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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is an illness faced by many children during their years life. However, connecting withnature has proven very efficient in overcoming this disorder on a significant level. Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder otherwise called ADHD is a disease faced by children during their learning stage where in their power to concentrate and focus gets decreased to a lower level. Many researches have been conducted to analyze the problems and solutions to this disorder .
However, the best cure for this disorder have been connecting with nature on consistent level. Children when learning in an environment with serene natural bounty has been found to learn and concentrate efficiently. Literature Review According to medical field, ADHD is caused by Defect in the central nervous system of a child. The doctors suggest that this disorder can be controlled to an extent by the elimination of refined sugar and other food additives. “Among students with ADHD, medication treatment was not related to better adjustment or diminished ADHD symptoms.
The contribution of inattention to academic concerns and depressive symptoms remained significant when controlling for personality traits”(Rabiner,2007,pg. 689-6990).However, nature is found to be the best medicine for this disorder at all times. Children learning in an open space with access to tress, plants, flowers and waterfalls have seen to be more attentive and pleasant while learning. Method The method used in this research is the quantitative research method, where in the effectiveness of natural treatment on ADHD suffering children is analyzed by surveys.
The behavioral patterns of the children when accessed to natural surrounding is studied by survey a better idea of effectiveness of the natural treatment .This gave an opportunity to assess the situation of the children with disease with regard to the natural environment. Results The study has proven that children with ADHD were performing better when taken to places with natural abundance. They were concentrating more and being more attentive when they were placed near plants, trees and flowers.
According to (Hance,2008)“The study compared walks in nature to those in urban or residential areas and found that the child’s ADHD improved most after walking in a green space”. This shows the dynamic effect of nature on the children with ADHD, and how they can be cured without the use of modern medication science. Nature definitely is the best cure for children with ADHD, and they can improve consistently in mental health without any dependence on other medication from doctors. Conclusion The Attentive Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a serious illness faced by children at younger age, which take away their opportunity to learn and grasp information during their educational life.
It is very serious matter and if nature could be the best medicine to overcome this disease, then steps should be taken by education institutions and colleges to help these children. “ADHD is one of the most studied of all the psychological disorders in children, but our knowledge is still incomplete and the diagnosis remains a controversy in many public and private sectors” (Lougy, 2002, pg.9).Even though there is no extensive research results to support that nature is the best medicine for ADHD, still being close to nature can never result in any loss to them.
References Hance , J. (2008, October 21). Nature helps with adhd—may even out-perform medication. Retrieved from Lougy, R.A. (2002). Adhd: a survival guide for parents and teachers . California: Hope Press Rabiner, D.L. (2007). Adjustment to college in students with adhd. Journal of Attention Disorders , 11(6), 689-699.
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