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Methods and Tactics Used to Reduce Gender and Racial Disparities in Prisons Nowadays international tourism leads to rapidly developing migration that helps people to find the most appropriate place of residence. Hence, in many countries you can find numerous diasporas of representatives from variable pieces of the world, who may differ from each other by color of skin, language and culture. Due to the main principles of democracy the initial task of the government is to provide equal treatment to all residents of specified state.
However, it should be mentioned that despite all intentions and attempts to achieve set goals frequently stipulations of equality are infringed. Lately the query about racial and gender disparities in prisons arises more occasionally and intensively, calling to implement specific instruments and tactics to diminish that phenomenon. Due to the statistic results African Americans and Hispanic lawbreakers are more likely to be convicted of felony than white people (Hartney & Vuong, 2009). Also in most cases the sentences of black people are longer.
Disparity of arrest rates between racial groups strikes and scares drastically. Moreover, death penalty among colored prisoners is spread oftener than among white delinquents. In addition, there is a significant disproportion between male and female rates of criminality. All mentioned facts indicate the inequality in judicial system concerning offenders of different races and genders. According to stated problem several solutions that are aimed to reduce disparity can be recommended. They are the following: monitor and research racial issues, divulging important information and advocating the problem of social inequality; use arrest alternatives fairly in cases with juveniles, mentally ill and homeless people; provide all offenders with professional and qualified juridical support; implement training programs with cultural orientation among police officers; launch public educational campaigns and public forums pointed at racial disparity ; implement technologies directed at substitution of paper trails for speeding up court transactions; orient managerial staff to prioritize the importance of racial and gender equality; ensure offenders with equal availability of early release decisions in cases when the last is possible; publicly report bail requests or race data and collaborate with different criminal justice practitioners; ensure minority inmates with fair rehabilitation and high quality treatment during their presence in jail.
In conclusion, it is relevant to remember Albert Einstein’s words, saying “Before God we are all equally wise and equally foolish”. Taking into account this statement, judicial systems should stop to discriminate specified groups of people, implementing methods for creating equality and justice in modern society. References Garland, B.E., & Wodahl, E.J. (2008). Racial disproportionality in the American prison population. Justice Policy Journal, 5(2), 68-92. Hartney, C., & Vuong, L. (2009).
Created equal: Racial and ethnic disparities in the US criminal justice system. Oakland, CA: National Council on Crime and Delinquency. The Sentencing Project (2008). Reducing racial disparity in the criminal justice system: a manual for practitioners and policymakers. Washington, DC: The Sentencing Project.
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