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Discussion posts due: Discussion one I agree with Peng Anderson about blood glucose levels and medication adherence in individuals with type II diabetes with the support of text message. A DSME program that involves text message support is more effective in enhancing lower blood glucose levels and medication adherence. Text message support is a strategy utilised in patients with type II diabetes to manage the illness. Efficient diabetes management needs demanding and continual self-care procedures and behaviours in various areas.
For instance, measuring and testing glucose level, diet control, information update about diabetes from library and insulin injection. The patients are expected to record all the results obtained. Text messaging makes it easy for patients to send the blood glucose results to their doctor on time and in response receive intervention feedback to support self-care management (Sarnikar, Bennett & Gaynor, 2013). Discussion two I agree with Katherine Johnson that the introduction of FASD topic in high school sex education is effective in lowering the number of babies born with the disorder.
Effective strategies to minimise FASD comprise of comprehensive and early education about the hazards of alcohol intake during pregnancy. In order to minimise the number of babies born with FASD, prevention is the best alternative. Sex education programs provided in the private and public schools is a suitable venue to teach about FASD (Miller, Blumenthal & Chamberlain, 2015). Such a program can assist in implementing CHOICES, which is a program for women about selecting healthy behaviours to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies.
The teenagers can access information that assist women to learn how to abstain from alcohol and use birth control techniques effectively. In addition, the youth will benefit from addiction rehabilitation and correctional settings (Hanson, Wilton, & Langland, 2015). References Hanson, M., Wilton, G., & Langland, K. (2015, March 7). Project CHOICES: Prevention of FASD with American Indian Communities. Retrieved June 9, 2015, from
pdf Miller, M. K., Blumenthal, J. A., & Chamberlain, J. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of community sentiment. Springer. Sarnikar, S., Bennett, D., & Gaynor, M. (2013). Cases on healthcare information technology for patient care management. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference.
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