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Steve Jobs and his Leadership In MLA Style 2 As we go through life, we realize that there are things that we learn not because we want to learn them, but due to the events, circumstances and people we encounter that taught us to learn things we never thought possible. There are also leaders we admire and influence us with our beliefs, ways and how we function as individuals. Steve Jobs is one of the leaders we have today who play a big part in the person I want to be. Apple CEO and co-founder, Steve Jobs, captured me with his life’s story.
Being an undergraduate and a college drop-out, he has managed to bring out the best in him and has made it to the top. His persistence, dedication and thirst for knowledge, just to name a few, are the ones that brought him to where he is now. Being a leader in innovation, his hunger for new ideas and turning them into reality is one of the so many reasons he has made a great legacy to leave to us. Not that I don’t like to finish my schooling and follow his footsteps, I admire his dedication and persistence that would eventually lead me to some place that would give me an attractive view as I look back.
Knowing that my heart and instincts will eventually lead me to a moment when I will be able to connect all the dots and see that I have gone through a wonderful life, as Jobs said in his 2009 speech to the graduates of Stanford. Name 3 I may be sure now of what I would like to be in the future, but in case things don’t turn out as expected, just like with his exit with Apple 26 years ago, I would like to have his never-ending will to go through all unseen hurdles in life and succeed.
One of my values in life is I’d like to become the catalyst of change I wish to see. I see life as an opportunity for everyone to be able to showcase themselves; talents, abilities, opinions, etc, to the world and be the best they can be at any given moment in their lives. I believe that everyone is given opportunities to show what they can do, although it may seem to be limited to some, but as we go through life, no matter how tough it may seem, there are moments, events, circumstances that will give us that opportunity and it is just up to us if we acknowledge it or not.
With these, I expect that everyone, including myself, will be able to acknowledge those opportunities and see the life’s grand design; insects to frogs and lizards, nectar to butterflies and bees, winking eyes to the blow of the wind. Everything has its purpose, and so are we. Cliche as it is, power comes with great responsibility. If I were a leader, I would to be a model to all. Leaders are once great followers, and as we pass it to the next generation, we should set a great example. (Giuliani & Kerson, 2002, p 105) Just like with Jobs, Apple sets the standards, and those who are in the same field are doing their very best to be at par.
Moulding people and leading them to their betterment and to a better world is what a great leader should be – what I will be. Works Cited Giuliani, Rudolph W, and Ken Kurson. Leadership. New York: Hyperion, 2002. Print.
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