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Methods of Physical Activity and Gender Order - Essay Example

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The paper "Methods of Physical Activity and Gender Order" focuses on the fact that the use of the different methods is understandable due to the fact that although they are both dealing with male and female physical activity the objective is different…
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An Analysis of the Research Paper “Research Methods of Physical Activity and Gender Order” *INTRODUCTION The method used for the research papers (A) “Second to fourth digit ratio and male ability in sport: implications for sexual selection in humans” and (B) ‘The Social Construction of Female and Male High School Basketball Participation: Reproducing the Gender Order Through a Two_Tiered Sporting Institution” is not identical considering (A) applied 2D:4D (Second and Fourth Digit Ratio) measurements and (B) applied Qualitative Method of Measurements. The use of different method is understandable due to facts that although they are both dealing with male and female physical activity the objective is different. On (A), the physical competitiveness of male in sports related to 2D:4D ratio (ratio of the length of the 2nd ('index' finger) and 4th ('ring' finger). “Canadian researchers say they’ve found a way to help ‘finger’ men with physically aggressive personalities A University of Alberta study finds that measuring a man’s index finger length relative to his ring finger length predicts his predisposition to being physically aggressive. The shorter the index finger relative to the ring finger, the higher the amount of prenatal testosterone and the more likely the man will be physically aggressive, they researchers say. In a prepared statement, study co-author Dr. Peter Hurd admitted he initially thought the finger-aggression link was “a pile of hooey,” until he reviewed the data. According to the researchers, experts have known for a hundred years that the index-to-ring finger length ratio of men differs considerably from that seen in women. And more recently, research has suggested that the length of men’s fingers changes depending on their exposure to testosterone in the womb” (Finger Points to Male Aggression, Health Day News, March 25, 1993) “Specifically, it is the ratio of the length of the index finger (digit 2, or "2D") and the ring finger (digit 4, or "4D") that is sexually dimorphic. Generally, males have a ring finger that is longer than their index finger. Females typically have index and ring fingers of about the same length. The ratio of index finger length to ring finger length is called the “2D:4D digit ratio,” or more simply, the “digit ratio.” Manning reports that, for males, the index finger is generally about 96 percent of the length of the ring finger, which gives an average digit ratio for males of .96. The digit ratio would be 1.00 if the ring and index fingers were the same length, and greater than 1.00 if the index finger was longer than the ring finger. Males generally have a digit ratio below 1.00 -- they have what is termed a "low digit ratio." Women generally have a digit ratio of about 1.00 (the index and ring fingers are of about equal length), or a "high digit ratio." ( Digit Ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior and Health by John T. Manning NJ: Rutgers University Press. 2002 Reviewed by Michael Mills, Psychology Department, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA 90045. USA.). is the focus of the research while (B) is dealing with the gender order of male against female (subordinate sex). In addition, (A) with regards to male ability (with particular reference to football) is a male to male comparison. In (B), the comparison is with the ability of female to compete with men (the dominating sex) in sports. Our comparison will start on their implementation of their individual research method. We will tackle their independent approach in getting the data required to conduct an analysis and establish a clear conclusion. *THE ANALYSIS I. THE DATA GATHERING (sampling, elimination, questioning and ranking) The methods used by (A) comes in 3 stage with varying samples using the principle of 2D:4D ratio. On the first study they selected men coming from two different location. Those who had injuries in the 2nd and 4th digits were excluded from the study. Since they want to prove that the principle of 2D:4D ratio (positive or negative) is a factor in determining males physical competitiveness in sport they selected those men who stayed in libraries and those men who hang up in sports centers. They ranked the participants competitive level in the sports they regularly do on a scale of 1 to 10 (as show in Table 1 of the research paper). The second study is in the same objective but the participants were from a variety of educational and socio-economic background. Again, those with injuries were excluded. This time the subjects were given a different test. They were given the Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test (MRT). The purpose is to reveal the differences in visual-spatial scores between the sexes. The MRT composed of 20 items with criterion figure but shown in rotated position. Credits were given for correct choices and the time limit is 10 minutes. The third study was also concerned with 2D:4D Ratio but this time its on a particular subject. Football players including the coaches (who had represented their country internationally ). Their left and right hand were photocopied and measured to the get the dependent and independent variable mean in 2D:4D ratio. The methods use by (B) was based on qualitative interviews of men and women who played or like basketball. They have for a sample basketball players from three high schools. Unlike (A) who employed a measuring device to measure subjects hands and adapted a ranking table from middle distance runners, (B) proceeds with a qualitative, semistructured protocol, one-on-one interviews recorded in audio tape. These interviews were also divided into two central interview questions. The first one asked players of their perceptions of their high school basketball teams and the others are follow up questions that explore the social value they attached to the these team attributes (popularity and elements of play). In general (A) is much more scientific in nature and do not have lengthy interviews and questions like in (B). II. THE RESEARCH DESIGN The research design of (A) anchored on the principle of 2D:4D Ratio and Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test (MRT). They divided their study into three sampling class. The first 128 samples being University Students taken from libraries and sports centers. The next batch were 125 men also taken from the same venue with the addition of students coming from adult education classes. The third were exclusively football players. Their objective in bringing up the male physical competitiveness in sports were properly designed with their notable choice of samples. The comparisons and data analysis they made after the test like combining the data from 2D:4D Ratio with MRT that resulted in the conclusion that men with low 2D:4D ratio tended to score higher on the MRT. These procedures incorporated in their design (test on visual-spatial ability) contributes more in correlating low 2D:4D ratio in high ability of men in sports. This is also proves a widespread similar negative association between 2D:4D ratio and MRT in men from London, Hungary and Merseyside (discussion on (A), p67). Their design clearly served their objective and arrived in a stable conclusion. The research design of (B) anchored on maximum variation sampling in which depending on the study goals may have its shortcomings. Although maximum variation sampling captures and describes concordant themes, these findings cannot be generalized to adolescents outside of the sample (Patton 1998, Sociological Perspectives p358). This is the reason why they selected only adolescent who played on the female and male high school basketball. While trying to stick with their design, they encountered numerous obstacles such as splitting of interviews into several sessions to avoid fatigue. The unwilling participants who do not want in-depth interviews and the admitted limitations of the study which are significant factors. The design while using maximum variation sampling method failed to implement the design accordingly. The design which I think is incomplete in terms of procedural planning will only yield intriguing result. III. THE MEASUREMENT OF RESEARCH PHENOMENA The real comparison depends on the integrity and validity, usefulness of the data gathered from interviews(questioning), measuring devices and proven table of ranks. In the case of (A), measurements were taken scientifically with error tolerance considered. Statistics were carefully evaluated using mathematical correlation, regression, variance and mean and standard deviations. The measurements created a clear conclusions on the relations of 2D:4D ratio with a high level of attainment across numbers of sports and also with high mental rotation scores (MRT for visual-spatial ability). As in the case of (B) where the result of interviews are considered qualitative data, care should be taken in its analysis to avoid doubtful conclusions. The analysis of qualitative data is the most challenging aspect of the use of these methods( qualitative). On the one hand, it is not appropriate to treat qualitative data in a quantitative manner. Statement made by focus groups (sample) participants should not be counted and displayed in a table. In addition to being odds with the underlying principles of the method, these presentations can lead people to assume, incorrectly, that the data are generalized to similar populations, which is simply is not the case. Data from qualitative research are typically suggestive, rarely if ever conclusive.Nevertheless, the analysis process should be highly deliberate and systematic. (International Journal for Quality and Health Care 2002, Vo. 4 Number 4, p334) The data gathering done on (B) although carefully managed by the research group still has its limitations and gray areas. The temptation in qualitative work is to simply generate impressions based on an initial review of notes or tape, and move quickly to written summaries that blur the distinction between what was observed, heard, or read (raw data), and the patterns and themes that an investigator has discerned which can often best be termed an interpretation of data. Just as, in qualitative work, we are careful to present our findings separately from our conclusions, in qualitative work we have to distinguish between our observations and our interpretations of those observations. To achieve this, the research team needs explicit processes for tracking and managing raw qualitative data, for coding the data (not numerically but rather using phrases) in ways that permit data to be looked at both in its textual context and outside of it, for checking on the reliability of the coding by using multiple coders, for recognizing and articulating emergent ideas about patterns, themes, explanations and hypotheses, and for then conducting a conscious search both for ‘rival’ patterns and explanations and for the data that in some way disconfirm or refine that patterns and explanations. This is a time consuming and resource intensive, but it is a hallmark of respect for the data collected and for the willingness to be proven incorrect that is a key element of being scientific. (International Journal for Quality and Health Care 2002, Vo. 4 Number 4, p334) The key factors to improve the use of qualitative methods: When qualitative research is designed or executed poorly, the results are neither credible nor useful. Given the skepticism that many researches have about the validity and reliability of the methods, it is critical that the challenges they pose to unwary or careless investigation to understood. Firstly, it is important to realize that these methods, probably to a greater degree that quantitative approaches, are highly dependent on the knowledge and skill of all members of the research team. A focus group will only succeed if it is based on a well structured guide, and conducted by a skilled moderator flexible enough to work both through and around the structure. A key informant interviewer will harvest much less useful information if the interviewer does not have enough background knowledge to know when a response deserves extensive proving, or sufficient experiences to assess either the candor of the respondent or the extent to which he actually has knowledge and experience relevant to the questions. A novice interviewer needs training, which can best be provided by having him or her accompany as experienced interviewer in the field, or listen carefully, probably multiple times, to tapes of effectively conducted interviews. Secondly conducting a good qualitative study, like conducting a good quantitative project, requires attention to issues of the study design, the unit of analysis, sampling techniques, instrument development and administration, and analysis plans. (International Journal for Quality and Health Care 2002, Vo. 4 Number 4, p333) The measurement which is just a conclusion of the data gathered served only as an illustration of the ways that girls and boys come to collude in a system that is detrimental to their well-being. The result of the study illustrate only the important role that sport sociologist can play in the future development of curriculum for sport and physical activity participation. It will also can be use to determine the extent to which social change can and does occur. It never showed a clear statistics of its conclusion. THE CONCLUSION Research (A) is more convincing than (B) in terms of reference, significant proof by mathematical equations and data sources. If we are to consider the value of these research papers in terms of their Insights about sports activity then they are not similar even though they produced a conclusion relevant to physical activity relevant to sports in both male and female. In research (A) the purpose of the investigation is to prove that male athlete or male competitiveness in sport were not made but rather “born”. It’s like saying that there are men “built for sports”. In reality we can easily accept that there were men who really great and excel in sports and in other fields. In this case we might as well forget to be an athlete if we don’t have or may I say “gifted’ or “bless” with a low 2D:4D ratio. It may also devalue the importance of training, self confidence and determination. All of these may come only as secondary or a mere formalities to an already pre-determined “born” talent. If we use our ability as the research implies then it will be just a proxy for physical competitiveness compares to male with low 2D:3D ratio.(taken from (A) abstract) It also says that even if you have the ability and made a name in sports (I mean locally) you may not reach the international level. It means that your ability, self confidence, determination, hard work and training cannot match those men with a “born” talent. It is sad to know that if you are not born then you will never make it. Furthermore, the research is simply telling us to find away to improve our fetal testosterone because it would be useful in this competitive society. Research (B) on the other hand may well be classified as a social study of the existing perception that male are higher in gender order than female. Through the study while both boys and girls are equally capable of winning games, the unrecognized conflation of competition with physicality is likely responsible for the perceived incompatibility between the boys & girls version of the game.( research (b) p.361) The result of the study resonate with, as well as just add to, previous findings identified in the gender and sports literature. The findings on the study indicate adolescent day to day athletic experiences are interpreted in line with patterns identified in social historical accounts and contemporary media analysis (p.371). The findings on this study also indicates that the ideology that supports masculine hegemony remains essentially unchallenged by female participation in a male identified sports such as basketball. (p.371) This study illustrates the hegemonic process whereby through resistance and negotiations, the gender order is reproduced in the interaction between the individual and the structure. Resistance is illustrated in the meanings that boys & girls make of female athleticism from situations in which challenges to the gender order are averted by maintaining the perception that girls and boys are not playing the same games and constructing female and male “incompatibility” (p.372). My philosophical views over the two research papers maybe well within the context of the issues they want to prove. It would not be of any value if I commented in their method and belief. I might as well bark on the results of the research rather than the process in they both planned and executed for the purpose. Although the research papers are challenging and painstakingly done, the results are not dissimilar to what we already know. There maybe an addition to the proof but there are also discontentment over the issues like the conclusions of research (A), whereas it appears devaluing the other vital parts of sports activity. In research (b), it produced a significant contribution to the gender & sport literature because it has providing data from live experiences that could be use to triangulate methodologies. This merely supports the socio historical analysis, theoretical works & media critiques which have previously established the field of gender and sports. The research is incomplete in terms of establishing the real score in the effects of social perceptions & standards to sports activity. As I mentioned earlier, limitations and gray areas on this research are evident. More importantly, the samples who were interviewed are already influenced by the existing perceptions and social status in which their answers may not be entirely yielding the truth or maybe different from their own personal perspective. *THE GENERAL CONCLUSION (FINAL WORDS) In general, the research do not produce compatible insights about sports activity but rather a complete opposite of one another. Research (A) meant to establish a relation in sports activity by creating an impression that a better athlete are gifted by birth by simply measuring the ratio of the two fingers. I think that it would be detrimental if not demoralizing to the athlete or would be athlete like us rather than motivate them to succeed. The other paper, research (B) an opposite of (A) share the sentiment of female in the gender order in which they are treated unfairly in sports activity. The study presented the concern and the apparent holes in our social status when it comes to male dominance against female in sports. The study aims to find out and resolved the devaluing of female participation in sports which are already identified with male. -END REFERENCES: 1.. International Journal for Quality and Health Care 2002, Vo. 4 Number 4, p334 2. Digit Ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior and Health  by John T. Manning NJ: Rutgers University Press. 2002 3.Fingers Point to Male Aggression (Health Day News, Mar. 25, 1993) 4. Qualitative Research Method by Shoshanna Sofaer (School of Public Affairs, Baruch College, New York USA) 5. Modern Method of Analysis (July 2002, The University of Reading Statistical Services Center Guidelines Read More
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