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27 May, The American Behavior: Americans are very diverse in their culture. Multiculturalism can be found everywhere be that schools, colleges, workplaces, and media. Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Hispanics, African Americans, Latinos, and Caucasians form only some part of the society. All cultures merge together to form the modern American culture. Americans are very straightforward in their speech. They make little to no use of such formal words as please, may I, or if you don’t mind, which are essentially the words and phrases that unnecessarily complicate and elongate the sentences.
Americans believe in saying things in a direct manner. If an American boss gave you a deadline, he/she can most probably wait for long after the deadline. Americans are not as particular about the deadlines as Germans are. They take and give sufficient time for work, but demand a high quality work. Freedom means a lot to Americans in every walk of life. There is freedom of expression both in terms of language and getup. One can define oneself in whatever way one likes. Sometimes, cultural differences give rise to misunderstandings.
For example, two Americans stand at considerable distance from each other while interacting in general, whereas Latin Americans stand pretty close to each other while interacting. Hence, when a Latin American man talks to a woman in the usual manner, the woman considers him as having crossed his limit and entered the personal space of the woman. Thus, it is always a good idea to conduct a brief study about the general standards of ethics and mannerism in America in order to escape misunderstandings.
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