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Week 9 Problem Resolution 1. Teen pornography addiction stems from a variety of issues. Much of the literature on the topic s that access to the Internet is one of the major reasons this happens. Teenagers as young as 11 years old are able to log into most porn sites by clicking on a link that says they are 18 years old or older. One way that this could be stopped is that parents could monitor their children better and block the porn sites. There is software and/or plugins to browsers that will block any site that parents want blocked; some are very sophisticated.
The advantage of this action would be that parents would be able to monitor what their children were doing at home. Another advantage would be that children could not get to these sites as easily. A disadvantage to blocking the sites is that teens can still go to their friend’s house where the sites may not be blocked, so they would still have access. Teens could also be exposed to those sites by older adults in some situations. The point is that they can find a way to gain access to the sites if they do not have access at home. 2. Another solution would be for parents to talk openly to their children about sex and answer any questions they may have about it.
Many times they go to porn sites because they are curious about sex –what it looks like, how it happens between people and so forth. There are many books that are available for parents to talk about sex in a positive, age appropriate way. Some of the children may feel comfortable enough to talk about their friends looking at porn sites and this could be a way for parents to talk to their kids about what is on those porn sites. If this does not come up, a disadvantage would be that parents are reluctant to talk to their kids about sex and about porn sites so it would be difficult for teens to get the information they need.
Also, some children may feel embarrassed to talk to their parents about sex and would keep the information from them.
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