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Personal anecdotes provide interesting insight into our past follies, our hope and dreams. When we look back into our past, we are transported intothat time and experience the thrill all over again. While there are many such instances in my life, I really enjoy recollecting details of my first driving lessons. I had just turned sixteen and was really impatient to learn driving. My father had just bought his new Porsche which I wanted to drive but knew that I would not be allowed to even touch that, let alone drive!
But nevertheless, father’s new car became my major motivator for taking driving lessons. It was first weekend after I had come of age when I could right ask my father to give me driving lesson. My parents were really enjoying my impatience and quite shamelessly made me do all the things like washing dishes and cleaning the car. But nothing could faze me and woke up early to take my first driving lesson! When I sat on the driving seat, there was no holding back my happiness and I was grinning widely.
My father indicated all the controls and cautioned me especially regarding the accelerator and break. It was trusted old Beetle that I had got accustomed to watching my parents drive so various controls were easy to understand. I turned the key and started the motor. Wow! The thrill of holding the steering wheel and letting go the break was just divine. It was on first gear and though slow, I was independently handling the car. My father took me on a long drive which had lots of curves and by-lanes.
I was not allowed to change gears till after I had become accustomed to the break and accelerator which father had made me use frequently on the track that was still isolated. Putting the car on second gear had given me huge confidence because I could speed up the car a little more. After about an hour of practice lesson, we headed back. The first driving lesson was memorable because my father was proud of the way, I had managed my driving. So far as I was concerned, I had become an expert!
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