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Analysis of Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah - Book Report/Review Example

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The paper "Analysis of Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah" states that in chapter 3 of her book, Hannah looks at the Jewish society and anti-Semitism that was still prevailing around 1937. The government of Germany did not appreciate the services offered by Hannah…
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Analysis of Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah
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This is the political, governing system, whereby the government does not recognize its boundaries and controls both private and public life. In the 19th century, Hannah’s book tried explaining the origin of totalitarianism in different countries.Hannah wrote an article censoring the government; this was because of the discrimination actions evident in relation to her employment. This led to her detainment and interrogated by the Gestapo. Fearing for her life in Germany, she fled to France.

In chapter three, she majors on why the Nazi government hated the Jews. She claims that the government spread this hatred because of most of the Jews properties in Germany. In a bid for the German government to gain control of its citizens, they had to create a common enemy. She states that the holocaust was not about eliminating Jews but about consistency and megalomania among the Germans.The actual French officer who was a traitor was a senior officer acquitted after two hearings of his trial, and his name cleared.

This shows how the government can make mistakes in trying to control the activities of its people. After his hearing in Paris, a considerable scandal arose, and that led to his reinstating in the army as principal. In conclusion, Hannah focuses on the effects the Jews suffered from totalitarianism. Her Jewish background helps her with explaining.

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