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Judea Declares War on Germany and Freedman’s Speech There is only one emotion to describe how I felt while reading thesetwo articles – sadness. Sadness because not all people are aware of this important piece in history; apparently, the Germans fell into the stereotype of bad guys. One was a declaration of war against Germany by Judea while the other is a shocking speech of how politically motivated where the Jews to declare such war. Although the two pieces of historical information have a time gap of thirty years, both are heavily associated with one another.
Apparently, some truths just come out after mankind has suffered from so much pain. While the crimes of the Holocaust did create emotional scars on the survivors and taught the world an important lesson about racism, it is also important to investigate what triggered such horrible event. The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany in 1933 is a crucial event in history because we all know that wars don’t just happen overnight. Before war happens, certain circumstances happen on the background that creates much tension.
First, the move of Jews on the United States that called for a boycott of German goods was politically motivated, a propaganda to make Jews return to their land by creating fear. Second, even the Jewish Central Association located in Germany disproved the propaganda that they were maltreated by the Germans. Lastly, Germany was financially weak at the time due to a hyperinflation; hence, war would be the last thing they would eventually call for. Sometimes, a nation takes actions with grave consequences when they are pushed to the wall.
Indeed, there was not much choice given to the Germans whose acts of defense escalated into a full-blown genocide. However, who can really attest to the truth when both sides have their own interests? The other reading that really struck me was Benjamin Freedman’s speech about the role of Jews in WWI and WWII. At first, reading the revelations were shocking specially if I were an American that day in history. The Third World War was possible because people with political sentiments find war as an economic gain.
It was not religious at all although it was presented that way to sway people’s thoughts. The whole speech is overwhelming because one needs to recall facts about the two World Wars. It seems that both Wars were carefully orchestrated by the Jews according to Mr. Freedman. If such were the case, Germany had all the motives to justify their actions against the Jews. If all of the accounts are factual, then Germany has the right to let loose of its morals. In the earlier document about Judea’s War on Germany, Germans still exhibited self-restraint because they don’t fall for such propaganda.
Unfortunately, it’s another matter when a nation’s economy is badly hurt. Mr. Freedman’s speech maybe half-truth but it does open many possibilities in international political affairs. He has also successfully synchronized the events in both Wars to predict that the third one is another ploy by the same major players. It is sickening, sad and frightening. As a student, the most I can do is learn much about the past so I can have an idea where the future of international affairs are heading.
Indeed, the signs are on the wall and just need to read it carefully. Works Cited Benjamin H. Freedman, Germany and the Jews: The Role of the Jews in WWI and WWII. ( Updated January 2009) Retrieved from on 20 April, 2011. Myers, Peter ( 2000) .The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany. Retrieved from http://www. on April 21, 2011.
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