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Evaluating systamtic reviews(evidence based medicine) - Article Example

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Article Review 1. How effective is CBT(cognitive Behavioral Therapy) in the treatment of mild to moderate depression? The criteria for being selected for the sample in this study were to be above the age of 18 and have a Beck Depression Inventory Score of at least greater than 14…
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Evaluating systamtic reviews(evidence based medicine)
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Article Review How effective is CBT(cognitive Behavioral Therapy) in the treatment of mild to moderate depression? The criteria for being selected for the sample in this study were to be above the age of 18 and have a Beck Depression Inventory Score of at least greater than 14. Exclusion criteria for the study was attempts to suicide, psychotherapy in the past 6 months, use of antidepressants, restricted mobility, organic brain syndrome, or the inability to complete the inventory. The selection was not randomized because they wanted to look at people who specifically could be diagnosed with depression using the Beck Depression Inventory.

The search for the study was relatively complete and there was some validity to the study because it was shown that CBT was effective for 4 months, but there was no difference compared to GP by 1 year. Individual data was not used in the study rather it was grouped together in order to run statistical analysis to determine significance. CBT is more effective than GP at lowering depression by 4 months, but by 1 year there is no significant difference. 2. How effective is meditation in the treatment of exam anxiety?

There was no exact clinical question. It was a randomized trial study to see if people with a diagnosable anxiety disorder would benefit from different types of meditation in comparison to their counterparts of: pharmacological treatment, other psychological treatment, other methods of meditation, or no intervention at all. This study does not have much validity due to the fact that there are many different types of anxiety that are being measured. Individual patient data was not used specifically in analyzing the results.

Meditation is effective at cognitive restricting which can reduce anxiety, but does not reduce the anxiety as a treatment solely by itself.

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