warm reception and a listening ear to client’s problems. Marketing theories have attributed changes in product demand to factors which influence interpersonal skills (Acs & Audretsch, 2010). Marketing entails talking and giving convincing information about a given product in the market. Researches on human attitude indicate that people develop positive attitude about a product when a sales person handling the product sales has good interpersonal skills. Social attitude influences the ability of a person to sale a product in the market. Studies on influence of positive attitude in marketing indicate that people are willing to relate to sales organizations with good interpersonal relationship. Erickson psychosocial theory argues that people develop different attitudes depending on social influence they receive in the environment. Erickson observed that children subjected to positive parenting developed good attitude and trust to their guardian or parents. When a person develops social attachment, he or she will be willing to share issues influencing his or her life. Social attachment develops from trust that people build. Psychologists have demonstrated that convincing attitude would influence individual’s perception about a particular issue (Coon & Mitterer, 2008). When we asked the question about how does customer feel when a sales person complement them, the response was as follows: 80% of the respondent said the attitude influenced them to come again. When we asked the question about satisfaction, 90% of the respondent felt satisfied whenever sales persons complemented their attitude. The finding of this research indicates that our hypothesis is positive because customers demonstrated the willingness to come again. People respond to what they see in the social environment by appreciating what they feel about the action or by rejecting what they felt. In this study, majority of the respondents have demonstrated that willing to associate with communities which show concern. Marketing department in many organizations have identified the need to complement their clients because it creates the feeling of importance. Human beings like feeling important in the society. Conclusion Social environment would influence a person’s attitude regarding a situation in the society. Psychologists have demonstrated that social events would influence individual feelings. People tend to create a feeling of being important in the society when they respond to the reception they get from others. Societal practices such as showing gratitude indicate individual attitude. For instance, people who demonstrate a show of gratitude have been able to create attachment with their peers in the society. Marketing executive demonstrates a show of gratitude to their clients as a means of appreciating the association between and the sale executive. Appreciation attitude among sales persons influences the amount of sales the business is able to make. Social factors influencing attachment would motivate a person to demonstrate some commitment to a particular person. Theories about human behavior argue that it depends on environmental influence. References Acs, J. Z., & Audretsch, B. D. (2010). Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction. London: Springer. Coon, D., & Mitterer, O. J. (2008). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior. New York: Cengage Learning. Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2012). Culture and Psychology. New York: Cengage Learning. Pizam, A. (2010). International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Thomas, C. J. (2009). Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies. London: Springer. Read More
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