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US Assistance to Address Malfunctioning in Sub-Saharan Africa - Research Paper Example

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The paper "US Assistance to Address Malfunctioning in Sub-Saharan Africa" aims to highlight the role of the US in addressing poverty and hunger issues in Sub-Saharan Africa through financial assistance and highlight the deficiencies of their proposed plans and actions…
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US Assistance to Address Malfunctioning in Sub-Saharan Africa
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US Assistance to Address Malfunctioning in Sub-Saharan Africa Poverty in the third world countries is rapidly increasing and it is surely getting attention from the first world countries to come forward and address the issues related to poverty. This poverty issue has become intense over the last few decades mainly because of other globally interconnected issues that have drastically influenced people`s lives. Poverty and hunger experienced by people in what can be said as deprived countries are creating a vast gap between them and rich nations of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the poorest regions of the world and it has been noted that the US is playing an important role in by extending major financial aid to this region assisting people living there to face up the challenges that poverty has imposed upon them. This paper aims to highlight the role of the US in addressing poverty and hunger issues in the Sub-Saharan Africa through financial assistance and highlight the deficiencies of their proposed plans and actions, which tend to diminish the positive impact of the foreign assistance. US Congress Research Report 2011 presented its findings regarding the severity of the problems faced by the people living in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa resulting from poverty and hunger. Approximately 6 million individuals die in this region due to hunger and malnutrition every year. Moreover, the UN report revealed that during the last 10 years, malnutrition condition in the Sub-Saharan Africa has become worst and one-third population is malnourished (Dambisa). The problem of malnourishment in Sub-Saharan Africa has turned into acute malnutrition or chronic malnutrition that has imposed various challenges for the individuals specifically women and children, who fight against malnourishment everyday for survival and somewhat developmental growth (Smith and James). Additionally, this issue is not confined to improper diet, but it also results in various chronic diseases including respiratory infection, weakness, sickness, and diarrhoeal diseases along with distorted learning capabilities (Smith and James). Poverty is an alarming problem and it is the major cause of greater problems of hunger and malnourishment among the citizens of underdeveloped countries (Andersen). However, in the Sub-Saharan Africa poverty, hunger, and malnourishment are at their peak severity causing millions deaths every year. Despite of the great contributions by foreign bodies to address this issue, no positive outcomes have been observed in this region of the world (Andersen). However, traditionally it has been observed that the matter of aid for Africa and the effectiveness of the foreign policies in this context have always been important. It is mainly because Sub-Saharan countries of Africa receive great amount of aid as compared to any other poorer region from all concerned authorities and super powers of the world, specifically the United State (Lancaster). At first place, Sub-Saharan Africa is the largest region according to its size and the poorest with respect to its economies. Thus, the issues of malnourished population are higher, which need greater assistance to overcome the chronic problems of the people who are suffering from severe hunger and poverty (Lancaster). Historical records have shown that during 1994-1995, African countries received 8% of their GNP from the foreign assistance. The ratio was very high in comparison with the foreign assistance for other developing countries. Additionally, it has been noted that a great difference in the assistance ratio remained for many decades (Lancaster). Despite relatively higher financial aid, the US and other donors are unable to meet the economic demands of the Sub-Saharan African regions. Without a doubt, this situation is very depressing and perplexing because efficient strategic tools and other plans are not sufficient to meet the food demands of the African country and the problem is still unmanageable for the sufferers as well as for the donors (Lancaster). Researchers further explored that per capita income of Sub-Saharan countries was same in 1990 as it was in 1960, but the problem grew to greater extents imposing crucial challenges for the policy makers to sort out a solution for hunger and poverty that is contributing to high levels of mortality rate (Schubert). It was found that approximately 200 million African totally depend on the aid from the foreign bodies and they utilize one dollar per day during their whole life span (Easterly). Sustained rate of one dollar per day eventually resulted in worst conditions in which more than 25 million people additionally, fall under the category of malnourished individuals, who are not solely malnourished, but are also cursed with various chronic diseases, putting their life survival and developmental issues at risk (Lancaster, Ruttan). No change has been observed in this rate since a long time in Africa and the standard of life has not been improved; in fact, it declined with the passage of time and rising economical and financial crises throughout the world limit the efficiency of the US and other international donors (Abbas and Niyiragira). Nevertheless, despite of the hurdles and complications in Africa, it is showing improvement in economical terms but only in comparison to the Asian and Middle East countries, otherwise the progress is below satisfactory level of the fundamental requirements of Africans (Lancaster). It is mainly because the foreign efforts are not made up to the required extent and concerned regulatory bodies have failed to bring major improvement in the development of the African regions. Other researches show that the US gives aid to almost 50 African countries and the US organization specified for International Development known as USAID has a list of aims and targets particularly set for the Sub-Saharan region (Dagne). The following figure shows bilateral aid from US to Sub-Saharan regions. Figure: 1 Bilateral Aid from US to Sub-Saharan Regions Figure: 1. Source: (Arieff, Cook, & Ploch 2011) Currently, the US aid for Sub-Saharan region received a considerable increment particularly for the problems of malnourished people (Dagne). Financial assistance for health related problems to the African countries reached $1.1 billion dollar according to FY report 2006, which has gone up to $6.6 billion according to the 2009 FY report. Moreover, it was found that in the year 2010, Sub-Saharan countries estimated to receive $6.7 billion, but the president Obama intended to make slight improvement in this disbursement and he was able to get a grant approved stretching the fund amount up to $7.4 billion for the fiscal year 2011 (Dagne). Presently, the majority share of the financial aid by the US to Sub-Saharan Africa is for economic and social development and improvement. Even though in 2009, the African countries in the poorest region of the world were recorded to get $1 billion extra aid from the US to support human development, but still no considerable improvement has been observed in their living standards (Dagne). Not only this, but Sub-Saharan region has also received huge fund from Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) which is supported by more than ten African countries. A number of American states are involved in the contribution of procedural planning for US aid to meet the need of African states. The areas which are being focused in the procedural planning for aid includes development of efficient bond with African states, management of democratic regimes within African states and encouragement of states and non-states authorities to bring sustainable development in African states. Furthermore, these states are also focusing human development in African states as a primary achievable goal. Many latest strategies have been produced within past few years including PEPFAR and MCC. PEPFAR stands for President`s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and MCC stands for Millennium Challenge Corporation (Nsereko). As evident from the abbreviations, the aim and function of the proposed plans are associated with the President`s actions to encounter emergency and to fight against the challenges of technological era (Nsereko). However, it has been explored that with the independence of many African countries, critical conditions have relatively become improved and in a better position. It has been noted that the super powers have now become more concerned about the African states. More attention is being given to bad health conditions of women and children in Sub-Saharan regions (Brainard). On the evaluation of poor health and worst condition of malnourished women and children of Sub-Saharan studied by the scholars, it was observed that America has been the only country that has specifically focused on these issues in comparison with other states (Howson). It was also discovered that women and young girls of this region are severely malnourished and their nutrition statuses are undoubtedly worse than the male population of Sub-Saharan countries (Howson). Underweight newborn babies, malnourished pregnant women with various other diseases specifically, in rural areas have grasped attention of UNICEF, WHO and other concerned authorities. It has been noticed that extra assistance is especially provided to African countries in order, to improve health of women and children (Howson). Researchers have indicated that Sub-Saharan Africa depends upon the financial assistance from the US and other international bodies, which is intended to provide food, shelter, and medical treatment to them. Current statistics show that in the FY 2012 the Obama presidency has requested $7.8 billion bilateral food aid for Sub-Saharan countriesfrom the Congress (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). For FY 2012, objectives have been set through a policy containing five priorities aiming to contribute to the betterment of people living in this region and most importantly to address the issues of malnourishment in an efficient manner. The major priorities of this plan include support democratic organizations needed to address threats and conflicting challenges in the Africa and promote sustainable methods important for strengthening the economies to reduce their dependency (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). The diversifying US policy aims associated with the African countries show the intensity of problem and provides basis for the need of other countries` financial assistance for Africa. This policy works as a strategy for the US to carry out its domestic and international motives (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). Many have argued that the US strategy of providing support to Sub-Saharan countries creates a tricky situation in terms of maintaining equilibrium between preferences and the targeted goals (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). This situation has surely given rise to inefficiency, which is creating problems in order to meet the targets of assisting the underdeveloped region in an effective manner. Placement of aid for poor countries is considered important while setting the US federal budget. The Obama administration has stressed upon a good assistance for needy countries of the world. However, the initiative of providing stronger support to the African countries and other needy states is viewed as an important and balanced foreign policyapproach (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). However, there is some criticism too; for instance, Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) strategically introduced by the US to provide assistance to other countries is considered as a defensive measure as well (Arieff, s Cook and Ploch). It is believed that this plan has not solely proposed to help poor countries, but this would also work to protect national security of America along with some improvement in the economic and political conditions (Montgomery). Moreover, as the US is suffering from a budget deficit, therefore, providing a great amount of assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa has become disputed issue even in the Obama administration (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). For instance, on one hand, Obama has intended to widen the foreign assistance, while on the other hand, Hillary Clinton has requested to limit the amount of donation for a specific time in order to recover from the economical crisis that was caused by the sub-prime mortgage meltdown in the US (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). However, it has been proposed in the plans of the US for FY 2011 keeping in view the declining health rate in Sub-Saharan countries that the financial aid should further be increased for them and at the same time, the foreign assistance to some other poor countries should be decreased to maintain the balance. This suggests greater emphasis on the development of this region and acceptance of the fact that there is still a lot to achieve. In short, it could be understood that undoubtedly Sub-Saharan countries with their worst health and living conditions have always been the centre of attention for the US which has provided good foreign assistance to the African countries within past many years (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). Strategic plans are still in process and better ways to deal with the graveness of the issue are being looked at by the regulatory bodies of the US in order to provide best foreign assistance from their side to the poor people of the Sub-Saharan region (Arieff, Cook, and Ploch). In light of the proposed improvement and implementation of the implement better plans for improved conditions of malnourished people in Sub-Sahara, Tony Blair and a team of experts have recommended focal points to keep in mind while preparing strategies and budgets for foreign assistance (Renzio). Their recommendations include a complete analysis of the aid needed by the particular region, estimation of the economic imbalance along with the evaluation of the methods that could help overcome the imbalance, an examination of the poor institutional policies that are imposing further challenges, initiatives that must be undertaken to replace weak infrastructures, and contribution of volunteers (Renzio). These recommendations are – no doubt – vital and should be considered important in terms of financial assistance. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest region of the world, which seeks continuous assistance from other countries. People of this area are severely malnourished, specifically women and children. In addition, they are not only malnourished, but hunger and poverty have caused numerous other chronic diseases making their lives more miserable. Moreover, one-third of the population of the African countries totally depend upon foreign assistance from the US for the sake of food and medicines needed for survival. Nevertheless, it has been found that despite the huge foreign aid, living standards of Sub-Saharan people are declining with the passage of time with no improvement made over the last few decades despite various strategic plans and efforts from the government and private sector of the US. Works Cited Abbas, H, and Y. Niyiragira. Aid to Africa: Redeemer or Coloniser? Oxford: Fahamu/Pambazuka, 2009. Print. Andersen, P. “The African Food System and Its Interactions with Human Health and Nutrition.” New York: Cornell University Press, 2010. Print. Arieff, A, Cook, N., and L. Ploch. U.S. Foreign Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa:The FY2012 Request. Academic. Washington, DC: CRS Report for Congress, 2011. Print. Brainard, L. Security by Other Means: Foreign Assistance, Global Poverty, and American Leadership. Washintong DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2007. Print Dagne, T. Africa: U.S. Foreign Assistance Issues. Philadelphia: DIANE Publishing, 2010. Print. Dambisa, M. Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa . New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux Print, 2009. Print. Easterly, William. Reinventing Foreign Aid. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008. Print. Howson, C. In Her Lifetime: Female Morbidity and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa . Washington DC: National Academies Press, 1996. Print. Lancaster, Carol. Aid to Africa: So Much to Do, So Little Done. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1999. Print. Montgomery, John D. Foreign Aid in International Politics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. Print. Nsereko, S. African Hand America Loves. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Publishing, 2011. Print. Poe, Abigail. Comparing U.S. Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America . 13 July 2011. 8 March 2012 . Online. Renzio, P. "Can More Aid Be Spent in Africa?" 2005. Odi.Org.UK. 7 March 2012 . Online. Ruttan, Vernon W. Why Food Aid? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Print. Smith, L., and L. James. Overcoming Child Malnutrition in Developing Countries: Past Achievements and Future Choices. Washington Dc: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2000. Print. Schubert, James. “The Impact of Food Aid on World Malnutrition.” International Organization Vol. 35, No. 2 (Spring, 1981): 329-354. Print. US Aid. Foreign Assistance Fast Facts: FY2010 . 2011. 8 March 2012 . Online. Read More
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