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[Your full February 25, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper David Cole is the revisionist Jew who has been presenting the story of the homicidal gas chamber from the revisionist perspective in television shows and lectures. Dr. Franciszek Piper is the Director of Archives at the Auschwitz State Museum. In the interview as I understand, Piper affirms that the tourists who come to visit the suspected gas chamber located at the Auschwitz main camp from all countries of the world are made to believe that the chamber is in its original condition.
But in fact, it has gone through much reconstruction and renovation by the Soviet after the World War II due to which it now looks like a Nazi gas chamber. Piper reveals that the holes with Zyclon B induction halls that have been installed in the chamber’s roof are not original. The video is an astonishing footage in which a lie is unfolded about the originality of the gas chamber- a lie which has been told to the tourists for nearly half a century. The result that can be concluded is that the people who are running Auschwitz have been telling people false facts about the supposed chamber.
Thus, this video has helped the tourists reveal the truth and now they are no more told that the chamber in Auschwitz main camp is in its original condition. I am really impressed by this documentary video in which David Cole has very objectively and logically talked about the gas chamber. The official tourist guide is still telling Cole that the chamber is original but Piper reveals the deception at Auschwitz.
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