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10 October Narratives of Fallacy in Outfoxed Introduction Outfoxed’s central postulate is that the Fox News channel is often siding with the Republicans and the news they produce is pro-corporate and pro-establishment. The documentary is shadowed by multiple fallacies that underpin such a narrative of one-sided protest. Fallacies are about errors of reasoning and Outfoxed has many errors of reasoning in its attempt to portray Fox News in the bad light.The Good, Bad and the Ugly It is no that the documentary has no point to convey.
It does have. But, the problem is that there are many fallacies in the way the multiple marginal narratives and the dominant narratives in the documentary co-exist. At first, there is a black and white fallacy wherein the Fox News and it associates is shown as villainous par excellence. The documentary interviews many who are the former employees of the Fox News. Here, there is a question of credibility as it turns out that many of these interviewed had broken careers with Fox News. Besides, accent fallacy too is embedded in Outfoxed as the portrayed faults of the Fox News are emphasized throughout while Fox News is given no space for defending its position.
ConclusionThe fallacies involved in Outfoxed are quite apparent as the anti-Fox News narrative is unbalanced and premised on black and white world view. In the documentary, opinions against Fox News are unduly highlighted while no contesting perspectives are provided with.Work CitedGreenwald, Robert. (2004). Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, Brave New Films. 78 Minutes.
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