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ERC Interview ERC (Eating Recovery Disorder) is a company dedicated to providing advanced medical and behavioral treatments to individuals suffering from eating disorders. They have an excellent team of passionate and hard-working professionals, helping patients lead healthier lives. However, despite their strong commitment and treatment philosophy, there is still a lot of room for improvement as seen from the interview conducted. First of all, though they have a high standard and criteria for hiring motivated and competent individuals, effective strategies are still lacking to help employees meet the company’s goals.
For example, managers are only recently beginning to be coached in order to relay responsibilities and duties to team leads under them. This has led to a somewhat distant employee/manager relationship with improvement based solely on written and verbal warnings. Secondly, there is a certain lack of communication between employees and management which is seen from the fact that to date none of the employee suggestions and opinions on policies or projects have been applied or even considered. Managers have only begun to be trained to communicate with their leads and hear their ideas.
Even though employee performance management is effectively measured with monthly and annual reviews, three still isn’t a standard system in place for recording and evaluating employee complaints. Thus far, they are only able to put forth their concerns via email, which lacks anonymity, further discouraging many who would like to remain anonymous Thirdly, ERC also needs to develop a regular approach to rewarding and appreciating its employees. It does intermittently hand out bonuses and rewards but on the whole needs a lot of improvement in reinforcing its employee’s hard work, motivation, and dedication.
For example, there still aren’t any programs rewarding employees of the month or handing out performance appraisals. Also, more frequent surveys are required in order to learn about the teams’ interests and opinions. This would allow the company to be up to date with the employee's needs and concerns. For example, the first and only survey taken the previous year revealed that though the employees felt motivated, their workload proved to be very stressful and draining making it hard to balance their work and personal life.
Lastly, there isn’t a formal coaching method in place because it requires too much time at the moment for ERC. Though goals are set and prioritized for the entire staff, only middle management so far receives coaching from a leadership academy offsite over a period of 12 months. ERC feels that they still need to develop their management before the rest of the staff can be considered for formal coaching and leadership techniques. Currently, they are only considering an in-house coach coming in quarterly, but as of now, only informal coaching is implemented for the employees.
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