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My mother, Nydia, An Example of Independence My mother, Nydia, is an example of true independence; she takes things at her pace, making her own choices about everything. All of her life has been dedicated to her family, and now it’s her turn. Life is returning to her on the investment of her time, energy and compassion; she is reaping what she has sown. Adults assume responsibility for their choices they make to control their lives; my mother is no exception. First of all, she has her own views on most things; though we usually have different opinions.
For example, my children will be going to school in September; I mentioned that I would prefer that the school did not require uniforms, because it will cost me more money than I may be able to afford. She informed me that all the kids should have to wear school uniforms; it will stop all the arguments about who has the latest fashions, and they will concentrate more on their class work. Secondly, Nydia has her own schedule; she makes a list of what she needs and wants to do every day. The way she manages her finances shows how independent she is; she has her own bank account from which she pays her rent, loans and medications, and goes shopping as therapy.
In showing her connectivity to others, my mother goes to church twice a week, and sometimes she has a dinner with her sisters; again, these are her own choices as she is not forced to do anything. Finally, she is a living example of her belief that independence is one of the most important ways to celebrate a live well lived.
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