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Modernisation Theory and World Systems Theory - Essay Example

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The paper 'Modernisation Theory and World Systems Theory' aims to compare and contrast two theories of social development: Modernisation theory and World-systems theory. Modernization theory and World-systems theory are different theories that focus on the social development and progress of society and the world as a whole…
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Modernisation Theory and World Systems Theory
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?Topic:  Compare and contrast two of the following theories of social development: Modernisation theory and World systems theory Introduction Modernization theory and World systems theory are different theories which focus on the social development and progress of society and world as a whole. Modernization theory is the byproduct of three historical event of post world war. The modernization theory can be described as the change of traditional society of the previous age to the modern age of the present. It gives emphasis on the development of the social scenario of the society. In modernization theory various Marxist concepts are explained which is related to the development and underdevelopment of certain countries. Here the social and economical development of countries and inequality existing between countries in relation to technology and other aspects are explained. In world system theory the focus is on the capitalist fashion of world system existing across the globe. This world system has few particular features which it has maintained throughout the centuries that globalization seems like an unfair concept. The modern world system had it beginning in the 16th century where there was an up rise of feudalism in the western world. This demanded innovation of new technology and rise of industrialization which lead the spread of European trade to other parts of the world. According to Hall (2000,pg 23) “Wallerstein’s modern world system is only the most recent transformation of the ancient one “The military strength and transportation of the western world became strong which enhanced the economic ties of countries with each other. There existed an unequal relationship between Europe and other nation which resulted in unequal social development. The overview of Modernization theory The modernization theory is a concept wherein there is a belief that by introducing modernization in agriculture, trade, transportation and technology countries can strengthen their economical and social standard. Modernization theory emphasis that underdevelopment of a country is caused by the incapability and incompetency of the internal working system of it. According to this theory, the country is undeveloped because of the values, beliefs attitude of the people, the government of the country and its policies. A country can be prospering only of it change according to the new demands of its people and tapping the resources of the country in the best possible manner. As per Blaney(2002,pg103 – 137) “Since the putative end of the Cold War, modernization is increasingly remained as a global process— as an expanding liberal zone of peace, a global civil society, or as emerging forms of global governance”. An underdeveloped country can only progress if it changes its mode from violence and uncivilization to democratic reforms. From the view point of modernization theory, the reason for underdevelopment of poor countries is due to the poor allocation of its resources throughout its traditional society. Modernization theory believes that, the development of country lies in the progress of its technology. The more the technological scenario of a country develops with the assistance of other countries the more it gets status of a developed and prosperous nation. This theory was initialized in 1960s to explain the reason for some countries being developed and other remaining under developed. In his book Anderson(2007,pg 252)writes that “Modernization theory sees economic development as a process by which traditional societies become more complex and differentiated” Modernization theory argument on social development The modernization theory argues that old cultural beliefs and norms of the traditional society of the country hampers the modernization of it. As per Sorensen(2001)“ Modernization theory makes the claim that Western capitalist values and practices are the basis for “modernizing” third world countries and helping them become self-sustaining”. This is an acceptable fact as the industrialization and modernization started in western world from 16th century .It can be observed that till now the Asian and African countries are under developed or are on the verge of developing. It is known fact that the gap between the western world and third world countries is significant and latter has been exploited to a certain level for the former’s progression. The third world countries depend largely on western world for survival. According to Thompson(2002)“The concept of modernization was very much tied to the idea of re-creating the world in the image of American and Western European principles and culture”. Here it can be understood that the undeveloped countries need to look upon western countries as model to rebuilt their country to form economic and social stability. The western countries encourage the third world countries to abandon their culture in order to earn the status of prosperity and modernized outlook. It is saddening to know that, poor country’s valuable culture and heritage has to be put on stake in order to remain in equality with richer countries. Modernization does not mean losing one’s identity but making one’s life convenient and comfortable by making best use of the country’s resources. The Overview of World System Theory The world system theory allows understanding the inequalities existing among different countries and what leads to this differentiation. It is defined by world system theory that peripheral regions do not admit to core domination. The core /peripheral relation is always struggle some where the dominated and exploited fight for freedom. As per Kardulias(1999,pg 32)“ One of the most valuable consequences of the application of world system ideas to earlier periods is that it has facilitated interdisciplinary communication and cooperation”. The ideologies and political forces have give birth to disciplinary organizations in modern world system. The world system theory helps in analyzing social change throughout the world. According to modern world system theory economics and politics cannot be viewed as distinct aspects but are two interrelated study fields. It can be understood from world system theory that underdevelopment and development is not the outcome of a country’s action but is due to historical capitalism and system between states. According to Wallenstein, the modern state nation has existence under a framework of legal, political and economic nature. Just like individuals behavior cannot be measured without assessing their socio economical environment, same way the individual societies and nations cannot be analyzed without referencing to the world system. Here the concentration is on the origin and working system of capitalisation.The modern world system took birth in Europe before 500 years and explains the relationship between industrialization, capitalism and second and third world war. Halsall(!997)“A world-system is a social system, one that has boundaries, structures, member groups, rules of legitimating, and coherence”. World system theory and its connection with social development The Europe followed a capitalist world economy in order to upgrade their socio – economic status they want economic growth in a consistent manner and being capitalist is the sole means to it. The modern world system theory is based on the division of labor on international basis to understand the relation between labors of different regions. In his book Mossmann(2007,pg 34) mentioned that “This world system, separate from a world empire or a socialist system, represents the structure in which almost all country in integrated today”. Here the political system of the country and its position on world economy is analyzed deeply. In this theory Wallerstein has put forth four different categories in to which the regions of world can be positioned. They are core, periphery, semi- periphery and external categories. According to Halsall(1997,pg 24)“Through this theory, Wallerstein attempts to explain why modernization had such wide-ranging and different effects on the world. He shows how political and economic conditions after the breakdown of feudalism transformed northwestern Europe into the predominant commercial and political power”. The world system theory shows the social development in the Europe after the abolishment of feudalism and how industrialization gives way to economical development in western countries. But however looking from an international angle the social and economical disparity among countries are wide. Wallerstein explains that there is nothing called third world countries but there is one world with complex economic relationship. In a world system there is competition among different agents in order to accumulate wealth and power. According to this theory,the technologically advanced countries fall in to the category of core nation and which are disconnected from developed nation are periphery nations. Comparison between modernization theory and World system theory Both modernization theory and world system theory is focused on the social and economic development occurring on the international platform. In both the theories, social condition existing between the countries is explained .Both these theories put emphasis on the utilization of resources of the country to progress technologically, commercially and socially. Here the theories make an effort to understand the allocation and distribution of wealth inside the state and outside of it. According to Calhoun(2007,pg 462) “The modern world system in which we are living , which is that of a capitalist world – economy , is currently in precisely such a crisis, and has been for a while now”. These theories also acknowledge the uprise of America as the superpower because of the capitalist ideology followed by it after the second world war. According to modernization theory, countries are more productive if they have good education system, democratic government and well planned social reform policy. In the same way, in world system theory concentration is on upgrading the status of the poor countries. Modernization has a close connection with world system as both the system look forward to progression and prosperity of the different nation on international platform. In his article Reyes(1997)mentions that “ The world systems most frequently studied in this theoretical perspective are systems concerning the research, application and transference of productive and basic technology; the financial mechanisms, and world trade operations”. In the same manner, modernization theory is concentrating on technological development and trade developments of various underdeveloped nations. Contrast between Modernization theory and world system theory Modernization theory focuses on the technological development of particular nations while world system theory is all about economical development of different nations of the world, Modernization theory is about advancement of the backward countries whereas world system theory explains the situation of disparity existing between different nations of the world on ground of prosperity and economical development. According to Chirot(1982) “World-system theory is a highly political approach to the problem of economic development in the Third World. In American sociology world-system theory evolved as a direct attack against the version of development theory that had prevailed in the 1950s and 1960s”.However in modernization theory the nation’s advancement in the field of technology is analyzed to a great extend .World system theory looks at the overall development of nations and not only on technological advancement concept. Modernization theory does not segregate nations or regions in to different categories while world system theory categories regions in to core, peripheral, semi – peripheral and external. World system theory explains the rise of the west especially of the super power America while modernization explains about the undeveloped and exploited status of downtrodden countries of Asia, African and South America. Modernization theory suggest that all the countries started with modernization should progress to greatest level of prosperity without restriction .In case of world system theory the alienation of few nations in the rat race of west for power is exemplifies. According to Sitton (1996,pg 200) “World system theory forces us to consider the degree to which the alleged eclipse of the importance of class structure and class identity in advanced capitalism may be merely a provincial.”. Conclusion The modernization theory and world system theory has concentration upon the socio – economical development of the nations worldwide. It is not acceptable according to these theories that inequality prevail among any of the countries on an international platform. As per Pieterse(1988,pg 251-266)“World system theory is a theory of the world system without a system theory. Its actual conceptual units are `social systems', one of which is the `modern world system”. Here the social systems of the nations are analyzed more than the production capability and resource allocation of them. Modernization theory suggests how the western world has progressed in technology, communication and transportation leaving many countries behind. Here the superiority, materialistic and secular view point of the western world is discussed .modernization theory criticizes the western domination over poor and underdeveloped nation and how the latter is exploited for former’s motive. It is surprising to note that centuries have passed after the initialization of these theories but still the dominion and exploitation of poor countries have not come to an end. The world is not developed in an equal manner, and some countries are extremely wealthy where as other still under pathetic conditions. “Modernization theory -- the belief that industrialization and economic development lead directly to positive social and political change -- has been a subject of intense scholarly and policy interest for more than half a century”. However it is not true that the industrialization alone can bring development to a nation since Super power Like America has lost it’s glory in the recent times. Bibliography Anderson, M.L., 2007. Sociology: understanding a diverse society. 2nd ed. California: Cengage Learning Berman, Sheri. (2009, March 12). What to read on modernization theory. Retrieved from Blaney, D.L., 2002. Neo-Modernization? IR and the Inner Life of Modernization Theory. European Journal of International Relations, 8/1, 103 - 137 . Chirot, D., 1982. World System Theory. Annual Review Inc., 8, 103 - 137. Calhoun, C.J., 2007. Contemporary sociological theory. 1st ed. Victoria: Blackwell Publishing Ltd G.E.Reyes. 1997. Four Main Theories of Development: . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 July 11] Hall, T., 2000. A world-systems reader: new perspectives on gender,urbanism, cultures . 1st ed. Maryland: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers H. Thompson. 2002. Culture And Economic Development: . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 July 11]. Kardulias, P.N., 1999. World-systems theory in practice: leadership, production, and exchange . 1st ed. Maryland: Rowmen & Littlefield Publishers Halsall.P 1997. The Modern World-System. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 July 11]. Mossmann, J, 2007. .Modern World System Theory. 1st ed. Norderstedt: GRIN - Verlag Pieterse, J.N., 1988. A CRITIQUE OF WORLD SYSTEM THEORY. International Sociology, 3, 251-266 P,Halsall.. 1997. Modern History Sourcebook: . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 July 11]. Sorensen L. 2001. Modernization and the Third World. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 July 11] Sitton, J.F., 1996. Recent Marxian theory: class formation and social conflict in contemporary capitalism. 1st ed. New York: University of Newyork P . Read More
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