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reverse engineering of the human brain will take place by 2020 and then the inception of singularity will be in 2045. Technology will give enough power to machines to be able to evolve and continue evolving. This means by then they will be able to completely imitate the human brain. The need for information is never-ending. Information is endless and timeless. Singularity will ensure that the human mind will be surpassed by the development of better software consciousness. The transformation, he feels will be more beneficial than harm to the world at large.
I feel that the technology evolution as spoken by Ray Kurzweil would be evolutionary for the organizations and business world at large. It will succeed in automating the business process, in analyzing and taking futuristic decisions on its own. The foremost advantage of singularity for organizations would be that it will save time and will bring down the costs of large corporations. Large firms cannot risk wasting their time in procedural maneuvers and unwanted delays. It will ensure quick processing of information and reduces the burden of paperwork. It is difficult to manage large firms without proper records, so it will maintain work effectively with minimum chances of error. Such a system would strive for perfection; it keeps track of its order. It serves the customers efficiently by way of prompt response and follow-up. Whether it’s the case of queries of the customers or in the payment, it will provide them with ease in every procedure and administers them with detailed information.
Machines have sped up the whole process of manufacturing and accessing the status of the goods with a “click” of a button. Quick processing of information and fast transmit commodities through online transactions serve the customer efficiently and on time. Automation of supply chain management and advantages like better finance reports might seem short-term gains to the company, but place a great impact on the profits of the company in the long run. Singularity will evolve these processes manyfold. Singularity will also increase the employee’s productivity and provide them with the insights needed to make decisions that set the firms apart from their competitors. I will provide firms with a competitive advantage using automation, transformation, and as well as sharing common data across organizational boundaries. Based on the company integrating the system with its processes to make it unique and the cost and time put in will be offset by the benefits of the system.
On the contrary, along with several risks attached to it, it does not only affect the productivity and profitability of companies but also the environment around them. Complete understanding and adaptability of the transformation is required, which otherwise would stake the entire existence of the company.