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The Purpose of the Skill in Mental Health Nursing - Assignment Example

The paper "The Purpose of the Skill in Mental Health Nursing" is a wonderful example of an assignment on nursing. Good and proper communication is the basis of any successful relationship. It is crucial to realize that even though it is our verbal communication that forms the largest part of individual communication, nonverbal cues speak the loudest…
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Analytic Reflective Paper Name Institution Tutor Date Nonverbal communication skill Good and proper communication is the basis of any successful relationship. It is crucial to realize that even though it is our verbal communication that forms the largest part of individual communication, non verbal cues such as gestures, eye contact, facial expression, tonal voice and posture speak the loudest. The ability to utilize and understand various non verbal communications is a powerful tool that helps individuals to connect with others and express what they really mean and create better relationships. Generally, non verbal communication can be seen as communication without words (Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). When communicating with others, individuals often obtain and provide wordless communications. All non verbal behaviors, the gestures individuals make, how they sit, how loud they speak and the eye contact they have often send strong messages. Such messages do not stop when individuals stop speaking. Even when individuals are silent, they still communicate nonverbally. More often, what individuals speak through their mouth and what they communicate through their body language are always different. When individuals are faced with such scenarios, they often choose whether to believe verbal or non verbal contents, and most preferably they always prefer nonverbal communication since it is natural and insentient language that indicates individual ideal feelings and their intentions at any time (O'Carroll and Park, 2007). The purpose of the skill in mental health nursing Mental health nursing is often a challenging but rewarding occupation. The role of mental health nurse is to support and promote recovery of individuals enabling such individuals to have full involvement and control over their conditions.  The role of mental health nursing encompasses creating and building effective relationship with various individuals. Mental health nurse can help one individual take their medication correctly and advice on the most appropriate social activity and therapies. Thus it is essential for mental health nurses to have good and proper communication skills to enable them communicate effectively with the patients. The success comes from being able to create and establish sound relationship quickly and help individuals understand their condition and obtain the best possible solution (Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). Nonverbal communication in health nursing is a vital component of all therapeutic interventions. The interpersonal skills and knowledge nurses possess and uses in communication are vital elements for helping individuals who have various health problems and helps in creating positive client-nurse relationship. Nonverbal communication requires that mental nurses use varied range of effective cues. Nonverbal communications is a form of communication that mental health nurses need to adept and help them in understanding their clients. Mental nurses need to be very observant and be able to notice the patient’s facial expression, posture, clothing, hand and eye movement and grooming habits. After tracking all nonverbal cues used by the patient, mental health nurses can predict the reactions and responses. Mental health nurses may also use nonverbal communication with their patient like listening and silence and offer the patients some sense of control ad acknowledgement. Facing the patient, leaning forward and maintaining eye contact with the patient are some ways the nurses can effectively communicate with the patients (O'Carroll and Park, 2007). Question, issue, or problem is the skill designed to deal with in mental health nursing Nonverbal communication is very important in mental health working environment. For instance, there are certain cases where the patients are unable to communicate verbally due to mental illness, thus prompting mental health offices to use non verbal communication. Non verbal communication helps in problem solving. Through non verbal cues, mental health nurses are able to ask realistic and relevant questions as to the problem patients are facing, help them to analyze information and finding sound decisions. Through non verbal cues, nurses are capable of solving problems easily. For instance, when the patient endangers his life by taking overdose drugs or is threatening to commit suicide, the mental health nurses must think and hinder or prevent bad outcome (Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). Mental patients need encouragement; they are often faced with life challenges that impact their mental functioning. Mental health nurses are skilled in using nonverbal communication techniques to help patients cope with their mental condition. For instance, mental health nurses are capable of offering encouragement, seeking clarification, and seeking any information from the client. Nonverbal communication helps in creating sound communication between the nurse and the patient and helps in solving various problems (Nash, 2014). The most important information a person needs to understand and be able to use the skill in mental health nursing There are several important information a nurse need to understand in order to use non verbal communication in mental health nursing. It is important to realize that proper nurse-patient relationship is the basis on which mental nursing is established. Through non verbal communication, nurses are capable of providing patients in need of psychosocial intervention. Mental health nurses need to be aware on how to gather information and gain trust from patients, patient’s relatives, friends, families and relevant social relations. Through verbal communication, nurses are able to effectively involve the patients in the treatment plan (Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). In practice, mental health nurses and patients send various messages by use of nonverbal communication. Thus it is of great importance for mental health nurses to be aware of their nonverbal communication techniques before exploring non verbal behaviour of their patients. However, nurses may not be aware of various non-verbal messages that they communicate and more critically, how such non verbal messages might impact their relationship and interaction with patients, their working mates and their families. Individuals need to learn and know body language and how to effectively incorporate it in their interaction with their patients while at the same time making sure they do not misinterpret various nonverbal communications. Additionally, mental health nurses need to be aware of various cultural backgrounds, it is of great importance for mental health nurses to be watchful and aware of various practices concerning the use of gender, eye contact and modify their language accordingly (O'Carroll and Park, 2007). What models, theories, or frameworks are available to help understand or practice the skill in mental health nursing Having and proper model or framework when listening to another person’s story helps one to develop creates clinical mindfulness and help the listeners organize what the individual has said(Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). The paper provides a framework that helps individuals to focus on both their listening and gain proper understanding of another person’s story. Framework to help understand the skill of nonverbal communication in mental health nursing The framework provides a scenario of Louise. Louise claimed that so many things had occurred since he was discharged from the hospital three months ago. She claims that she broke up with her Boy friend Harry and relocated to a new flat. Louise says that she likes the new location, even though it is smaller, the neighbours are very helpful and friendly. There are several times she sobbed a lot, however, she says she did the right thing to cry. They often argued with Harry over his drinking habit and about money. Often, Harry would beat her she told. Despite all this, Harry never gave up on her and keeps on calling her and want them the get back together. Louise claims that she misses Harry yet she does not need him anymore. She is much happier without him since there are no more arguments and she aims for greater things in future. She says that she prefers going out with her sister’s family. Experiences from the framework Patients might talk about their life experience, such as what happened to Louise. After being discharged from the hospital, Harry brakes up with her boy friend Harry, she moves to a new flat. She provides an account of what is currently happening in her life, she currently goes out on holidays with her sister’s family. Behaviours of behaviour from the framework The patient might talk of how they responded or behaved to various situations or conditions. Mental nurses might be interested in examining how the patient is responding while describing the case. For instance, Harry keeps on talking to Louise over the phone. Louis misses him and her eyes are filled with tears, however, she refuses to go back to Harry. Feelings, moods and emotions This encompasses the patients’ description of their feelings and expressing such feelings while narrating their story. For instance, there are several occasions Louise was upset and wept a lot for Missing Harry; she says this while weeping, but she told Harry that she do not need him again. Louise is much happier now. The nurse pays attention to her feelings, moods and emotions to realize what the patient is feeling and to understand the intensity of the problem. Non-verbal communication Just as discussed in the paper, there are several non verbal communication that can be used in mental health work place. Such facial expressions include body movements, facial expressions and tonal variations which may deny r confirm what is being said. Non verbal communication has a significant role in communication and caution need to be taken when using and interpreting nonverbal communication. For instance, on viewing the patient’s behaviour of using high and low tone, mental health nurses might deduce that the patient is angry, whereas, Louise claims that she is feels very cold and wants to be warm. Moreover, the nurse can keep track on emotions and feelings of the patient to deduce how they feel. Are there differences of opinion about this skill? Different perspectives or ways of implementing the skill in mental health nursing No verbal communication compliments verbal messages since it adds the meaning of the message or the content. Mental nurses may use various non verbal cues to compliment what they say to their patients. Additionally, patients may use non verbal cues to compliment their message to the mental health nurse. Consequently proponents of non-verbal communication claim that it makes presentation easy. Through non verbal communication, patients and nurses can easily present through audio visual, visual and silent means. They can as well substitute verbal content especially when it is hindered by noise, long distance, interruption and so on. For instance, the doctor can use gesture to inquire, facial expression and maintaining effective eye contact. Moreover, non verbal communication helps in communicating with deaf patients. Through use of gestures, deaf patients are capable of expressing their feelings and exchange various messages (Nash, 2014). Despite the advantages provided by proponents, there are other who feel non verbal communication is not appropriate and do not lead to proper communication in mental health sector. They claim that, non verbal communications are imprecise and vague. This is because they is no use of language or words which clearly expresses clear meaning of the content. The meanings of non verbal communication vary in cultural context. Consequently, the messages are culture bound; they claim that, non-verbal communication is studied from childhood and passed on by the parents. Evidence claim that, most cultures frown when they are sad and smile when happy. Moreover, long conversations are not possible in non verbal communication. Ling conversations are essential in used in providing detailed explanation of the problem. It is also difficult to understand non verbal communication. It requires a lot of repetitions. As a result, they feel that nonverbal communication is not appropriate to be used in mental health nursing (O'Carroll and Park, 2007). Some of the assumptions behind the skill -- the things that are taken for granted about this skill in mental health nursing There are some assumptions made when using nonverbal communication in mental health nursing. It is always assumed that nonverbal communication is often a transferable skill. However, there exist two main problematic factors. The fast factor is that, non verbal communication has both function and from, the factor is that is not translated directly. The first factor makes it difficult to teach non-verbal communication, while second factor leads to misunderstandings and breakdown in intellectual communication. Expression, gestures and other forms of non verbal communication have functions which should be taught with their forms. Non verbal communication executes various functions such as managing identity, conveying feelings and attitudes and defining relationships (Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). What would the consequences be of not being able to use this skill in mental health nursing There are several consequences that may arise in mental health nursing when non verbal communications are not used as a means of communication. The first consequence is that lack of nonverbal communication can lead to poor patient- nurse relationship. Nurses are not able to communicate effectively with the patients and create a sound relationship. From the study, it is evident that, through non-verbal communication, nurses and patients can create a sound relationship and communicate effectively with one another. Verbal communication helps by complementing the message. Lack of non verbal communication makes the patients not to be fully involved in the treatment plan; it is through non verbal communication that patients are actively involved in their treatment plan. Mental health nursing depends entirely on non verbal communication. Lack of nonverbal communication can lead to poor communication and lack of treatment. For instance, touch is a non verbal communication which breaks down the barrier between the nurse and the patient. Touch is very procedural and instrumental, for instance, the use of touch is deliberate or necessary. Touch can be used during injections dressing the patient and taking blood pressure. Thus lack of non verbal communication in mental health nursing can lead to a massive failure and the patients may lack full access of their medication. An outline of your findings after researching the skill you chose Nonverbal communication is the skill which can be used effectively in mental health nursing. Its benefits are manifold and lead to better patient-nurse relationship. The paper analyses and describes the skills and how it can impact operations within mental health nursing environment. It describes the issues and problems the skill can effectively address, additionally; there is a framework and model which can effectively help in understanding the skill. There are assumptions which underlie the skill and lack of this skill in mental health nursing can lead to massive failure in mental health nursing. There is effective and more elaborate way I can use to teach the skill to my colleagues and make them productive in their operations. This skill can be improved and used in future. An outline of the process you used to evaluate and teach the skill to your professional colleagues The skill is very vital for my processional colleagues and they need to have clear understanding of how it can impact their engagement with the patients. In order to make them effectively understand the skill, I will use teaching aids to demonstrate to them the importance of non verbal communication. There is often a notion that, individuals forget what they hear, they remember what they see and what they do, they often remember. This forms the basis of my teaching process and involves all my colleagues in learning environment. I will use pictures and practical demonstrations to improve my communication with my colleagues. I can access chalkboard, poster and overhead projectors. I can use all these to prepare the lesson and summarize important points and facts. The process is simple and easy to understand. I will use various nonverbal cues to help them understand their importance and ask them for feedback. This will help them realize the importance of nonverbal communication and have interest in trying it out. The last stage is making them practice and try out what they have learnt, through this, they are able to use various non verbal cues and demonstrate their understanding of the content. A reflection on the process and outcome of your teaching session The process is very effective in teaching my professional colleagues on how to effectively use non verbal communication within the working environment. The process provides step by step analysis of the skill and provides clear explanation of how it can bring about positive nurse- patient relationship. Moreover, the process is precise, clear and easy to understand. Other professional has less or minimum time in understanding the process. In addition, the outcome is likely to be positive. Since the process is simple and easy to understand, all professionals are able to understand the whole process and effectively implement it. This improves nursing activities within mental health nursing environment. There is a possibility of patient-nurse relationship and proper understanding among nurses and their clients. What might be done in the future to continue improving the skill in your workplace Non verbal communication is very vital in mental health nursing. Thus its use within the work place is important in improving the operations of health nurses. The skill is important in the work place since it impacts working environment. What individuals communicate nonverbally exposes what they feel. If their nonverbal communications are poor, they may communicate poorly and create discomfort within the working environment. In order to improve nonverbal skills in mental nursing environment, it is appropriate to first realize areas where one is lacking. The first area is maintaining eye contact. When communicating with other individuals need to maintain eye contact. This shows that individuals are interested in what they are saying. When providing presentation in the work environment, it is vital to maintain eye contact with the audience. Again, there should be emphasis on improvement of facial expressions. Facial expressions help in conveying individual emotions. They are universally used, thus conveying universal messages globally. The use of facial expression may in indicate the emotions of the nurse and that of the patients. Facial expressions indicate whether individuals are in good moods or are happy. Additionally, facial expression creates a happy atmosphere full of friendliness and enables others to feel more comfortable. Another area which needs improvement is on the tonal variation. Individuals’ voice and tone can tell others their thoughts even without speaking. When obtaining messages from the client and immediately grunt, this shows that the individual do not agree with what is being said. Individuals’ sounds or tone can inform others about their frustration, anger and sarcasm. It is in order to speak calmly and softly and avoid high pitched voice. All these can help improve nonverbal communication within the working environment and make operations and nursing a activities a success. REFERENCE Nash, M. (2014). Physical health and well-being in mental health nursing: Clinical skills for practice. Buckingham: Open University Morrissey, J., & Callaghan, P. (2011). Communication skills for mental health nurses. Maidenhead: Open University Press O'Carroll, M., & Park, A. (2007). Essential mental health nursing skills. Edinburgh: Mosby Read More

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