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26 January, Nature-or-nurture thinking about intelligence is sometimes used as an excuse for racial discrimination. How can the interactionist approach be used as a basis for arguing against discriminatory practices? People’s misbeliefs regarding the genesis of personality and intelligence tend to validate the racial discrimination and inappropriate attitudes towards the society (Pinel 46). One’s upbringing and nurturing does play a big role in developing one’s social attitudes. However, one undergoes a continuous change of ideas and thinking through practical life experiences and interaction with others.
According to the interactionist approach, one is influenced by one’s surroundings and social company, which can always dominate the concepts inculcated in one by one’s parents/guardians. People adjust their behavior in accordance with their surroundings which in turn, modifies their views and beliefs. Thus, the interactionist approach does not approve discriminatory practices. Works cited: Pinel, John P. J. Biopsychology. 6th ed. Pearson Education India, 2006.
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