Impressions of Lucretius Example | Topics and Free Essays.
Impressions of Lucretius Example | Topics and Free Essays.
Lucretius considered his main purpose in life was not to demonstrate his own talents, but rather disseminate the philosophy of his master Epicurus. He devoted his philosophic work To the nature of the Universe for this purpose. Through this epic Lucretius has made conspicuous his philos0phies. He believed that religion is founded in superstition and that it has the tendency to lead to evil particularly, when one is not very religious, making the individual angry and frightened. This can be seen in his words “So powerful is a religion at persuading to evil.
" (Lucretius (c. 99 - c. 55 BCE)). He strongly believed that philosophy was essential in life to remove the darkness of ignorance. Lucretius' philosophy includes the teaching of his master that nothing can come from nothingness and that even the gods are made of matter that can be taken to be atoms and space. His metaphysical reasoning is essentially based on the senses and the evidence that comes from the senses and the experiences. In this aspect, there is the feeling that he supports the use of experiments in gaining knowledge and does not advocate that religious authorities or books provide knowledge.
To Lucretius death was painless as it is the mere return to the atoms from what an individual is made up of Lucretius.
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