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Shaker Heights is the of "The Reunion” This video touched my feelings and it reminded me of my wonderful childhood. In our country, we, along with our neighbor’s children, walk to school together every morning. However, the difference here is that there is no discrimination or racism and all are treated same in the Shaker school. More than 1400 years ago, there was a great man named Mohammed. He urged harmony among all the people and races, refuting racism. Hence, ‘Equality’ was the basic message of our religion.
In addition to this, the parents, like those of Shaker Heights’s students, have a major role to play in this issue. They struggle to lead their children to success. Here, the families have established in them the respect for other people, especially their neighbors. In our country, we used to meet as classmates in the morning and as neighbors to play together in the evening. It was really a beautiful life supporting and accepting each other. After I saw this interesting video, I realized my duty as a teacher, to help the students strengthen these concepts and encourage them to accept other students along with respecting their feelings, despite of any color difference.
I will support my students if they ask me to help. To cooperate with the most important strategies and to begin applying them, I educate the students to encourage and promote their abilities themselves. Communication with parents is also very important. Parents alter to the problem of transcendence among the students and may contribute by changing the style of upbringing their children, helping the school in creating an effective impact. For the teacher, there are many activities that can be done with their students to reject behaviors such as helping the poor people through collecting the donations.
Finally, I would like to advocate about writing the position and feelings of each student by themselves. It may forewarn the teacher for his/her students’ feelings being persecuted or not? I think the best solution for students would be to speak about their own experiences and best key for the teacher would be to help her students in correcting these errors. Second paragraph is my re-response to another student’s response below I completely agree with you especially about creating a healthy learning environment for all students because healthy and properly nurtured students, who feel safe, are able to concentrate better on their work, attend school and do well in their class.
Education affects enduring health, so it is very important to create a healthy learning environment for our kids to help them develop physical, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. This is student’s response (I grew up in a mostly white Cleveland suburb as well, and I am very familiar with Shaker Heights. I didn't know that they were part of this social experiment though, so to see this close-to-home video was really interesting (I recognized the one lady as a news anchor for a local news station).
I thought it was really sad that most of the elementary school friendships were driven away by peer pressure and even through all that those kids went through, they were still uncomfortable with interracial relationships because of what other students might think or do to them. I think to really create a healthy learning environment for all students, all parties need to be on board and it needs to start early, just like it did for these kids. The one man in the video said it so eloquently: "It worked because we wanted it to work.
Because we were acting on a vision, not legislation." When we carry out multicultural education because we have to, we only produce bitterness and opposition. Successful multicultural education comes from a vision. These students had a healthy view of diversity and it was successful only because all parties (parents included) were on board and they started in kindergarten. These kids grew up thinking that multiracial friendships were perfectly normal, so to be thrown into junior high and learn that at that time it wasn't was changing their "normal.
" We need more early integration because we need more people viewing multiculturalism as normal, because it should)
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