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Students’ will enumerate the steps needed to be taken by an average person for preventing obesity in self after the technical details have been demonstrated and taught to them.
The Set: As this particular group of students is studying health science as their major subject, they are presumed to be aware of the benefits of good physical and mental health. Obesity is an easily observable phenomenon in present society with adequate media coverage on its ills. The introductory formal discussion will involve inputs from the teacher as well as the students to form a consensus on the importance of the topic. Prior knowledge will be assessed through a 15 minutes written questionnaire which will include questions on the causes and sequels of obesity. The role of lifestyle, food categories, lack of exercise, and increased level of dependence on automation in the modern era will be included in the ‘causes’ questions and awareness of diseases like acute heart failure, diabetes Type II, depression, etc. which are the direct consequences of obesity will be included in the ‘sequels’ questions.
Instructional strategies to be used:
A PowerPoint presentation by the teacher will explain the finer nuances of lifestyle diseases which will include statistical data, illustrations, and figures from local community data as well the national figures for the obesity epidemic, a list of preventable diseases, and the colossal burden on the state and national health exchequer. Figures from national and international health bodies like the NIH (National Health Institute) and the WHO (World Health Organization) will be presented. The role of junk food, urban lifestyles, and over-dependence on automation will be discussed. At the same time over-dependence on electronic media for entertainment will be discussed emphasizing the importance of participation in outdoor, physically demanding games which are good for health. Planning diet according to lifestyle, individual nutrient requirements, sources of food rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals will be discussed.
Learning outcomes will be measured through the administration of a post teaching session questionnaire in the form of multiple-choice questions. The responses will be checked and corrected by the teacher. This will be followed by a group discussion by dividing the students’ into two numerically equal groups. One group will pose questions to the other about obesity preventing strategies while the other will pose questions about the diseases due to obesity. The teacher will intervene whenever required.
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