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This picture has been taken from the Pre-Colonial Africa: Society, Polity, Culture category. The basic reason for the selection of this picture is the idea to identify the original way of living of the innocents before they were enslaved. The top three figures are of women of Kazegnut in interesting costumes. However, after being enslaved these beautiful dresses used be snatched away for making them work naked. The left figure reveals Negroes climbing a palm tree. This action can be either for gathering food or for having fun. Whatever the reason, this independence was lost after colonization. The lower middle portion of the picture shows a Negroe playing on the Ballard or balafon. Such recreational activities were lost after being enslaved. The bottom right portion depicts the huts of the Negros who never had a shelter of their own once they were traded. My perception that the slave trade should never have started is impeccably sound.
This picture belongs to the category ‘Slave Sales and Auctions: African Coast and the Americas’. This particular picture has been chosen to reveal that there existed no difference in the way goods were traded and men and women were purchased and sold in the name of the slave trade. This piece of advertisement was not for the auction of non-living stock or domestic animals but for the mart of human beings. Shockingly, the mere fact of being black and less privileged could transfer the entire fate of the Negroes to the hands of the whites. The way the poster provides details about men, women, and children makes one interpret it as if bulk goods are to be purchased and sold. Not only were the Negroes bought and sold, but they were also hired too. It is also surprising to know from the picture that even children of just fourteen years of age were auctioned and forced to work. No wonder the slave trade was a horrendous act!
This picture has been taken from the category ‘Slave Sales and Auctions: African Coast and the Americas’. The chief objective of choosing this image is to bring to light the butchery of mankind by mankind. In the picture, a female slave is being branded at the back by the whites. A hot iron rod is pierced into the flesh of the Negro to identify the owner to whom she belongs. The other portion of the image shows the female slaves along with their children staring and waiting in awe for their turn. Does this not stir our emotions? After all, we are humans. I wish the slave trade could be considered criminal at that time too!
This image has been extracted from the category ‘Slave Sales and Auctions: African Coast and the Americas’. The main cause for selecting this picture is the presence of several pieces of information in one image. The top left corner of the illustration reveals the branding of the slaves on his wrist, the middle portion depicts a buyer licking a Negro’s chin to check from his sweat his age and to confirm whether he is medically fit and worth investing in and the right one shows the display of slaves for sale in the public market. The bottom left image displays the mourning of the slaves on being separated from their loved ones, the central part shows a boat loaded carrying slaves after they have been purchased and the right part reveals a slave ship waiting at the harbor to carry the slaves once they are purchased. The last portion of the picture reveals a Negro before his purchase. The slave trade was undoubtedly atrocious and should have been severely dealt with.