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The table below shows the summary of natural disasters that took place in Japan during last 30 years. Type of Natural disasters Number of Events (frequency) Rank Killed Rank Total Affected Rank Damage (000 US$) Rank overall priority rank Drought Drought 1 - - - ave. per event - - - Total 1 4 _ 4 _ 4 4 4 Earthquake (seismic activity) Earthquake (ground shaking) 47 166164 994246 148122400 ave. per event 3535.4 21154.2 3151540.
4 Tsunami 8 6477 25319 450000 ave. per event 809.6 3164.9 56250 Total 55 2 4345 1 24319.1 2 3207790.4 1 1.5 Epidemic Bacterial Infectious Diseases 2 1 534 - ave. per event 0.5 267 - Viral Infectious Diseases 1 - 2000000 - ave. per event - 2000000 - Total 3 4 0.5 4 2000267 1 _ 4 3.25 Extreme temperature Heat wave 3 138 18300 - ave. per event 46 6100 - Total 3 4 46 3 6100 3 _ 4 2.
5 Flood Unspecified 31 12814 7015269 268300 ave. per event 413.4 226299 8654.8 Flash flood 1 21 25807 1950000 ave. per event 21 25807 1950000 General flood 12 197 99266 1814000 ave. per event 16.4 8272.2 151166.7 Storm surge/coastal flood 2 34 384143 7440000 ave. per event 17 192072 3720000 total 46 2 467.8 2 452450 2 5829821.5 1 1.75 Mass movement wet Avalanche 1 4 13 - - ave.
per event 13 - - Landslide 20 989 25706 210000 ave. per event 49.5 1285.3 10500 total 21 3 62.5 3 1285.3 3 10500 2 2.75 Storm Unspecified 24 1890 192814 453500 ave. per event 78.8 8033.9 18895.8 Local storm 6 27 100499 363000 ave. per event 4.5 16749.8 60500 Tropical cyclone 109 32500 7512095 53055500 ave. per event 298.2 68918.3 486747.
7 total 139 1 381.5 2 93702 2 566143.5 2 1.75 Volcano Volcanic eruption 15 515 99979 132000 ave. per event 34.3 6665.3 8800 total 15 3 34.3 3 6665.3 3 8800 3 3 Wildfire Forest fire 1 - 222 - ave. per event - 222 - total 1 4 _ 4 222 4 _ 4 4 (The International disaster Database 1) As a disaster manager for Japan, I have ranked the disaster types in terms of priority by calculating average value of the four different ranks- rank in terms of frequency, rank in terms of number of people killed, rank in terms of total affected people and rank in terms of damage to the economy.
After calculating priority rank following this criterion, I have found that earthquake is the highest priority natural disaster, whereas wildfire and drought are the lowest priority natural disasters. Earthquake has obtained the highest priority rank as it holds very high rank for each of the variable. For examples, it holds the highest rank (1) for number of people killed per event and second highest rank (2) for frequency and total affected persons. 2. The most vulnerable area of Japan to earthquake is the Northeast Pacific coast of Japan containing the cities like Tokyo, Nagoya and Kobe.
( Bachelor 1) The pacific tectonic plates are considered to be the most active source of volcano activity and the movement of the plates. However in Japan, the two tectonic plates close to northeast Pacific coast of the country are always under pressure as the plates are always expanding, close to this region. ( Bachelor 1) Reference: 1. Bachelor, Rosemary E. World's 20 Most Earthquake Prone Cities. 2010. Retrieved from on 14th March, 2011. 2. The International disaster Database.
Summarized Table of Natural Disasters in Japanfrom 1900 to 2011. 2011. Retrieved from on 14th March, 2011
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