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Case Work Community Learning Center Seminar Case Presentation Outline Identifying Information G.C. DOB: 23 May, 1989 New York American Indian (Chickasaw) – Nisqually Tribe Single in de facto relationship (no children) Education: high school Employment: unemployed. Reason for referral: Needs protection from house of abode for the safety of self and unborn baby. 2. Personal History GC, a 22 year old female is pregnant at gestation of 18 weeks and living in a small apartment with her partner. Findings to questions re history and violence showed that she was physically abused as a child by her father until she left the household at the age of 14 to live with friends and then within 3 or 4 different relationships with boys.
The patient has been in her current relationship for 4 years and her husband often ‘knocks her around’. She claims that on one occasion when neighbors came to her defense he had ‘badly bashed’ her and knocked her into a mirror whereupon she suffered bad lacerations and bruising and had to be hospitalized. The latest incident of physical abuse occurred the week prior to her visit to this office. On this occasion her partner had arrived home late at night very drunk and dragged her out of the bed on to the floor and ‘started hitting and kicking her’.
On further questioning the patient said that she was not happy in her marriage and lived in fear of being abused whenever her husband ‘got drunk’ or ‘took any drugs’. Her problem is that she has nowhere else to go and she fears not just for her own safety but for the safety of her unborn child. 3. Chemical use history No evidence of any substance abuse is apparent and other than medical treatment prescribed by doctors for general illness no chemical history is on hand. 4. Strengths Patient remains positive despite her position of adversity and given the opportunity seems able to fend for herself and later for her child.
Although not currently employed she is willing to take on employment until her child is born. 5. Family Concerns Patient has had no contact with her family since leaving the household mainly due to her father’s abuse and the fact she was ‘never really close’ to her mother. She has not contacted them for 8 years. 6. Service Goals a. Short term objectives: to provide assistance in terms of accommodation until patient’s child is born. b. Long term objectives: to provide financial assistance and accommodation once child is born until patient is able to re-enter the workforce. 7. Documentation Patient has evidence of Indian descent and tribal affiliation. 8. Recommendations for aftercare Once patient is back in the workforce regular visits (perhaps weekly) should be maintained to ensure the health and well being of the patient and her child. 9. Follow-up plan On-going checks to continue for a period of at least two years (perhaps every 1-2 months).
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