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Learning and Development Plan - Essay Example

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The "Learning and Development Plan" paper contains an occupational learning plan and an employability learning plan. The author of the paper also provides self-assessment for occupational learning plan and self-assessment for employability learning plan. …
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Learning and Development Plan Occupational Learning Plan 1. Active listening I want to learn this skill so I can do what is required of a music therapist and improve myself as a person overall. Government of Canada Job Bank (2011b) defines active listening as “Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times” and rates this skill at 85% in terms of how important it is in this occupation. As such, it is very important that I learn it as it is of fundamental importance in being able to execute my role as a music therapist (, 1998). As the definition suggests, active listening can be learned within the daily conversations I have with people. This can be done by lending full attention to others when they speak; making an effort to understand exactly what is being communicated by asking appropriate questions at the appropriate time. It is essentially learning to ensure that others are not only heard but that they feel heard. The best way to learn this skill is to practice active listening by lending one’s energies to this end (, 1998). Some of the resources available to help me learn this include reading material, other human beings, and audio clips. I will know I have learned when I am able to replicate the messages of others exactly as conveyed to me consistently. In order to do this, I need to actively engage with others, practice and apply what I am learning, and read the appropriate material on the subject. 2. Reading comprehension I have always struggled to interpret written comprehension the same way that others did ever since I can remember so I would like to learn this skill. While I feel it is important to have a different point of view, my desire to do so is fueled by the need to see things the way that others see them. It is possible to accomplish this task by taking reading comprehension tests, increasing my literature consumption in terms of quality, quantity and variety (Rollins, 2010). Being that I learn best when my learning is measurable, taking reading comprehension tests will be the best method. I intend to use this skill to broaden my understanding of the world and helping those who I interact with to do the same. Opening up one’s mind is an important component of complementary therapy and thus it will be important that my clients and I become and remain open to possibilities in order that therapy is successful. Being a student at the university, a variety of resources are available to me in order to learn this skill. These resources include the library filled with hard copy books, access to a wide a variety of online journals, e-books, and scholarly material among other reading materials. Aside from the actual reading material, the university offers a thoroughly conducive environment within which to read and further this skill. Once I have begun the journey to mastering this skill, I will know that I have done so once by test results are at an average of 80% or more. I need to do consistently take these practice tests on a weekly basis while increasing the amount of literature that I read (Rollins, 2010). 3. Social perceptiveness I would also like to learn social perceptiveness which Government of Canada Job Bank (2011b) defines as “being aware of others reactions and understanding why they react as they do”. I would love to learn this again to gain the perspective of others as mentioned above. I can learn this by engaging in my environment with all my full senses thus observing these reactions in real-time, I can also learn it by tactfully asking people why they react they do and what their reactions mean. The latter method will probably work best for me as my own interpretations may be inaccurate, as they have been in the past. An improved social perceptiveness will enable me to see through the eyes of others, and react in ways which will be appropriate. As such, I intend to use this skill to reduce the amount of negative conflict, improve my conflict resolution skills and tactics, and to offer insight to others based on theirs or others reactions. I will also use it to react in ways that other people recognize and understand in order to improve communications between us (Crow, 1954). . In order to learn this, I will use the resources available to me in the form of other people that I interact with and reading material on social psychology and perception. I will be able to know that I have learned this skill when I can accurately perceive and deconstruct others’ reactions. In order to achieve this learning goal, I will need to increase my interaction with other human beings, diversify my interactions, and be a bit more outgoing in order to expose myself to the widest possible variety of appropriate stimuli for the unforeseeable future as this is a skill that one never stops learning. 4. Time management I have always been a chronic latecomer, and no matter how hard I try or how well I plan, I almost always end up being late in many of my engagements. I would therefore like to learn how to better manage the time available to me. I can learn this by creating a schedule and enlisting the services of a friend who will act as my accountability to make certain that I stick with the schedule. I could also develop a routine which will see to it that I get into a natural rhythm of doing things. Since I work best on a flexible schedule, the first method will be optimal for this most arduous task. I will use my newly acquired powers of time management to complete the correct tasks at the correct times. In terms of resources, the most important one, that is time, is available to me. I also have a number of close friends who are willing and able to help me to climb this mountain. It will be evident that I have learned when I am able to comfortably meet my deadlines, make to meetings and appointments on time, and finally am able to create a comfortable time margin within which to live in. in order to do this, I will need to be disciplined, thoroughly honest with myself, and keep trying rather than give up when I seem to fail (Mancini, 2003). 5. Persuasion I would like to learn the skill of persuasion in order to learn how to influence myself and others into changing my and their mind(s) and behavior (Joyce, 2012). I can learn this skill through apprenticeship, studying on it, or self-education. I reckon that apprenticeship will be the best method for me because I learn best under the guidance of a master of the skill I intend to acquire. Once I have learned it, I intend to use it in my career as a therapist to carry out my duties. Moreover, I intend to use it in my day to day interactions to help steer others in the best direction. Resources available to me for this task are: human resources; literature; physical, mental, psychological fortitude; and time. Once I am able to better convince others to change their mind and behavior and create a real change in their lives, I will then know I have learned the skill. In order to do this, I need to dedicate consistent efforts to this activity on a daily basis until I have succeeded (Joyce, 2012). Employability Learning Plan 1. Being adaptable I would like to learn to be more adaptable because change is a constant in day to day life and it is important to be able to accommodate these changes. A good way of learning to be adaptable is by jumping feet first into the heat of things by challenging oneself to perform a task outside of one’s comfort zone, and another is through apprenticeship (Moran, 2009). This method would work excellently for me as I thrive on a challenge. I intend to use it by picking out a task such as giving a presentation in class, for starters, as this is outside my zone of comfort and within my reach at the same time. For this task, the resources available to me include my professors, my peers, technical equipment, information sources such as the internet, my time and energy. I will assess my skill using peer and self-assessment rubric which I will tailor for each presentation that I give. This will serve as a measuring tool against which I will measure my progress. I need to begin by creating a time schedule within which I intend to learn this skill, put down solid goals which I can aim for, put down in writing a plan of action, and practice on my own in private before I take my action to a public forum. I will also need to be open to criticism and be willing to work on whatever shortcomings are pointed out. 2. Communicating I would like to learn to communicate better in order that I am well understood and not easily misinterpreted by others. I would like to ensure that what I mean to say, is what I say, and is also what others hear. This could be learned by conducting mini-surveys with different people after say, a conversation or talk. Questions such as “what was the conversation/talk about?” and “did you feel that the point was clearly conveyed?” could feature in this survey. Other methods that could be employed could be to ask a friend or mentor for tuition on the subject, watching videos or reading books on the same (Bennett, 1995). The best method for me would be a combination of all these methods. I could do this by gathering information first in theory form on how to be a better communicator while asking for pointers/tuition from a friend or mentor, I would then create fun mini-surveys and give small rewards to participants. I would use the results of the surveys to form decisions on what needs to be changed and how it can be changed, as well as what I could capitalize on that I am already doing right. I could assess myself against the goals developed from my survey on how well I am doing in terms of my learning. To accomplish this, I will need to be diligent, be more outgoing, interact with more people, and be open to correction. 3. Learning continuously I would like to develop learning continuously as a skill because always learning equals always growing, and always changing which are both really important in order to stay relevant and beneficial in society. Among the ways that this could be executed is by always setting and revising goals on conquering unchartered territory thus learning a new skill or lesson always; constantly interacting with different people in order to gain an understanding of what one does not know, and then going to learn it; as well as improving one’s reading habits (Watkins & Marsick, 1993). The first method would work best for me. As a seeker of adventure, I intend to use it by putting myself in new situations and making sure to learn something from every new situation I encounter. I have bottomless resources to reach this goal in the form of multiple events such as parties, weddings, conferences, seminars, meetings with new people, and the list is endless. I will assess my learning on a daily basis by taking a daily audit of the things that I learned that day and how they could be best applied in my life at the moment and long term. In order to effectuate this task, I will need to be always open and willing to admit to myself that I do not know and be open to learn from anyone. I will need to set aside my prejudices in order for this to be possible (Watkins & Marsick, 1993). Self- Assessment for Occupational Learning Plan (UCLA Community School, 2011). Score: Level 3 Self- Assessment for Employability Learning Plan (UCLA Community School, 2011). Score: Level 3 References Bennett, P. (1995). Communicating. New York: Thompson Learning., (1998). Active Listening. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2015]. Crow, W. (1954). A methodological study of social perceptiveness. Government of Canada Job Bank, (2011a). Learning Plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2015]. Government of Canada Job Bank, (2011b). Employability 2000 quiz. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2015]., (2012). Job Outlook - Make Your Career a Reality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2015]. Joyce, B. (2012). Persuasion. Don Mills, Ont.: Harlequin Books. Mancini, M. (2003). Time management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Moran, E. (2009). Human Adaptability. New York: Westview Press. Rollins, B. (2010). Reading comprehension. San Diego, Calif.: Classroom Complete Press. UCLA Community School, (2011). Professional Learning Plan (PLP) Rubric 2010-2011. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2015]. US Department of Labour, (2015). O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug. 2015]. Watkins, K. and Marsick, V. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass. Read More

I intend to use this skill to broaden my understanding of the world and helping those who I interact with to do the same. Opening up one’s mind is an important component of complementary therapy and thus it will be important that my clients and I become and remain open to possibilities in order that therapy is successful. Being a student at the university, a variety of resources are available to me in order to learn this skill. These resources include the library filled with hard copy books, access to a wide a variety of online journals, e-books, and scholarly material among other reading materials.

Aside from the actual reading material, the university offers a thoroughly conducive environment within which to read and further this skill. Once I have begun the journey to mastering this skill, I will know that I have done so once by test results are at an average of 80% or more. I need to do consistently take these practice tests on a weekly basis while increasing the amount of literature that I read (Rollins, 2010). 3. Social perceptiveness I would also like to learn social perceptiveness which Government of Canada Job Bank (2011b) defines as “being aware of others reactions and understanding why they react as they do”.

I would love to learn this again to gain the perspective of others as mentioned above. I can learn this by engaging in my environment with all my full senses thus observing these reactions in real-time, I can also learn it by tactfully asking people why they react they do and what their reactions mean. The latter method will probably work best for me as my own interpretations may be inaccurate, as they have been in the past. An improved social perceptiveness will enable me to see through the eyes of others, and react in ways which will be appropriate.

As such, I intend to use this skill to reduce the amount of negative conflict, improve my conflict resolution skills and tactics, and to offer insight to others based on theirs or others reactions. I will also use it to react in ways that other people recognize and understand in order to improve communications between us (Crow, 1954). . In order to learn this, I will use the resources available to me in the form of other people that I interact with and reading material on social psychology and perception.

I will be able to know that I have learned this skill when I can accurately perceive and deconstruct others’ reactions. In order to achieve this learning goal, I will need to increase my interaction with other human beings, diversify my interactions, and be a bit more outgoing in order to expose myself to the widest possible variety of appropriate stimuli for the unforeseeable future as this is a skill that one never stops learning. 4. Time management I have always been a chronic latecomer, and no matter how hard I try or how well I plan, I almost always end up being late in many of my engagements.

I would therefore like to learn how to better manage the time available to me. I can learn this by creating a schedule and enlisting the services of a friend who will act as my accountability to make certain that I stick with the schedule. I could also develop a routine which will see to it that I get into a natural rhythm of doing things. Since I work best on a flexible schedule, the first method will be optimal for this most arduous task. I will use my newly acquired powers of time management to complete the correct tasks at the correct times.

In terms of resources, the most important one, that is time, is available to me. I also have a number of close friends who are willing and able to help me to climb this mountain. It will be evident that I have learned when I am able to comfortably meet my deadlines, make to meetings and appointments on time, and finally am able to create a comfortable time margin within which to live in. in order to do this, I will need to be disciplined, thoroughly honest with myself, and keep trying rather than give up when I seem to fail (Mancini, 2003). 5.

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