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Golfers are prone to suffer problems connected with the back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hips. Chad can minimize this by stretching and warm-ups, and through a proper understanding of the biomechanics of the swing which helps to execute the swing in the correct manner. Apart from aerobic exercises, strength building through resistance training is also important for the performance of a golfer.
Weeks 1 and 2: evaluation of muscle imbalances through analysis of posture, balance, and gait; evaluation of movement patterns; testing of muscle length; and assessment of the soft tissue. Since the neurological aspects of muscle imbalance are the most common causes of pain and dysfunction, sensorimotor training is given to restore neuromuscular function. Also, simple balance training and proprioceptive exercises can help reduce injuries to Chad. The capacity for aerobic fitness and cardiorespiratory endurance is enhanced with lightweight lifting. 1 -3 sets of 20 -25 repetitions for each training.
Weeks 3 and 4: strengthening of core muscles that stabilize the spine, pelvis, and shoulder girdle and aid generate powerful movements of the extremities will help Chad in his golf swings. Besides, training the core muscles will be helpful in correcting postural imbalances that can lead to injuries (Quinn, 2011). 1-3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions are recommended.
Weeks 4 and 5: light hypertrophy training to increase muscle cross-sectional area. And, to develop strength, endurance (both aerobic and anaerobic), flexibility, and coordination, circuit training is recommended (
circuit-training.html). 8 to 12 repetitions are recommended.
Weeks 7 to 12: strength and power training, also incorporating training to enhance hip explosiveness, core stability, and upper- and lower-body power generation. Work out with kettlebell swings to strengthen the hip rotation. 1-3 sets of 10-14 repetitions.
Chad needs to eat a well-balanced diet, low in fat. Also, adequate water consumption during the game to prevent dehydration. A couple of fruits and a nutrition bar consumed during the game will help Chad maintain constant blood sugar levels.
Weeks 1 and 2: evaluation of muscle imbalances through analysis of posture, balance, and gait; evaluation of movement patterns; testing of muscle length; and assessment of the soft tissue. The capacity for aerobic fitness and cardiorespiratory endurance is enhanced with lightweight lifting. 3 – 5 sets of 20 -25 repetitions for each training.
Weeks 3 and 4: strengthening of core muscles that stabilize the spine, pelvis, and shoulder girdle and aid generate powerful movements of the extremities will help Chris lift weights without hurting his back. 3-5 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions are recommended.
Weeks 4 and 5: light hypertrophy training to increase muscle cross-sectional area. And, to develop strength, endurance (both aerobic and anaerobic), flexibility, and coordination, circuit training in Tabata intervals (2 minutes on, 1 minute off) which simulate an actual wrestling bout is recommended. 20 to 25 repetitions are recommended.
Weeks 7 to 12: strength and power training, combined with training to enhance hip explosiveness, core stability, and upper- and lower-body power generation would help Chris in powerlifting. 3-5 sets of 15-20 repetitions are recommended for Chris considering his young age.
Nutritional strategy for Chris: To build muscle and improve strength, Chris needs high calories from good quality protein, carbohydrate, and fat sources. He needs to consume more total calories in his daily diet than his body uses each day in order to build up his body mass. Furthermore, he needs to consume a diet that is 20% to 30% protein as it helps build muscle. Chris should supplement his diet with a mixture of amino acids, specifically branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine which aid bodybuilding (Wikipedia).