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Lip Piercing Introduction: Amy wanted her lip pierced ever since she had joined the college. The idea of having a pierced lip fascinated her. She had had eyebrow piercing few days back but her parents would not allow her to go for another piercing at any cost, so she spared the plan. Eventually, a close friend of hers underwent lip piercing, which totally killed the desire in Amy to get that done because she had never been and would never want to be a copycat. Time passed and Amy graduated. She had had great difficulty finding a job with her eye-brow pierced.
Now she was no more with her friend and was also independent, so could have got the lip pierced, but she thought better of it because having her lip pierced would have totally put her job in jeopardy and could have sabotaged her career. Besides, Amy had now grown too old to look good with a pierced lip. It was like she had grown out of her piercing age. Her eye-brow piercing spoke negative of her mannerism and told how stupid she had been when she was a kid to have gone for something like an eye-brow piercing.
Years went by and Amy became a manager. She looked very decent and civilized in her business attire but the eye-brow piercing would ruin it all. She was generally a very decent person and had such a persona that she was taken seriously by her subordinates. If there was one thing she would like to change about her appearance, it was her eye-brow piercing. However, she thanked God she had not gone for a lip piercing because that would have looked way too vulgar, indecent and absurd. Conclusion: “Oral piercings, including lip and tongue jewelry, are a popular form of body modification” (Palmer, 2011).
Piercing anywhere on the face in general and the lip in particular is becoming increasingly common among the youth all over the world. It is visualized by teenagers and adolescents as a symbol of fashion. For many, it is something that needs to get done for an individual to remain inn the fashion. However, the idea is only fantasized by a particular age group of children in which they are nastiest and their thoughts are wildest. Lip piercing is a very dangerous practice and is indeed, more dangerous than piercing of any area of the face in that it is directly in contact with mouth through which the germs can be taken in.
Lip piercing is the root cause of many types of lip infections. In addition to exposing an individual to the risk of disease, lip piercing also does a lot to ruin the looks of the individual. Unfortunately, this practice has attained the status of fashion in the contemporary age and is increasingly being utilized by youngsters as a means of self expression since lip piercing has religious, personal and sexual significance for different people. Nonetheless, owing to the enormity of the dangers of lip piercing, it should be avoided at any cost.
References: Palmer, G. D. (2011). Lip Piercing Precautions. Retrieved from
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