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Personality is built on biology: The personality of an individual is to much an extent, the outcome of his/her biology. Human traits are defined by the genes. Personality comprises the traits of an individual that include but are not limited to hostility, mood, patience, capability, and confidence. Many of these traits are depicted by an individual’s genes. Quite often, we hear someone say, “Like father, like son”. This means that both father and son share the same personality and the reason of commonality between the personalities of the two is genes.
This paper discusses the role of stimulation of cerebral cortex in the openness of an individual to the society. Theorists have maintained the opinion that one’s biology influences one’s personality. According to Hans Eysenck, biology is the major determinant of an individual’s personality. Eysenck’s theory has invited a lot of debate conventionally, though he is frequently referred to in discussions of personality development. To say that personality is determined by biology fundamentally is a way of emphasizing upon the role of neurotransmitters, hormones, and genes in an individual’s behavior.
Eysenck said that human brain regulates itself. There is an important role of stimulation of the cerebral cortex in determining the level to which an individual is social or reserved. Under-stimulation of the cerebral cortex arises the need to gain stimulus from the environment. Accordingly, the individual becomes an extrovert. On the other hand, over-stimulation of the cerebral cortex suppresses an individual’s tendency to gain outside stimulation. This makes an individual introvert. In light of these facts, it can be said that human biology plays an important role in shaping the personality, though it is not the only factor which influences the personality.
Personality is actually an outcome of both nature and nurture. This paper has discussed the nature’s role in developing the personality.
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